宮下 佳廣 渡辺 均 岩崎 寛 渡辺 均 Hitoshi Watanabe ワタナベ ヒトシ 岩崎 寛 Yutaka Iwasaki イワサキ ユタカ 山口 利隆 Toshitaka Yamaguchi ヤマグチ トシタカ
食と緑の科学 (ISSN:18808824)
no.64, pp.77-89, 2010-03

2009年,千葉大学園芸学部は創立100周年を迎えた.今日までの多くの研究業績を踏まえ新たな世紀に向けて取り組むテーマの一つとして,2010年から園芸学部と戸定会との共同による社会貢献教育プログラムをスタートさせる.修了者には資格として「環境園芸士」を授与することで検討を進めている.その目的は園芸技術を広め園芸文化を高めることにある.対象は社会人と学生を含めた市民の園芸愛好者・園芸入門者である.教育プログラムの内容は花卉,蔬菜,果樹・植木の各専門科目とし,個人の趣味園芸のレベル向上と「花と緑の街づくり」の指導者養成を目指し,2010年9月に花卉のプログラムから開始する予定である. 本稿の筆頭者は,「環境園芸士」の提案者として,100周年記念行事の一環として進められた「園芸資格制度検討委員会」(第1表)の発起人の一人となった.本稿は,「園芸資格制度検討委員会」設立の経緯と活動状況,及び「環境園芸士」資格制度に関する調査・研究の経過を著わすものである.In 2009, 100 years had passed since Faculty of Horticulture, Chiba University was established. To spread knowledgewhich has been achieved in these 100 years, university staffs and alumni will start a program, called 'EnvironmentalGardener' as a part of memorial events. The aim of this program is to spread technologies of horticultureand to enrich cultures of horticulture. A certifi cation is going to be given for people who fi nished this program.There are four courses for this program: fl owers, vegetables, fruits and garden plants. This is designed for studentsand members of society. The fl ower course will start September 2010 at fi rst. Each course has lectures on basicplant knowledge such as plant cultivation, plant physiology, ecology, soil, fertilizer, pest control and garden design,as well as practices at university farm.
Miyako Kato Hitoshi Watanabe Yoichiro Hoshino
Japanese Society for Plant Biotechnology
Plant Biotechnology (ISSN:13424580)
vol.39, no.2, pp.85-92, 2022-06-25 (Released:2022-06-25)

Pollen tube growth is essential for the fertilization process in angiosperms. When pollen grains arrive on the stigma, they germinate, and the pollen tubes elongate through the styles of the pistils to deliver sperm cells into the ovules to produce the seeds. The relationship between the growth rate and style length remains unclear. In previous studies, we developed a liquid pollen germination medium for observing pollen tube growth. In this study, using this medium, we examined the pollen tube growth ability in Petunia axillaris subsp. axillaris, P. axillaris subsp. parodii, P. integrifolia, and P. occidentalis, which have different style lengths. Petunia occidentalis had the longest pollen tubes after 6 h of culture but had a relatively shorter style. Conversely, the pollination experiments revealed that P. axillaris subsp. parodii, which had the longest style, produced the longest pollen tubes in vivo. The results revealed no clear relationship between the style lengths and the growth rate of pollen tubes in vitro. Interspecific pollinations indicated that the styles affected pollen tube growth. We concluded that, in vitro, the pollen tubes grow without being affected by the styles, whereas, in vivo, the styles significantly affected pollen tube growth. Furthermore, interspecific pollination experiments implied that the pollen tube growth tended to be suppressed in the styles of self-incompatibility species. Finally, we discussed the pollen tube growth ability in relation to style lengths.