富岡 康浩 柴山 淳 Yasuhiro TOMIYAMA Atsushi SHIBAYAMA イカリ消毒(株)新技術開発部 イカリ消毒(株)新技術開発部 Division of research and development IKARI corporation Division of research and development IKARI corporation
家屋害虫 (ISSN:0912974X)
vol.20, no.1, pp.10-16, 1998-06-30

筆者らの保管するゴキブリ類12種の日本国内における注目すべき分布記録を報告した。沖縄本島でのチャバネゴキブリの記録は,日本における最南の記録である。栃木県今市市のモリチャバネゴキブリ,神奈川県横須賀市のキスジゴキブリは,いずれも分布北限の記録である。新潟市のキョウトゴキブリは本州日本海側の,青森県八戸市のヤマトゴキブリは太平洋側の北限の記録である。また硫黄島でのコワモンゴキブリは初記録であり,当地でオガサワラゴキブリの雌雄が混棲していた点も注目される。1990年に千葉県浦安市でサツマゴキブリ成虫1頭が採集され,これは本州で初めての記録である。しかし人為的な移入と推察され,その後は現在まで全く確認されていない。なお以前から東京近郊での定着が知られているものの発表記録の少なかったワモンゴキブリ,トビイロゴキブリについて,近年の採集記録を記した。The distributions of 12 cockroach species in Japan were reported. Among these species, Blattella germanica (LINNE) on Okinawa main Island was reported as the southern most record. Symploce striata (SHIRAKI) recorded from Yokosuka-city in Kanagawa Prefecture and Blattella nipponica ASAHINA from Imaichi-city in Tochigi Prefecture, provided the northern most specimens ever collected, respectively. The other two species, Asiablatta kyotensis (ASAHINA) at Niigata-city in Niigata Prefecture and Periplaneta japonica KARNY from Hachinohe-city in Aomori Prefecture were considered to be their northern most records in the western and eastern parts of Honshu Island, respectively. Furthermore, Periplaneta australasiae (FABRICIUS) was first recorded at Iwojima (Ogasawara Islands). It is worth of nothing that both sexes of Pycnosce Ins surinamensis (LINNE) were cofirmed on this Island in May. Although an adult of Opisthoplatia orientalis (BURMEISTERE) was captured at Urayasu-city in Chiba Prefecture in 1990, the first record in Honshu Island, no indvidual has been collected since then. It is presumed that this species was introduced to this area accidentally but failed to establish a population. Rare records of Periplanela americana (LINNE) and P. brunnea BURMEISTER in Tokyo area, which have a few reports of their establishment, are also included in this article.
Akira OTSUKI Guangjun MEI Yuren JIANG Mitsuaki MATSUDA Atsushi SHIBAYAMA Jun SADAKI Toyohisa FUJITA
The Resources Processing Society of Japan
環境資源工学 (ISSN:13486012)
vol.53, no.3, pp.121-133, 2006 (Released:2006-09-20)
16 22

Two-step liquid-liquid extraction methods using aqueous and organic phases for separation of red (Y2O3: Eu3+), blue (BaMgAl10O17: Eu2+) and green (CeMgAl10O17: Tb3+) fine fluorescent powders were proposed in this paper. At first, the blue powder was extracted selectively into heptane phase using a chelating agent, 2-thenoyltrifluoroacetone (HTTA, CF3COCH2COC4H3S) under alkaline pH condition. Then, chloroform was used for extracting the green powder into the chloroform phase. The red powder separating from the green powder remained in aqueous phase with a depressant, potassium sodium tartrate tetrahydrate (PST, KNaC4H4O6·4H2O). The powders could be well separated in terms of their grade and recovery. The results suggested directions for future research into the recycling of fluorescent powders from fluorescent lights.