高橋 ひとみ/衞藤 隆 衞藤 隆
人間文化研究 (ISSN:21889031)
no.2, pp.193-210, 2015-03-23

It is proposed that near-vision acuity tests be conducted in kindergartens and nurseries throughout the country and that infant medical checkups should also be carried out. This will allow early detection of and timely treatment for children with amblyopia. The younger the age at which these tests are carried out, the more effective they will be. If amblyopia is detected and treated by the age of 3, most children will be able to complete their treatment before reaching school age. This will enable them to begin their school life without being burdened by poor eyesight, and contribute to a society in which all children have equal access to compulsory education. To bring about that end, the introduction of "reliable" visual acuity tests over a short time is necessary. I considered the best form of visual acuity test from the standpoint of both the infant to be tested and that of the teacher carrying out the test. In order to ensure "reliability", it is necessary to use the Landolt Ring eye-mark, which meets definitions of eyesight. In addition, a picture-based eye-mark is recommended, as it is more likely to gain the understanding of the infant being tested. Avisual acuity test will be more effective if infants have already grown accustomed to the Landolt Ring during play. This picture book was devised with that aim in mind.
高橋 ひとみ/衞藤 隆 衞藤 隆
桃山学院大学総合研究所紀要 (ISSN:1346048X)
vol.41, no.1, pp.1-18, 2015-07-27

The visual acuity test in a kindergarten and the nursery school is neglected. We can relieve a child becoming amblyopia by early detection, early treatment if we carry out the near visual acuity test in kindergartens, nursery schools of the whole country and an infant medical checkup. The curative effect is big approximately low age. We think that children can finish the amblyopia training if we can detect amblyopia at 3 years old before compulsory education begins. And we think that children can start school life without a burden by the poor eyesight. We hope at the society where all children can enjoy compulsory education fairly. We must perform the visual acuity test of the infant. To that end, the enforcement of the visual acuity test that "is reliable" for "a short time" is necessary. We devised a picture book and the visual acuity test kit. An infant can easily answer it that he is usually used to Landolt ring in a picture book. We do not perform it as an exercise of the visual acuity tests and hope Landolt ring to fit it while being fun, and playing.