佐藤 治夫 須田 理恵
英米文化 (ISSN:09173536)
no.37, pp.5-23, 2007-03-31

The authors tried to show that the economical improvements followed by the successful publication and sales of Lady Chatterley's Lover lead to the gradual and important change in D.H. Lawrence's attitude towards his own economical conditions, which may even partly account for his slightly shifted world view, as seen in his later works. Mention is also made to the unpublished memos Memoranda Book, which distinctively shows how Lawrence struggled with the incoming flow of money by the sales of his most notorious novel of his day. His newly expanded income brought about significant changes to his life. Even his exodus from Britain, after the long-term confinement in the United Kingdom because of WWI, would have been impossible without additional income from his various literary activities. The change is quite well illustrated in his Pansies published in 1929, which appearstobe scatteredwithso many uses ofthe word,'money'and itsclosely relatedwords andphrasesinmanyofthepoemscontained. Someofsuchpoemsapparentlyshowthetrail of his thoughts which was changing from contemptuous to condescending ones, especially to people of all classes in the British society in his times. Contrary to the general evaluation of Pansies, the poems are found to be of great value to Lawrencian scholarship especially in the fields of his biographical incidence and poetic works.
須田 理恵
現代英米文化 (ISSN:24330728)
vol.18, pp.50-60, 1988-03-12 (Released:2017-09-07)

D. H. Lawrence is apt to be misunderstood. Among all sorts of calumniations, what most maliciously framed is to have reckoned him to be an autocrat or a dictator like Hitler before and during the Second World War. It is deemed that this might have been caused, because he tried to maintain his dignity to be a writer by nature ; that is, to be natural as a writere for him was the foremost principle for him. So that he did not take any heed of criticism toward him, but pursued his own sensibility. Accordingly, he was a born traveler and adventurer who found the spirit of place that his sensibility had chosen. He thought, 'A book lives as long as it is unfathomed' and he lived a life which was immeasurable. Lawrence did not utilize any kind of technique that twentieth century writers such as Proust or Joyce did. He used only his sensibility so that nature made him know how he developed his new way of life. From these points of view, I scrutinized how Lawrence was thought to be a Primitivist in this thesis.
松原 詩緒 須田 理恵
一般社団法人 日本繊維製品消費科学会
繊維製品消費科学 (ISSN:00372072)
vol.56, no.5, pp.447-454, 2015-05-20 (Released:2017-11-28)

須田 理恵 田村 照子
一般社団法人 日本家政学会
vol.59, pp.165, 2007

<BR><B>目的</B> 2005年の京都議定書発効に端を発した環境省によるクールビズ・ウォームビズの呼びかけに対して,夏はより涼しく冬はより暖かい肌着の開発が進められている。本研究では近年の開発肌着について,素材の物性と肌触りの関係,およびこれに及ぼす環境温度条件の影響を検討した。<BR><B>方法</B> 対象肌着は,試料提供企業が2005年度市販用に開発した10種の素材を用いた同一サイズ・同一パターンのU首半袖シャツで,素材特性としては基本特性のほか,熱・水分特性(乾・湿時熱損失値,熱伝導率,熱コンダクタンス,接触冷温感,保温性,透湿性,吸湿性,吸水性)並びに力学特性(剛軟性,引っ張り,曲げ,せん断,表面摩擦,表面粗さ,圧縮特性)を測定した。肌触りについては,手触りと着用感を,環境温度22℃,28℃,34℃,いずれも湿度50%一定の条件下で,SD法を用いて評価した。被験者はMサイズ着用可能な女子学生16名である。<BR><B>結果</B> 手触りにおける快適感は,いずれの温度条件においても,共通して滑らかさ・柔らかさ・べたつき感という布地の表面的な風合いを示す官能量が高い相関を示し,物性値としては通気性,コース方向における表面粗さ変動(SMD)の寄与が大きいことが示された。一方,着用感における快適感については,環境温度の関与が見られ,22℃では,しなやかさ,28℃ではこれにゆるみ感が加わり,34℃では,さらに清涼感が加わることが示された。また,着用感と素材物性間の重回帰分析によると,22℃では,表面粗さと摩擦,28℃では,吸湿性が加わり,34℃では,引張り・圧縮などの力学特性の関与が認められた。