藤岡 洋保 黒岩 卓
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
no.409, pp.161-168, 1990-03-30

Hosin Kuroda (1885-1967) offered a few criticisms on various kinds of buildings in downtown Tokyo in the Tokyo Asahi Newspaper from November 25th through December 4th, 1910. On December 5th two architects wrote in the same newspaper that he was the first to try to openly review new buildings. Since the authors can find several architectural criticisms in other papers and magazines which were ahead of Kuroda's, what the architects said was not true. But if we define the word on 'an architectural critic' as the one who has been offering criticisms on newly-built buildings and on architectural trends for some time, we can say Kuroda was the first architectural critic in modern Japan ; he had written many articles to review new buildings in the 1910s and the 1920s. He studied esthetics at the Tokyo Imperial University where he found an interest in architecture. He had been asserting that in architecture 'truth', 'good' and 'beauty' should have come together. In his theory, 'truth' meant that real structure and material should not have been covered by others, and 'good' did that function should have been made much of. These two suggest that he was influenced by the European Medeavalists in the late 19th century. And in his thoughts 'beauty' should have come from several esthetic theories at that time. Among them 'unity in multiplicity' was the most important to him. In his criticisms on buildings, the authors can see some coincidence with his architectural idea, but he was apt to review buildings chiefly through the point of 'unity in multiplicity,' which means that 'beauty' was the most important to him, although he had kept declaring for a happy coincidence of 'truth', 'good' and 'beauty.'
藤岡 洋保 黒岩 卓
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
vol.409, pp.161-168, 1990-03-30 (Released:2017-12-25)

Hosin Kuroda (1885-1967) offered a few criticisms on various kinds of buildings in downtown Tokyo in the Tokyo Asahi Newspaper from November 25th through December 4th, 1910. On December 5th two architects wrote in the same newspaper that he was the first to try to openly review new buildings. Since the authors can find several architectural criticisms in other papers and magazines which were ahead of Kuroda's, what the architects said was not true. But if we define the word on 'an architectural critic' as the one who has been offering criticisms on newly-built buildings and on architectural trends for some time, we can say Kuroda was the first architectural critic in modern Japan ; he had written many articles to review new buildings in the 1910s and the 1920s. He studied esthetics at the Tokyo Imperial University where he found an interest in architecture. He had been asserting that in architecture 'truth', 'good' and 'beauty' should have come together. In his theory, 'truth' meant that real structure and material should not have been covered by others, and 'good' did that function should have been made much of. These two suggest that he was influenced by the European Medeavalists in the late 19th century. And in his thoughts 'beauty' should have come from several esthetic theories at that time. Among them 'unity in multiplicity' was the most important to him. In his criticisms on buildings, the authors can see some coincidence with his architectural idea, but he was apt to review buildings chiefly through the point of 'unity in multiplicity,' which means that 'beauty' was the most important to him, although he had kept declaring for a happy coincidence of 'truth', 'good' and 'beauty.'
黒岩 卓夫
vol.95, no.11, pp.18-24, 1996-11-01
黒岩 卓

最終年度として、これまでの各種研究のまとめとして位置づけられる複数の論文の執筆を行った。フランス中世演劇諸作品における詩作技巧の解釈法の見直しに関する研究論文をフランスの第一線の中世演劇研究者と共に執筆した。また演劇作品の伝承、写本および詩作技巧の三要素の関係に関する論文も単著として執筆している。さらに今年度後半には、今後の中世演劇作品の伝承と詩作技巧の今後の研究の方向性を見直すための問題提起をフランスの学術研究誌において執筆、すでに掲載が決定している。単行本の形はとらず、また残念ながら今年度内の出版にはいたらなかったものの、これら三点の包括的研究は全て査読を経てフランスの代表的学術出版社及び雑誌(H.Championおよび学術誌Medievales)より発表されることが決定しており、今後長く欧米の中世演劇・文学研究者によって参照されることが期待される。来年度以降も、これらの研究を遂行する過程で協力を仰いできた二人の研究者(Darwin Smith及びXavier Leroux両氏)との共同研究を続けていく予定である。ソチやミステールといったジャンル別の試作技巧の研究を進める傍らで、口承伝達による文明における韻文創作の原理といった、広い視点につなげていくことができた点が、本年度の研究成果の最たるものとして挙げられるだろう。来年度以降、海外研究者との協力体制や加えて日本国内での他の文明圏の演劇研究者とのネットワーク作りを行っていきたいと考えており、その点で年度後半に早稲田大学演劇博物館において勤務を行ったことは大変に良い機会となった。