Madoka NAKAJIMA Shigeki YAMADA Masakazu MIYAJIMA Kazunari ISHII Nagato KURIYAMA Hiroaki KAZUI Hideki KANEMOTO Takashi SUEHIRO Kenji YOSHIYAMA Masahiro KAMEDA Yoshinaga KAJIMOTO Mitsuhito MASE Hisayuki MURAI Daisuke KITA Teruo KIMURA Naoyuki SAMEJIMA Takahiko TOKUDA Mitsunobu KAIJIMA Chihiro AKIBA Kaito KAWAMURA Masamichi ATSUCHI Yoshihumi HIRATA Mitsunori MATSUMAE Makoto SASAKI Fumio YAMASHITA Shigeki AOKI Ryusuke IRIE Hiroji MIYAKE Takeo KATO Etsuro MORI Masatsune ISHIKAWA Isao DATE Hajime ARAI The research committee of idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus
The Japan Neurosurgical Society
Neurologia medico-chirurgica (ISSN:04708105)
vol.61, no.2, pp.63-97, 2021 (Released:2021-02-15)
88 211

Among the various disorders that manifest with gait disturbance, cognitive impairment, and urinary incontinence in the elderly population, idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus (iNPH) is becoming of great importance. The first edition of these guidelines for management of iNPH was published in 2004, and the second edition in 2012, to provide a series of timely, evidence-based recommendations related to iNPH. Since the last edition, clinical awareness of iNPH has risen dramatically, and clinical and basic research efforts on iNPH have increased significantly. This third edition of the guidelines was made to share these ideas with the international community and to promote international research on iNPH. The revision of the guidelines was undertaken by a multidisciplinary expert working group of the Japanese Society of Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus in conjunction with the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare research project. This revision proposes a new classification for NPH. The category of iNPH is clearly distinguished from NPH with congenital/developmental and acquired etiologies. Additionally, the essential role of disproportionately enlarged subarachnoid-space hydrocephalus (DESH) in the imaging diagnosis and decision for further management of iNPH is discussed in this edition. We created an algorithm for diagnosis and decision for shunt management. Diagnosis by biomarkers that distinguish prognosis has been also initiated. Therefore, diagnosis and treatment of iNPH have entered a new phase. We hope that this third edition of the guidelines will help patients, their families, and healthcare professionals involved in treating iNPH.
Shigeki YAMADA Mitsuhito MASE
The Japan Neurosurgical Society
Neurologia medico-chirurgica (ISSN:04708105)
pp.2022-0331, (Released:2023-03-01)

Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) production and absorption concept significantly changed in the early 2010s from "third circulation theory" and "classical bulk flow theory" to a whole new one as follows: First, CSF is mainly produced from interstitial fluid excreted from the brain parenchyma, and CSF produced from the choroid plexus plays an important role in maintaining brain homeostasis. Second, CSF is not absorbed in the venous sinus via the arachnoid granules, but mainly in the dural lymphatic vessels. Finally, the ventricles and subarachnoid spaces have several compensatory direct CSF pathways at the borders attached to the choroid plexus, e.g., the inferior choroidal point of the choroidal fissure, other than the foramina of Luschka and Magendie. In idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus (iNPH), the lateral ventricles and basal cistern are enlarged simultaneously due to the compensatory direct CSF pathways. The average total intracranial CSF volume increased from about 150 mL at 20 years to about 350 mL at 70 years due to the decrease in brain volume with aging and further increased above 400 mL in patients with iNPH. CSF movements are composed of a steady microflow produced by the rhythmic wavy movement of motile cilia on the ventricular surface and dynamic pulsatile flow produced by the brain and cerebral artery pulsation, respiration, and head movement. Pulsatile CSF movements might totally decrease with aging, but it in the ventricles might increase at the foramina of Magendie and Luschka dilation. Aging CSF dynamics are strongly associated with ventricular dilatation in iNPH.
Hiroyasu INOUE Masahiro OOMURA Yusuke NISHIKAWA Mitsuhito MASE Noriyuki MATSUKAWA
The Japan Neurosurgical Society
NMC Case Report Journal (ISSN:21884226)
vol.9, pp.49-53, 2022-12-31 (Released:2022-04-01)

Internal carotid artery occlusion rarely recanalizes spontaneously. Awareness of signs of recanalization is important, as it may necessitate changing the treatment strategy. We report a case of new cortical infarction outside the border zone, which led to the realization of internal carotid artery recanalization and revascularization.A 76-year-old woman presented with mild dysarthria. Magnetic resonance imaging showed cerebral infarction in the left-hemispheric border zone and occlusion of the internal carotid artery origin. Cerebral angiography performed showed complete occlusion of the internal carotid artery origin and intracranial collateral blood flow from the external carotid artery through the ophthalmic artery. She was diagnosed with infarction due to a hemodynamic mechanism caused by internal carotid artery occlusion and was treated with supplemental fluids and antithrombotic drugs. Four days after hospitalization, the right paralysis worsened and a new cerebral infarction was observed in the cortex, outside the border zone. This infarction appeared to be embolic rather than hemodynamic; thus, we suspected recanalization of the internal carotid artery. The patient underwent emergency cerebral angiography again, which revealed slight recanalization. Thus, emergency revascularization and carotid artery stenting were performed. New cortical infarcts outside the border zone in patients with complete internal carotid artery occlusion is an important finding, suggesting spontaneous recanalization of the occluded internal carotid artery.