髙橋 和子 山本 光
公益社団法人 日本女子体育連盟
日本女子体育連盟学術研究 (ISSN:18820980)
vol.32, pp.1-16, 2016 (Released:2016-05-31)

レジリエンスは,困難な出来事を経験しても個人を健康へと導く心身の特性である。本研究は,大学生360名と教員200名にダンスを実施し,ダンスがレジリエンスを高める効果があるかを検討することを目的とした。心身の健康の指標は,レジリエンス尺度(精神的健康尺度・精神的回復力尺度)を用い,その解析を行うと共に,質的研究として,ダンス教材「新聞紙」の即興的な表現における自由記述分析を行った。その結果,次のことが明らかになった。①ダンス実習を通して「運動好き」「ダンス好き」「精神的健康」「精神的回復力」が肯定的に変容した。②「精神的健康尺度」は [憂鬱][集中力欠如][怒り][身体的症状]の4因子構造であり,「精神的回復力尺度」は[挑戦的][情緒不安定][感情コントロール]の3因子構造であり,各因子間に相関があった。③「精神的健康尺度」と「精神的回復力尺度」の各々の因子間においても,6つの因子間に相関が認められた。④大学生がダンス教材「新聞紙」で獲得した概念は,レジリエンスを高める要素と類似していた。以上のことから,レジリエンスを高めるダンスの効果が明らかになった。
髙橋 和子 江間 諒一
スポーツと人間 静岡産業大学 = Sports and human beings
vol.7, no.1, pp.1-16, 2022-09-30

The purpose of this study was to clarify how "Jubilo-Meshi" (the meaning of " Meshi" is mealin Japanese), a product of the Health and Wellness Project, came into being and its ripple effects. The "Jubilo-Meshi" was a collaboration among Iwata City, Shizuoka Sangyo University, ShizuokaPrefectural College of Agriculture, Forestry, and Environmental Science, Jubilo IWATA, the IwataChamber of Commerce and Industry, and local businesses, aiming to improve local health andstimulate the economy through food and sports. The "Jubilo-Meshi" was born after one year ofdiscussions starting in 2020. Research methods included organizing project meeting materials andconducting semi-structured interviews with relevant parties. The followings became clear(: 1)the social significance of disseminating "Jubilo-Meshi"(, 2)improvement of local health and revitalization of the local economy(, 3)promotion of physical activityand food education(, 4)presentation of a role model for sustainable activities(, 5)branding of theuniversity and promotion of research by students and faculty, and(6)induction of public awarenessthrough information dissemination. The above results indicate that "Jubilo-Meshi" has become a fixture in Iwata City and has spreadthrough the city in various ways, thanks to the fact that Iwata City has become Japan's No. 1 "sportstown" image.
髙橋 和子 笠井 義明 伊藤 麻希
スポーツと人間 : 静岡産業大学論集
vol.6, no.1, pp.23-40, 2021-10-29

The purpose of this study is to verify the effectiveness of resilience program to sustainably realizea healthy and active life for a lifetime by valuing relationships with others. The program teachingmaterials were aimed at“awareness of one’s own mind-body and others”and“improvementof communication skills”, and the teaching materials were practiced in face-to-face lessons for 120university students in the 2020 and early 2021 years of the Corona disaster. The main teaching materialsare“breathing method”“, health survey (anemia / bone density)”“, nature exploration”“, children’splay”“, bamboo dance”, and“simulated lessons by students”. Quantitative text analysis ofstudents’descriptions of “what they learned in class”. As a result, the frequently used words werewords rel at ed t o“nat ure, ”“breat hi ng, ”“pl ay, ”“self and ot hers, ”“f eeli ng, ”“communi cati on, ”“no -tice,”and“bone density.”It can be said that the lessons that moved the mind-body and felt oneselfand others helped to create human relations and became a valuable time in the university periodwhen personality was formed, while the relationship with others became weak due to the coronadisaster. In addition, the effectiveness of the teaching materials was clarified because the studentsand teachers’ perceptions of the teaching materials were the same. Furthermore, in order to give agood lesson, it is important to move people and the body and enjoy feeling and thinking. It is thoughtthat these viewpoints can be used even after face-to-face lessons, distance lessons, secondary /higher education, COVID-19 disaster, and COVID-19.