小林 みどり 高野 加代子
経営と情報 : 静岡県立大学・経営情報学部/学報 (ISSN:09188215)
vol.16, no.2, pp.57-60, 2004-03-15

We report a method to estimate what percentage of students who passed the entrance examination actually enter the school using the central limit theorem.
碇 朋子 岩崎 邦彦 大平 純彦 勝矢 光昭 小出 義夫 五島 綾子 小林 みどり 鈴木 直義 鈴木 竜太 高野 加代子 福田 宏 堀内 義秀 武藤 伸明 森 勇治 湯瀬 裕昭 渡邉 貴之 渡部 和雄
経営と情報 : 静岡県立大学・経営情報学部/学報 (ISSN:09188215)
vol.14, no.2, pp.69-82, 2002-03-25

School of Administration and Informatics (hereafter, AI) at the University of Shizuoka holds a monthly faculty research session. In the academic year of 2001-02, it was decided that the research session would adopt the systems conversation (i.e. brainstorming) style of the International Systems Institute, and have the following steps: 1. Decision on the theme to work on; 2. Input paper circulation and dialogue by email; 3. Conversation session; 4. Circulation of report from a conversation session, which also serves as the input paper for the next session; and, 5. Final report based on the above interactions. Participation in the input paper submission, conversation, and report writing is all-voluntary. It was decided that the theme be "Roles of Information Education and Computer Education in the Educational Program of the School of Administration and Informatics." This is a topic that all the AI faculty from various academic disciplines could work on. Through such a conversation process, we have two major outcomes: 1. Dialogue among the AI faculty across their A (Administration and Accounting), M (Mathematics and Model-building), and C (Computer and Communication) backgrounds. 2. Common understanding that the AI faculty members have various interpretations of the concepts such as information education; computer education; nature and levels of information and computer-related knowledge and skills the AI graduates are expected to have. Yet, regarding the necessary levels of knowledge and skills required for the AI graduates, the AI faculty seems to have, or have come to an agreement on their contents. Another point of agreement is that information education and computer education need to be linked not only to their advanced levels, but also the A and the M courses.
ゴヴィエット クインユン 小林 みどり 大平 純彦 高野 加代子
経営と情報 : 静岡県立大学・経営情報学部/学報 (ISSN:09188215)
vol.16, no.2, pp.41-56, 2004-03-15

We analyzed economic and social development in 42 countries of the world with statistical data from the World Bank and the United Nations Development Program. Using Principal Component Analysis, we found 6 principal components; economic and social development level, economic growth potential, trade dependency, agricultural development, agricultural potential and inflation. We also categorized the countries using Cluster Analysis.