Takumi Matsunobu Mio Matsueda
Meteorological Society of Japan
SOLA (ISSN:13496476)
vol.15A, pp.19-24, 2019 (Released:2019-06-22)

Extremely heavy rainfall events occurred over western Japan in early July 2018. This study assesses the predictability of these events for the period 5-7 July using three operational medium-range ensemble forecasts available from the European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA), and the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP), and ensemble simulations conducted with an ECMWF model and NCEP operational ensemble initial conditions. All three operational ensembles predicted extreme rainfall on 5-6 July at lead times of ≤ 6 days, indicating the high predictability of this event. However, the extreme rainfall event of 6-7 July was less predictable. The NCEP forecasts, initialised on 30 June, performed better at predicting this event than the other operational forecasts. The JMA forecasts initialised on 1 July showed improved predictability; however, the ECMWF forecasts initialised after 30 June showed only gradual improvements as the initialisation time progressed. The ensemble simulations revealed that the lower predictability of the rainfall in the ECMWF forecasts on 6-7 July can be attributed to the model rather than to the initial conditions. Accurate prediction of the North Pacific Subtropical High is a prerequisite for accurate prediction of such extreme rainfall events.
Takumi Matsunobu Julian F. Quinting Christian M. Grams Mio Matsueda
公益社団法人 日本気象学会
SOLA (ISSN:13496476)
vol.19, pp.253-260, 2023 (Released:2023-10-31)

The statistical and dynamical relationships between regional extreme precipitation events (EPEs) during wintertime in five Japanese regions and East-Asian synoptic weather patterns are addressed. Two of the five weather patterns, the southerly flow (SF) and low pressure (LP), are associated with about 50% of EPEs in all the regions. A regional dependency is found, with SF being more likely to cause extreme precipitation in two regions in the south of Japan and LP in the other regions, respectively. The large-scale dynamics leading to EPEs in each region are assessed by a combined Lagrangian and Eulerian analysis. In the two southern regions, EPEs are predominantly associated with direct moisture supply from the subtropical oceans. This is modulated by the large-scale flow pattern of SF. In contrast, EPEs in the northern coastal areas of the Sea of Japan and the Pacific Ocean are influenced by anomalous moisture supply from the cyclone-induced moisture convergence modulated by LP. The eastern coastal region of the Sea of Japan shows a mixture of both these moisture supply mechanisms. The strong link between EPEs and synoptic patterns might help to improve predictions of extreme events, even on the sub-seasonal forecast skill horizon.
Takumi Matsunobu Julian F. Quinting Christian M. Grams Mio Matsueda
公益社団法人 日本気象学会
SOLA (ISSN:13496476)
pp.2023-033, (Released:2023-09-16)

The statistical and dynamical relationships between regional extreme precipitation events (EPEs) during wintertime in five Japanese regions and East-Asian synoptic weather patterns are addressed. 4 Two of the five weather patterns, the southerly flow (SF) and low pressure (LP), are associated with about 50% of EPEs in all the regions. A regional dependency is found, with SF being more likely to cause extreme precipitation in two regions in the south of Japan and LP in the other regions, respectively. The large-scale dynamics leading to EPEs in each region are assessed by a combined Lagrangian and Eulerian analysis. In the two southern regions, EPEs are predominantly associated with direct moisture supply from the subtropical oceans. This is modulated by the large-scale flow pattern of SF. In contrast, EPEs in the northern coastal areas of the Sea of Japan and the Pacific Ocean are influenced by anomalous moisture supply from the cyclone-induced moisture convergence modulated by LP. The eastern coastal region of the Sea of Japan shows a mixture of both these moisture supply mechanisms. The strong link between EPEs and synoptic patterns might help to improve predictions of extreme events, even on the sub-seasonal forecast horizon.
Kazuo Saito Takumi Matsunobu Tsutao Oizumi
Meteorological Society of Japan
SOLA (ISSN:13496476)
vol.18, pp.81-87, 2022 (Released:2022-04-25)

As a complement work to the authors' previous studies, we examined the pre-typhoon rainfalls (PRE) ahead of typhoon T0918 (Melor) in October 2009. The influence of moistening in the upper atmosphere induced by the northward ageostrophic winds on PRE precipitation was examined by a sensitivity experiment using a cloud resolving model with a horizontal resolution of 2 km. The cloud resolving simulation showed a large impact of the water vapor in the upper atmosphere on the precipitation over western Japan. In the sensitivity experiment where the moisture in the middle and upper layers was reduced over the area off the south coast of western Japan, the water vapor reduction area was advected northward, and the snow in the middle and upper layers and the cloud ice in the upper layer decreased, reducing the rain below the melting level. The intrusion of drying air into the upper atmosphere reduced the thickness of the moist absolutely unstable layer (MAUL), and the maximum intensity of convective updrafts decreased by about 10% in the test experiment. In this case, the increase of rain in PRE was primarily caused by the deep northward water vapor transport which yielded a large amount of condensation in the middle and upper layers, and change of moist instability in the upper atmosphere subsidiarily enhanced the convective updrafts.
Kazuo Saito Takumi Matsunobu Tsutao Oizumi
Meteorological Society of Japan
SOLA (ISSN:13496476)
pp.2022-014, (Released:2022-04-06)

As a complement work to the authors' previous studies, we examined the pre-typhoon rainfalls (PRE) ahead of typhoon T0918 (Melor) in October 2009. The influence of moistening in the upper atmosphere induced by the northward ageostrophic winds on PRE precipitation was examined by a sensitivity experiment using a cloud resolving model with a horizontal resolution of 2 km. The cloud resolving simulation showed a large impact of the water vapor in the upper atmosphere on the precipitation over western Japan. In the sensitivity experiment where the moisture in the middle and upper layers was reduced over the area off the south coast of western Japan, the water vapor reduction area was advected northward, and the snow in the middle and upper layers and the cloud ice in the upper layer decreased, reducing the rain below the melting level. The intrusion of drying air into the upper atmosphere reduced the thickness of the moist absolutely unstable layer (MAUL), and the maximum intensity of convective updrafts decreased by about 10% in the test experiment. In this case, the increase of rain in PRE was primarily caused by the deep northward water vapor transport which yielded a large amount of condensation in the middle and upper layers, and change of moist instability in the upper atmosphere subsidiarily enhanced the convective updrafts.
Kazuo Saito Takumi Matsunobu
Meteorological Society of Japan
SOLA (ISSN:13496476)
vol.16, pp.198-205, 2020 (Released:2020-11-04)

Heavy rainfalls often occur when a tropical cyclone (TC) exists on the sea off the south coast. These pre-typhoon rainfalls (PRE) is associated with the northward moisture transport ahead of the TC. In this paper, we examine the northward moisture transport by the ageostrophic winds associated with typhoon T0918 (Melor) and its impact on PRE. According to a numerical simulation conducted in the previous study (Saito 2019), we analyzed the northward moisture fluxes by reproduced geostrophic and ageostrophic winds. Although the southerly ageostrophic winds are dominant mainly in the upper levels, the ageostrophic winds contribute to enhance the poleward water vapor transport for the upper and middle levels above 3 km. To see the impact of the ageostrophic moisture transport on PRE, we conducted a sensitivity experiment where the model moisture in middle and upper levels over the sea off the south coast of western Japan was reduced. Precipitation over western Japan was decreased about 30% when the contributions in moisture fluxes by ageostrophic winds were removed. This result suggests that the northward ageostrophic winds associated with a TC enhance PRE by moistening the middle and upper atmosphere.
Kazuo Saito Takumi Matsunobu
Meteorological Society of Japan
SOLA (ISSN:13496476)
pp.2020-034, (Released:2020-09-11)

Heavy rainfalls often occur when a tropical cyclone (TC) exists on the sea off the south coast. These pre-typhoon rainfalls (PRE) is associated with the northward moisture transport ahead of the TC. In this paper, we examine the northward moisture transport by the ageostrophic winds associated with typhoon T0918 (Melor) and its impact on PRE. According to a numerical simulation conducted in the previous study (Saito 2019), we analyzed the northward moisture fluxes by reproduced geostrophic and ageostrophic winds. Although the southerly ageostrophic winds are dominant mainly in the upper levels, the ageostrophic winds contribute to enhance the poleward water vapor transport for the upper and middle levels above 3 km.To see the impact of the ageostrophic moisture transport on PRE, we conducted a sensitivity experiment where the model moisture in middle and upper levels over the sea off the south coast of western Japan was reduced. Precipitation over western Japan was decreased about 30% when the contributions in moisture fluxes by ageostrophic winds were removed. This result suggests that the northward ageostrophic winds associated with a TC enhance PRE by moistening the middle and upper atmosphere.
Takumi Matsunobu Mio Matsueda
Meteorological Society of Japan
SOLA (ISSN:13496476)
pp.15A-004, (Released:2019-05-24)

Extremely heavy rainfall events occurred over western Japan in early July 2018. This study assesses the predictability of these events for the period 5th–7th July using three operational medium-range ensemble forecasts available from the European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA), and the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP), and ensemble simulations conducted with an ECMWF model and NCEP operational ensemble initial conditions. All three operational ensembles predicted extreme rainfall on 5th–6th July at lead times of ≤ 6 days, indicating the high predictability of this event. However, the extreme rainfall event of 6th–7th July was less predictable. The NCEP forecasts, initialised on 30th June, performed better at predicting this event than the other operational forecasts. The JMA forecasts initialised on 1st July showed improved predictability; however, the ECMWF forecasts initialised after 30th June showed only gradual improvements as the initialisation time progressed. The ensemble simulations revealed that the lower predictability of the rainfall in the ECMWF forecasts on 6th–7th July can be attributed to the model rather than to the initial conditions. Accurate prediction of the North Pacific Subtropical High is a prerequisite for accurate prediction of such extreme rainfall events.