Shuang WANG Hui CHEN Lei DING He SUI Jianli DING
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and Systems (ISSN:09168532)
vol.E106-D, no.7, pp.1209-1218, 2023-07-01

The issue of a low minority class identification rate caused by data imbalance in anomaly detection tasks is addressed by the proposal of a GAN-SR-based intrusion detection model for industrial control systems. First, to correct the imbalance of minority classes in the dataset, a generative adversarial network (GAN) processes the dataset to reconstruct new minority class training samples accordingly. Second, high-dimensional feature extraction is completed using stacked asymmetric depth self-encoder to address the issues of low reconstruction error and lengthy training times. After that, a random forest (RF) decision tree is built, and intrusion detection is carried out using the features that SNDAE retrieved. According to experimental validation on the UNSW-NB15, SWaT and Gas Pipeline datasets, the GAN-SR model outperforms SNDAE-SVM and SNDAE-KNN in terms of detection performance and stability.
Shuo Yan Hui Chen Ru-ming Xie Chun-shuang Guan Ming Xue Zhi-bin Lv Lian-gui Wei Yan Bai Bu-dong Chen
National Institute of Infectious Diseases, Japanese Journal of Infectious Diseases Editorial Committee
Japanese Journal of Infectious Diseases (ISSN:13446304)
pp.JJID.2020.264, (Released:2020-06-30)

Eleven asymptomatic carriers who received nasal or throat swab test for SARS-CoV-2 after close contacts with patients who developed symptomatic 2019 coronavirus disease (COVID-19) were enrolled in this study. The chest CT images of enrolled patients were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. There were 3 (27.3%) patients had normal first chest CT, two of which were under age of 15 years. Lesions in 2 (18.2%) patients involved one lobe with unifocal presence. Subpleural lesions were seen in 7 (63.6%) patients. Ground glass opacity (GGO) was the most common sign observed in 7 (63.6%) patients. Crazy-paving pattern and consolidation were detected in 2 (18.2%) and 4 (36.4%) cases, respectively. Based on deep learning quantitative analysis, volume of intrapulmonary lesions on first CT scans was 85.73±84.46 cm3. In patients with positive findings on CT images, average interval days between positive real-time reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction assay and peak volume on CT images were 5.1±3.1 days. In conclusion, typical CT findings can be detected in over 70% of asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 carriers. It mainly starts as GGO along subpleural regions and bronchi, and absorbs in nearly 5 days.