平山 琢二 田崎 駿平 藤原 望 眞榮田 知美 大泰司 紀之 Hirayama Takuji Tasaki Shumpei Fujiwara Nozomi Maeda Tomomi Ohtaishi Noriyuki
琉球大学農学部学術報告 (ISSN:03704246)
no.59, pp.25-27, 2012-12

The dugong trenches in the coast of Iriomote Island were investigated. The luxuriance of seagrasses in the western coast of Iriomote Island was higher than seagrasses in Okinawa Island. And many kinds of species of the seagrasses were observated (two family, six genus, eight species). The field investigated in this time was more large area and very well. Therefore, the side of diversity of living thing, the western coast of Iriomote Island was most important area. And, this coast has profusion of the Food of dougong dugon. But in this investigation, we were not able to check dugong trench in the coast of Iriomote Island. Therefore, it was guessed that a possibility that, as for us, the dugong inhabits the Iriomote island was low.西表島周辺におけるジュゴンの定着の可能性について調査する目的で、ジュゴンによる食痕調査およびジュゴンに関する伝聞や目撃情報などの聞き取り調査を行った。食痕調査では4地域を行った。また、聞き取り調査では石垣島およひ西表島で計41名を対象に行った。ジュゴンの食痕調査では、いずれの地域においてもジュゴンによる食痕は確認できなかった。また、ジュゴンの目撃に関する情報は、石垣島およひ西表島ともに全くなかった。伝聞に関しては30件の情報を得た。このようなことから、今回のジュゴンの食痕調査および聞き取り調査から、現在は西表島周辺にジュゴンは定着していないと思われた。しかし、かつてジュゴンが棲息していた地域における海草藻場の広がりは極めて良好であり、南西諸島海洋の生物多様性の面からも非常に重要な地域である。西表島西岸は、定期船の往来も少なく、良好な藻場を有していることから、西表島におけるジュゴン定着の可能性は極めて高いものと推察された。
Japanese journal of veterinary research (ISSN:00471917)
vol.13, no.3, pp.96-"103-14", 1965-09

Peculiar nuclear inclusions, "nucleoloid bodies", were found in nuclei of several types of cells in mouse lymph nodes and in sheep hemal nodes. The nucleoloid bodies were morphologically independent of the nucleolus and the chromatin. They were spherical in shape, ranging from 200 to 900mμ in size, with outer and inner layers that could be differentiated. The outer layer consisted of numerous filaments arranged concentrically or spirally which encircle completely the inner layer. The filaments were helical coils, measuring 70〜80 Å in width. The diameter of the fibril coiled into the helix was approximately 20〜30 Å. The same helical fibrils were also found in the chromatins of nucleoplasm around the nucleoloid bodies. The inner layer was composed of a homogeneous substance of lower electron density and of a variable number of dense granules which were similar to ribosomes in appearance. At high magnification, however, the granules seemed to be twisted threads in which thinner fibrils were coiled. The threads were 200〜250 Å in width and the helical fibrils measured about 50 Å in diameter. The nucleoloid bodies were separated into two types. The first type was small, about 200〜300 mμ in size, and had no or a few dense granular elements in the inner layer. The second type was larger, over 400 mμ in size, whose inner layer had numerous granular elements. The nucleoloid bodies were most often observed in small lymphocytes, in particular the large bodies (second type) were almost limited to the small lymphocytes, though rarely in plasma cells as well. Even if nucleoloid bodies were found in cells other than small lymphocytes, it was rare finding and usually involved the small bodies (first type) only. The nucleoloid bodies seemed to derive from the true nucleoli and were observed in the chromosomes throughout mitosis. From the ultrastructure of the nucleoloid bodies, it was suggested that the bodies consist of a specialized nuclear protein unlike the chromosomes.
MAHMUT Halik GANZORIG Sumiya ONUMA Manabu MASUDA Ryuichi SUZUKI Masatsugu OHTAISHI Noriyuki
The Graduate School of Veterinary Medicine
Japanese Journal of Veterinary Research (ISSN:00471917)
vol.49, no.3, pp.231-237, 2001-11-30

To evaluate the genetic diversity of the Xinjiang Tarim red deer (Cervus elaphus yarkandensis) population, we analyzed the frequencies of microsatellite alleles. Samples were collected from 3 isolated populations in Xaya, Lopnur and Qarqan of Xinjiang. Although 10 microsatellite loci were examined, alleles of 133 to 190 base-pairs were detected for only 3 loci : BM5004, BM4208 and BM888. The average observed multilocus heterozygosity was 0.08±0.04 for the Xaya, 0 for the Lopnur, and 0.17±0.08 for the Qarqan population. The average heterozygosity of all populations was 0.08±0.02. The observed heterozygosities were significantly lower than the expected values. The present results suggest that the bottleneck effect has occurred in the populations of the Xinjiang Tarim red deer.