福田 宏
日本ベントス学会誌 (ISSN:1345112X)
vol.56, pp.33-41, 2001-07-15 (Released:2009-08-07)
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The present status of the molluscs of the Suô-nada Sea coast is reported, and conservation of the species diversity there is discussed. This place is exceptional in modern Japan due to its extremely high biodiversity. Few people appreciate the rich biota in these tidal-flat ecosystems, and major destruction there has already begun. For the conservation of the biota of the Suô-nada Sea, it is essential to recognize the relationships between species and their microhabitats, because the habitats of most tidal-flat species are very restricted in space. Here I discuss some major problems in the conduct of environmental assessment studies in Japan, as illustrated by research into the expected impact on the molluscan fauna of the construction of the Kaminoseki Nuclear Power Plant on Nagashima Island. These problems include misidentifications, underestimation of faunal or ecological richness, failure of artificial plantings or mitigation, misleading treatment of the concept of conservation, and emphasis on protection of only a few species useful for human beings. I also discuss the role of amateur researchers in the conservation of tidal flats. Amateurs sometimes can provide new and precise information on the status of species, which is important when there have been recent rapid changes in environmental conditions. On the other hand, amateurs must understand that many species are endangered today and should not be overhunted only for private purposes.
亀田 勇一 福田 宏
Venus (Journal of the Malacological Society of Japan) (ISSN:13482955)
vol.73, no.1-2, pp.15-40, 2015-01-15 (Released:2016-05-31)

シメクチマイマイSatsuma ferrugineaは「備前国岡山」をタイプ産地として記載され,鞭状器の形態に多型があることが知られている。このうちタイプ産地を含む岡山県,および対岸の香川県からは,鉤状と棒状の2型が記録されている。この2型を分子系統解析と形態解析によって比較した結果,本来のS. ferrugineaは鉤状の個体群に相当し,先端の丸い棒状の鞭状器を持つグループは,シメクチマイマイとは遺伝的交流のほとんどない姉妹種かつ新種であると判断された。この新種は備讃瀬戸周辺の島々と荘内半島,浅口市~岡山市南部に分布している。倉敷市や岡山市南部の丘陵地は土砂の堆積や干拓によって有史以降に陸続きとなった島であり,本新種の分布はこれらの丘陵地に限定されていることから,本来は本州や四国本土にはほとんど分布せず,瀬戸内海中部の島嶼部に固有であった可能性が高い。生息地はいずれも他の陸貝の種がわずかしか生息しない乾いた林内であることから,本新種は瀬戸内海島嶼部の乾燥した気候に適応した種であると考えられる。Satsuma ferruginea(Pilsbry, 1900)シメクチマイマイ殻は低い円錐形で,殻径12.7~22.2 mm,殻長 9.8~16.9 mm 程度,4.0~6.3層。殻表は時に鱗片状の殻皮毛を持ち,光沢は弱く,淡黄白色~赤褐色を呈する。周縁は丸く,褐色の色帯を有する。胎殻表面には鱗片状ないしは皺状の殻皮を持つ。殻口は丸みを帯びた菱形で1個の底唇突起を持つ。臍孔は開く。生殖器では陰茎・膣ともに後端に向けてやや肥厚する。陰茎本体はほぼ一様の太さで,多くは陰茎より長い。鞭状器は中ほどでやや肥厚し,先端は細くすぼまり,曲がって鉤状となる。兵庫県以西の本州と四国,九州の一部に分布する。紀伊半島や京都府以東での分布記録は他種の誤同定で,本種の確実な記録はない。高知県中部をタイプ産地とするオビシメクチマイマイSatsuma zonata(Pilsbry & Hirase, 1904)は殻の形態に差異が見られるものの,生殖器雄性部の形態や分子情報からは本種と区別できないため,異名とする。本種に対してシメクチマイマイという和名を対応させることの妥当性については亀田(2014)を参照されたい。Satsuma akiratadai n. sp. アキラマイマイ(新種・新称)殻は殻径14.2~18.8 mm,殻長 9.9~13.9 mm 程度,4.4~6.0層。前種に酷似し,統計的解析を行っても区別はつけづらい。生殖器では陰茎・膣ともに後端に向けてやや肥厚する。陰茎本体はほぼ一様の太さで陰茎より長い。鞭状器は一様の太さで,やや長く,先端は丸い。タイプ産地は岡山県倉敷市鶴形山。岡山県南部(岡山市南区・早島町・玉野市・倉敷市・浅口市)及び香川県島嶼部と荘内半島北端にのみ分布し,備讃地方の固有種と考えられる。本種の和名および学名は,永年シメクチマイマイ類の研究を続けており,本種個体群の存在を最初に見出した多田 昭氏に献名するものである。
福田 宏
日本ベントス学会誌 (ISSN:1345112X)
vol.59, pp.68-73, 2004-07-28 (Released:2009-08-07)
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Numerous alien species have been reported in Japanese waters in recent years, but identifications of these species are difficult in most cases. In the Ariake Inland Sea, two new alien gastropods were found in 2000. One of them is Nassarius (Zeuxis) sinarus (Philippi, 1851) from China. This carnivorous species has recently increased explosively in number and has become a pest, eating fish caught in traps. This problem has spread rapidly over wide regions of the Ariake Inland Sea, with goby fisheries using traps in the central and western parts of Saga Prefecture suffering most. Unfortunately, this species was initially misidentified as the endangered species Mitrella martensi (Lischke, 1871). The other alien gastropod species is Stenothyra sp. from Korea. It is an undescribed species in spite of being an alien and had never before been reported from Korea. This case shows that alien species include not only ones that are abundant in their original distribution range, but also unrecognized ones. Several other taxonomic problems posed by alien species are reviewed. Most alien species in Japan have at first been misidentified and/or confused with other species. One of the most important measures to prevent such confusion is the adequate preparation of specimens. Because alien species often appear suddenly, we can not know their origin immediately. If enough specimens are preserved, exact identification may be made through subsequent study. In this connection, alpha-taxonomy will become ever more significant from now on. Comprehensive revisional works for many taxa will be needed in order to identify the alien species.
福田 宏
化石 (ISSN:00229202)
vol.76, pp.100-106, 2004-09-22 (Released:2017-10-03)

The Recent molluscan fauna of the Ariake Inland Sea is well known as comprising of many unique species. Especially it contains the Chinese Continental faunal elements, which are restricted to the innermost parts of a few large bays of Japan. However, most of them have become extinct or endangered in the recent years because of the rapid artificial change of coastal environment including landfilling, reclamations, bank-protection and pollutions and the destructions of habitats. Also, very few faunal surveys were done before the recent major extinction. Therefore the original molluscan fauna of the Ariake Inland Sea still remains obscure (especially in the subtidal zones). On the other hand, several alien species have artificially been introduced from China or Korea with imported edible clams and also widespread to other areas of Japan through the Ariake Inland Sea. Some of these species had been threatened in Japan before the recent intrusion and it is difficult to distinguish the alien populations from the native ones at present because the lacking of enough records of the original fauna. To solve such confusion and to conserve the native fauna, species, and populations, it is pointed out that the most important thing is the detailed faunal survey and databasing based on extant collection of specimens from now on.
川井田 政弘 福田 宏之 加納 滋 蓼原 東紅 大木 和明 凌 梅英 紀太 康一
The Japan Broncho-esophagological Society
日本気管食道科学会会報 (ISSN:00290645)
vol.38, no.3, pp.309-313, 1987-06-10 (Released:2010-02-22)

This is a report of a patient with sudden hoarseness which was probably caused by mis-inhalation of a commercially-available alkaline disinfectant. The patient was a 27-year-old female who sprayed it in a small room in order to prevent mould. She said she inhaled carelessly much amount of it. Next day, she suffered from hoarseness and strange sensation in her throat and visited our clinic.The laryngo-fiberscopical observation revealed that there were small masses with smooth suface at the posterior wall of the larynx bilaterally.The masses were resected under microlaryngoscopy and vaporized completely with a CO2 laser. A histopathological study revealed that the masses were nonspecific glanulomas.This disinfectant was one of strong alkalis chiefly consisting of NaOCl and NaOH. The corrosive action of the strong alkali might cause minute injuries around the bilateral vocal processes of the arytenoid cartilages. The granulomatous mass was probably produced by the injuries with secondarily occured bacterial infection.No recurrence has been found under the mirror-laryngoscopy after the treatment.
長西 秀樹 森 有子 木村 美和子 中川 秀樹 田村 悦代 新美 成二 福田 宏之
音声言語医学 (ISSN:00302813)
vol.53, no.2, pp.153-157, 2012 (Released:2012-06-11)

岡本 泰典 福田 宏
漂着物学会誌 (ISSN:13491555)
vol.13, pp.21-26, 2015-12-25 (Released:2022-08-30)

Empty shells of a tropical cephalopod Nautilus pompilius Linnaeus, 1758 (Nautilida: Nautilidae) are known to be drifted to the coasts of the Japanese Archipelago, but it has been believed that no record was present on the Pacific coasts of the Tohoku District, northern Honshu, where is distant from the Kuroshio and the Tsushima Current. However, a drifted shell of the species has been handed down since 1812 (Bunka 9 in the Edo Period) in the Suzuki Family, Shichigahama-machi, Miyagi-gun, Miyagi Prefecture. According to a tradition in the Suzukis, the shell appeared as attached to a sea turtle from off Shichigahama, and the history of the drift and preservation was recorded in old literature. Sincethen, the Suzukis have called the shell " Fuketsu-no-kai " and carefully preserved it as their heirloom. The name Fuketsu-no-kai is a probable corruption of " Kuketsu-no-kai " that is one of the Japanese synonyms of the species in the Edo Period. In Niigata Prefecture, the drifted shells of the present species are called Kuketsu-nokai and revered. Therefore, this folklore is assumed to have been introduced into the Pacifi ccoast of Miyagi Prefecture by religious people. The present shell is thought to be a highly important specimen in the contexts of natural history, historiography and folkloristics: the present shell is a very rare case of the drift of the species into the Pacific coast of the Tohoku District; the detailed story of the drift can be documented by old literature; the present shell is a good example showing an old Japanese folklore of worship of the species.
橋本 伸也 野村 真理 小森 宏美 吉岡 潤 福田 宏 姉川 雄大 梶 さやか

福田 宏幸
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会全国大会論文集 第34回 (2020)
pp.4K2GS302, 2020 (Released:2020-06-19)

宮本 真 楠山 敏行 森 有子 中川 秀樹 田村 悦代 新美 成二 福田 宏之
喉頭 (ISSN:09156127)
vol.21, no.2, pp.117-122, 2009-12-01 (Released:2014-12-26)

Vocal fold scarring due to injury, inflammation or surgery results in stiffness of the layer structure of the vocal fold. In addition, the mucosal waves are singnificantly affected, thereby resulting in severe dysphonia. Many therapeutic strategies have been attempted for the treatment of vocal fold scarring including voice therapy, steroid injection, injection laryngoplasty, tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. Our surgical method involves the removal of the vocal fold scarring under laryngomicrosurgery. From 2001 to 2007, we performed our phonosurgery technique on 18 patients with vocal fold scarring. The 15 patients whom were observed over two months (6 men and 9 women) ranged in age from 19 to 67 years (average age, 42.9 years). Our observations involved evaluation of subjective symptoms, as well as stroboscopic and phonometer examinations. The operation is performed under the general anesthesia. The approach is to resect the vocal fold nodule-like scarring and to resect vocal fold scarring under the mucosal epithelium. Twelve of the 18 patients had satisfactory post-surgery traveling waves and phonation. Definitive strategies in the treatment of vocal fold scarring have yet to be established. Our surgical method to treat scar formation is to remove the scar tissue under the mucosa. The key point is that we strive to attain the most excellent wound healing in order to achieve the closest reproduction of a normal vocal fold structure.
馬 燕 福田 宏之 牧野 克己 酒向 司 塩谷 彰浩 神崎 仁
The Japan Broncho-esophagological Society
日本気管食道科学会会報 (ISSN:00290645)
vol.43, no.4, pp.339-343, 1992-08-10 (Released:2010-06-11)

The therapeutic method for laryngeal papilloma is still not definitely established. It is a general principle that the laryngeal papilloma should be surgically removed as much as possible. For the purpose, laser surgery has been used and therapeutic potency could be expected to some extent. However, since this disease is a high recurrence, especially in case of infant or child, it is easily induced to papillomatosis, resulting in the tracheal invasion.Here, in this paper a case of laryngeal papillomatosis is reported. The patient is 10 years old, and received frequent surgical operations without any success. For this case, medication with the traditional Chinese medicine has been performed, resulting in no recurrence.
石川 隆一 和泉 興 林 秀和 福田 宏幸
2019年度 人工知能学会全国大会(第33回)

福田 宏

川崎 順久 福田 宏之 辻 ドミンゴス浩司 塩谷 彰浩 高山 悦代 川井田 政弘
The Japan Broncho-esophagological Society
日本気管食道科学会会報 (ISSN:00290645)
vol.41, no.3, pp.236-240, 1990

Recently CO2 laser surgery has been employed for Ti glottic cancer to avoid side effects caused by irradiation. However phonatory disturbance caused by post-operative anterior glottic web is sometime troublesome to patients. In this study, a survey of 17 patients with Ti glottic cancer, whose anterior comissure was vaporized with CO2 laser, was reviewed. In eight cases among them, anterior glottic web was observed during post operative course. Hence, we applied the fibrin glue (Tisseel) on the vaporized wound in 4 cases of Ti glottic cancer to avoid post-operative anterior glottic web. Post-operative wound healing of vocal folds were excellent in each cases. In the cases of anterior comissure involvement, the fibrin glue is applicable adjunct for prevention of anterior glottic web with CO2 laser surgery.
川崎 順久 福田 宏之 辻 (ドミンゴス)浩司 酒向 司 塩谷 彰浩 馬 燕 川井田 政弘
The Japan Broncho-esophagological Society
日本気管食道科学会会報 (ISSN:00290645)
vol.43, no.1, pp.38-42, 1992

Neurinoma of the vocal fold is not common. A 43-year-old female with neurinoma of the left vocal fold was treated by microlaryngeal surgery. Clinical observation using laryngostrobovideography and CT revealed a smooth mass localized in the left vocal fold. The tumor was successfully removed under general anesthesia by microlaryngeal surgery. We applied the fibrin-glue (Tisseel®) on the surgical wound of the vocal fold to avoid post-operative scar. Postoperative wound healing of the vocal fold was excellent in this case. Her phonatory function was satisfactory and no tumor recurrence have been noted after surgery. In this case, the fibrin glue might have good effect on the wound healing of the vocal fold.
川崎 順久 福田 宏之 酒向 司 塩谷 彰浩 辻 ドミンゴス 浩司 高山 悦代 蓼原 東紅
The Japan Society of Logopedics and Phoniatrics
音声言語医学 (ISSN:00302813)
vol.31, no.4, pp.381-387, 1990

小児声帯結節の治療方針について, 全国の耳鼻咽喉科医62名を対象にアンケート調査を行った.その結果, (1) 60名中55名が小児声帯結節は男児に多いと回答した. (2) 治療方針は保存的治療, 経過観察, 希望があれば手術を行う, の順に多かった. (3) 積極的に手術を施行しない理由として, 再発しやすいから, 自然治癒しやすいから, との回答が多かった. (4) 手術を行う場合, 96.9%が入院のうえ, 93.8%が挿管全身麻酔によるラリンゴマイクロサージェリーを施行すると回答した. (5) 以上の結果から, 小児声帯結節の治療方針として, まずは保存的治療あるいは経過観察を行うという意見が大半を占めたが, 音声外科を専門としない耳鼻咽喉科医の間では本疾患の自然治癒に関する認識は不十分であった.
堀 成夫 福田 宏
The Malacological Society of Japan
貝類学雑誌 (ISSN:00423580)
vol.58, no.4, pp.175-190, 1999-12-31 (Released:2018-01-31)

During detailed examination of unidentified specimens of the Pyramidellidae in the Yamaguchi Museum and the Hagi City Museum, nine hitherto undescribed species were recognized, and here described as new : Ondina elachisinoides, Chrysallida stupa, Trabecula truncatelliformis, Egilina kotoeae, Eulimella toshikazui, Turbonilla kuraenohamana, T. gloriamishimana, Pyrgiscus yoshikoae and Yoshishigea choshuana. A new genus, Yoshishigea is also elected.
加藤 裕久 広瀬 瑞夫 山口 昌之 吉沢 催章 福田 宏志 小田 積一 永山 徳郎
The Japanese Circulation Society
vol.31, no.12, pp.1857-1863, 1968-01-15 (Released:2008-04-14)

The mechanism of the anoxic spells in the patient with tetralogy of Fallot is still uncertain, but beta adrenergic stimulation has been shown to accentuate cyanosis and occasionally to precipitate an anoxic spell. The purpose of the present study is to investigate the hemodynamic responses to isoproterenol (adrenergic beta stimulant) and propranolol (adrenergic beta blockade). Materials and Methods: Eleven children ranging in age from 3 to 14 years have been studied at cardiac catheterization (tetralogy of Fallot 7 cases, pulmonary stenosis with intact ventricular septum 2 cases, ventricular septal defect 1 case, patent ductus arteriosus 1 cases). All patients were sedated with hydroxyzine hydrochloride, secobarbital and pethidine HCl. The pressure pulses of pulmonary artery, right ventricle and femoral artery were obtained by the Siemens electro manometer. Determinations of oxygen satura-tions were obtained with the gas analyser (In-strumentation Laboratory) on arterial, pulmo- nary and mixed venous blood. Oxygen consumptions were measured by Fukuda Irika's respirometer. The phonocardiogram and the first derivative of right ventricular pressure pulse (dp/dt) were simultaneously recorded. Isoproterenol (0.1mg/20cc in 5% dextrose in water)was infused intravenously until the heart rate increased by 50 per cent. Then blood samples were obtained and pressure pulses were recorded. Thereafter, while the action of isoproterenol persisted, the infusion of propranolol in a dose of 5γ/kg (2mg/20cc in 5% dextrose in water) was administered, and the parameters were restudied. The angiocardiogram was obtained in one case before and after isoproterenol infusion. Results and Discussion: In tetralogy of Fallot the isoproterenol in-fusion resulted in an increase of right ventricular systolic pressure and a decrease of pulmonary systolic pressure. Pulmonary blood flow was decreased and systemic blood flow and right to left shunt were increased, so arterial oxygen saturation was markedly decreased. In angio-cardiogram the marked narrowing of the right ventricular outflow tract was demonstrated after isoproterenol infusion. In simultaneously recorded phonocardiogram the ejective systolic murmur due to pulmonary stenosis was decreased by isoproterenol infusion. In pulmonary stenosis with intact ventricular septum the pressure gradient of pulmonary artery and right ventricle was markedly increased, but arterial oxygen saturation was unchanged after isoproterenol infusion. Thereafter, while the action of isoproterenol persisted, a infusion of propranolol was administered. In tetralogy of Fallot the propranolol infusion resulted in an increase of arterial oxygen saturation. And the systolic pressure gradient of pulmonary artery and right ventricle was decreased. Pulmonary blood flow was increased and systemic blood flow and right to left shunt were decreased. So the patients were recovered from anoxic state. The mechanism of the anoxic spells in tetralogy of Fallot is still uncertain, but our study suggests that the increase of the contraction in the outflow tract of right ventricle makes the hypoxic condition. Relaxation of the outflow tract of right ventricle is seen after propranolol, and the patient is recovered from anoxic condition. In one case with tetralogy of Fallot in age of 9 months who had frequent cyanotic at-tacks we used propranolol orally 5 mg a day. After propranolol there has been no anoxic spell in this patient. So it may have been some practical usefulness in prevention and treatment of anoxic spells in tetralogy of Fallot.