Nowadays, various signalized intersections with bicycle lanes designs are available for implementation. However, no safety comparisons have been made between these various designs. Therefore, it is necessary to compare the various designs available. In this study, intersection designs from Western countries are investigated to determine the safety measures available. Then the safety and comfort are compared with left-hooks being focused. Five patterns were selected including (1) Mixed traffic with left-turning motorist; (2) Left-turn in the intersection for motorist; (3) Bicycle signal; (4) Advanced stop lines for bicycles; and (5) Bicycle box. The five intersection patterns were prepared at an experiment site, and human subjects consisting bicyclist and motorist were traveled on the specified route freely. Questionnaire surveys and video observations were used for data analyses. The results show that (1) Mixed traffic with left-turning motorist is the safest and (3) Bicycle signal is the most comfortable intersection design.
深層学習を活用した胸部 X 線写真の自動診断は現在盛んに研究されている.診断精度を改善するためには,異常と疑われる局所画像を抽出し,深層学習ネットワークの入力とするかが重要である.そこで本研究では,「診断時に医師が凝視している領域を異常と疑われる局所画像として抽出できるのではないか」 という仮説を立てた上で,視線データを基に抽出された局所画像を入力とする深層学習モデルを構築した.その結果,視線データを使用しない場合,または医師訓練を受けていない被験者の視線データを使用した場合に比べて,医師の視線データを使用した場合により高い精度が認められ,視線データの有用性を示した.