Rie Hashimoto Atsuko Sakai Masumi Murayama Arisa Ochi Tomoki Abe Katsuya Hirasaka Ayako Ohno Shigetada Teshima-Kondo Hiroaki Yanagawa Natsuo Yasui Mikiko Inatsugi Daisuke Doi Masanori Takeda Rie Mukai Junji Terao Takeshi Nikawa
The University of Tokushima Faculty of Medicine
The Journal of Medical Investigation (ISSN:13431420)
vol.62, no.3.4, pp.177-183, 2015 (Released:2015-09-18)
9 22

Background: In recent years, the number of bedridden people is rapidly increasing due to aging or lack of exercise in Japan. This problem is becoming more serious, since there is no countermeasure against it. In the present study, we designed to investigate whether dietary proteins, especially soy, had beneficial effects on skeletal muscle in 59 volunteers with various physical activities. Methods: We subjected 59 volunteers with various physical activities to meal intervention examination. Persons with low and high physical activities were divided into two dietary groups, the casein diet group and the soy diet group. They ate daily meals supplemented with 7.8 g of powdered casein or soy protein isolate every day for 30 days. Bedridden patients in hospitals were further divided into three dietary groups: the no supplementation diet group, the casein diet group and the soy diet group. They were also subjected to a blood test, a urinalysis, magnetic resonance imaging analysis and muscle strength test of the knee before and after the meal intervention study. Results: Thirty-day soy protein supplementation significantly increased skeletal muscle volume in participants with low physical activity, compared with 30-day casein protein supplementation. Both casein and soy protein supplementation increased the volume of quadriceps femoris muscle in bedridden patients. Consistently, soy protein significantly increased their extension power of the knee, compared with casein protein. Although casein protein increased skeletal muscle volume more than soy protein in bedridden patients, their muscle strength changes by soy protein supplementation were bigger than those by casein protein supplementation. Conclusions: The supplementation of soy protein would be one of the effective foods which prevent the skeletal muscle atrophy caused by immobilization or unloading. J. Med. Invest. 62: 177-183, August, 2015
Yoshihiro Tomikawa Masashi Kohma Masanori Takeda Kaoru Sato
公益社団法人 日本気象学会
SOLA (ISSN:13496476)
vol.19, pp.86-93, 2023 (Released:2023-05-23)

An intensive balloon-borne observation was performed at Syowa Station in the Antarctic (69.0°S, 39.6°E) in July 2016 using Cryogenic Frostpoint Hygrometers (CFH) and Electrochemical Concentration Cell (ECC) ozonesondes. High water vapor concentration was observed in the upper troposphere in two out of five observations. Trajectory analysis and atmospheric reanalysis data showed that moist air was transported into the upper troposphere due to the upwelling in front of a trough. While only isentropic transport was dominant in one case, both the isentropic transport and diabatic heating contributed to the upward transport in the other case. In another case where the air parcels came over the Antarctic continent, the water vapor concentration in the upper troposphere was lower than in the other cases. These results suggest that transport of air parcels with different origins by synoptic-scale disturbances controls water vapor concentration in the Antarctic upper troposphere.