服部 元史 中坊 保則 田所 諭 高森 年 山田 和人
日本機械学会論文集. C編 (ISSN:03875024)
vol.66, no.644, pp.1243-1249, 2000-04-25

In order to establish method to design humanoid robots' motions with fertile emotions, the authors are analysing the Bunraku puppet's motions which are generated by the experts of puppet's manupulation. The many puppet's motions with some functions and with some emotions are observed. To simplify the observed puppet's motions, each puppet's motions are divided into the motion of the puppet's axes(the main part of the motion)and the relative motion(accompaniment). In this paper, the motions of the puppet's axes are analysed. The graphs of the motions of the puppet's axes consist of same factors if the motions have the same functions even though they have the different emotions. The graphs of the same factors have similar forms, but their time length and amplitudes differ, if they have the different emotions. The above factors are computed from the data of the motions of the axes based on the wavelet coefficients of the data which express the local forms of the graphs. The authors analyse how the time length and the amplitude of the factor changes as its emotion changes. This knowledge is applied to generate humanoid robots' motions with fertile emotions from their motions with no emotion.
菅野 隆 田所 諭 服部 元史 高森 年 小黒 啓介
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 C編 (ISSN:03875024)
vol.62, no.598, pp.2299-2305, 1996-06-25 (Released:2008-02-26)
5 7

An ionic conducting polymer gel film (ICPF) atuator is a composite of a perfluoro-sulfonic acid membrane sandwiched between platinum layers. Bending motion is induced by applying voltage between the surfaces in water or in wet conditions. This phenomenon was discovered in 1992. After reaching the maximum displacement toward the anode immediately, the actuator bent back to the cathode side, and approached the initial position gradually when a step voltage was applied. Current through the actuator decreased exponentially. The maximum displacement was proportional to the magnitude of the step voltage. Motion induced by a step current was almost the same as that induced by a step voltage but was slower. Voltage induced by the current increased gradually and reached a certain value, then increased once more to a steady voltage. The motion did not depend on the direction on the surface. The bending occured in all directions. Larger displacement was observed near the electrode. Dynamics of the actuator was expressed in terms of a 4th-degree transfer function by black-box linear modeling. Simulation results were in good agrrement with the experimental results.