久保 大輔 髙木 武蔵 鈴木 智高 菅原 憲一
一般社団法人 日本基礎理学療法学会
基礎理学療法学 (ISSN:24366382)
pp.JJPTF_2021-05, (Released:2022-06-21)

【目的】本研究の目的は,予測的姿勢調整を制御するために補足運動野が活動するタイミングを経頭蓋磁気刺激(Transcranial magnetic stimulation:以下,TMS)を用いて検討することである。【方法】健常成人11 名は,ビープ音に反応して上肢を挙上する課題を行った。課題中,ビープ音から0 ms,30 ms,50 ms,70 ms 後のタイミングで補足運動野へTMS を付与し,三角筋と大腿二頭筋から筋電図を記録した。【結果】三角筋の筋活動開始のタイミングから前100 ms の時間帯にTMS が補足運動野へ付与された場合,TMS のない試行と比較して大腿二頭筋の筋活動開始のタイミングが有意に遅延した。【結論】立位での上肢挙上課題において,補足運動野が活動するタイミングは三角筋の筋活動開始から前100 ms の時間帯にあると推察された。
髙木 武蔵 久保 大輔 鈴木 智高 菅原 憲一
日本基礎理学療法学雑誌 (ISSN:21860742)
vol.23, no.1, pp.107-116, 2021-03-08 (Released:2021-03-09)

The purpose of the present study was to examine the effect of changes in the trunk position on the H-wave and motor evoked potential MEP) of the tibialis posterior TP) muscle in healthy subjects, and clarify the necessity of postural control for the treatment of spastic clubfoot in stroke patients. The participants were 13 healthy people 6 men, mean age 21.6±1.3 years). The following measurements were obtained with the participants in trunk flexion or trunk extension in the sitting position. The electromyography reaction time of ankle dorsiflexion as well as the H-wave and MEP of the TP were measured. The effect of the trunk position on each measured value was determined. When the tibialis anterior TA) muscle was at 5% and 20% of the maximum voluntary contraction MVC), the H wave of the TP was significantly lower in the trunk extended position than in the trunk flexed position. There was no significant difference in the MEP during the different trunk positions at 5% and 20%MVC of the TA. However, under the condition of imaging 20%MVC of the TA, the MEP was significantly higher in the trunk extension position. It was revealed that the spinal reflex of the TP was suppressed by maintaining trunk extension. Moreover, it was suggested that excitability changes in the primary motor cortex of the TP might be involved in this process.