久保 大輔 髙木 武蔵 鈴木 智高 菅原 憲一
一般社団法人 日本基礎理学療法学会
基礎理学療法学 (ISSN:24366382)
pp.JJPTF_2021-05, (Released:2022-06-21)

【目的】本研究の目的は,予測的姿勢調整を制御するために補足運動野が活動するタイミングを経頭蓋磁気刺激(Transcranial magnetic stimulation:以下,TMS)を用いて検討することである。【方法】健常成人11 名は,ビープ音に反応して上肢を挙上する課題を行った。課題中,ビープ音から0 ms,30 ms,50 ms,70 ms 後のタイミングで補足運動野へTMS を付与し,三角筋と大腿二頭筋から筋電図を記録した。【結果】三角筋の筋活動開始のタイミングから前100 ms の時間帯にTMS が補足運動野へ付与された場合,TMS のない試行と比較して大腿二頭筋の筋活動開始のタイミングが有意に遅延した。【結論】立位での上肢挙上課題において,補足運動野が活動するタイミングは三角筋の筋活動開始から前100 ms の時間帯にあると推察された。
久保 大輔
Japan Society of Sports Industry
スポーツ産業学研究 (ISSN:13430688)
vol.30, no.3, pp.3_297-3_314, 2020 (Released:2020-07-24)

There is a hypothesis that the English Premier League clubs, whose broadcast rights are over 50% of their total revenue, fail to place importance on individual customers. At the same time, there is another hypothesis that Japanese League clubs, whose broadcast rights are limited - i.e. about 21 billion yen a year is divided among 55 clubs - should consider that individual customers are important with regard to their managerial judgement. This study analyzes football clubs' Mission Statements regarding who is targeted in order to create values or solve the problems they may have on a daily basis. Charters of 20 clubs of Premier League and Creeds of 55 clubs of Japanese League were investigated by utilizing a KH Coder, which is suitable for data analysis of words of Japanese and English. This contributed to the discovery of the fact that it is the Premier League, rather than the Japanese League, that uses a lot of words such as “supporter,” which refer to individual customers. Despite the fact that in the Premier League at least 10 billion yen per club is guaranteed from broadcast rights and revenue from individual customers is under 20% of total revenue, they share their will to promise supporters to provide values that meet their potential needs through mission statements such as Charters. This might be why very high average attendances are realized and an attractive market has been established. On the other hand, the Japanese League - about which it has been pointed out that “there is no awareness of customer's definition in Japanese professional sports management (Machida, 2016)”- should review and rebuild its mission statement by using appropriate words, such as those used by the Premier League. It is argued that this is one of the important factors which will influence the future development of Japanese football.
髙木 武蔵 久保 大輔 鈴木 智高 菅原 憲一
日本基礎理学療法学雑誌 (ISSN:21860742)
vol.23, no.1, pp.107-116, 2021-03-08 (Released:2021-03-09)

The purpose of the present study was to examine the effect of changes in the trunk position on the H-wave and motor evoked potential MEP) of the tibialis posterior TP) muscle in healthy subjects, and clarify the necessity of postural control for the treatment of spastic clubfoot in stroke patients. The participants were 13 healthy people 6 men, mean age 21.6±1.3 years). The following measurements were obtained with the participants in trunk flexion or trunk extension in the sitting position. The electromyography reaction time of ankle dorsiflexion as well as the H-wave and MEP of the TP were measured. The effect of the trunk position on each measured value was determined. When the tibialis anterior TA) muscle was at 5% and 20% of the maximum voluntary contraction MVC), the H wave of the TP was significantly lower in the trunk extended position than in the trunk flexed position. There was no significant difference in the MEP during the different trunk positions at 5% and 20%MVC of the TA. However, under the condition of imaging 20%MVC of the TA, the MEP was significantly higher in the trunk extension position. It was revealed that the spinal reflex of the TP was suppressed by maintaining trunk extension. Moreover, it was suggested that excitability changes in the primary motor cortex of the TP might be involved in this process.
久保 大輔 張替 正敏 河野 敬 中舘 正顯 宮津 義廣 福田 豊 小瀬木 滋 阪口 晃敏
日本航空宇宙学会誌 (ISSN:00214663)
vol.62, no.9, pp.291-298, 2014-09-05

著者らは無人航空機運航技術研究会を立ち上げ,"有人航空機の飛行する空域における無人航空機システム(UAS:Unmanned Aircraft System)の運航"を可能にすることを究極の目標として,我が国が取り組むべき技術課題を明らかにし,関係機関のコンセンサスを得て必要な研究開発計画を立案するべく活動を進めている.本解説では,UASの運航技術における多分野に及ぶ技術課題の全体像を明らかにすることを目的とし,本稿(前編)において,UASの通信(C2-Link,周波数帯等),操縦方式(遠隔操縦装置等),衝突回避(Detect and Avoid機能,探知センサ等)における現状と技術課題,将来展望を解説する.後編においては,本稿に引き続き,空域・航空交通管理(ATM:Air Trafric Management)における技術課題と,安全基準等法整備における国際動向等に関して解説する.