Japanese Society of Animal Science
日本畜産学会報 (ISSN:1346907X)
vol.71, no.3, pp.300-304, 2000-05-25 (Released:2008-03-10)
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In this study, an experiment was carried out to clarify the color perception in dogs. Two female Shiba breed dogs were trained using an operant conditioning method in which they pressed a switch with their muzzles in order to obtain some food, to discriminate between simultaneously presented colored and gray cards. The left and right positions of the two cards were shifted at random. After the dogs were fully trained, their color perception ability was tested on three primary colors, red, blue and green. The dogs were subjected daily to one or two sessions which consisted of 20 trials each.The criterion of successful discrimination was 3 consecutive sessions with more than 15 correct choices (P<0.05, Chi-square test). In the red vs. gray discrimination test, the dogs respectively took 3 and 12 sessions to reach the criterion. In the blue vs. gray and green vs. gray tests, both dogs were able to attain the criterion by the 13th session. The results of this study suggest that the color vision of dogs is relatively developed and dogs are able to discriminate between all three primary colors and gray.
田中 智夫 太田 光明 植竹 勝治 江口 祐輔 タナカ トシオ オオタ ミツアキ ウエタケ カツジ エグチ ユウスケ Toshio Tanaka Mitsuaki Ota Katsuji Uetake Yusuke Eguchi
麻布大学雑誌 = Journal of Azabu University
vol.11/12, pp.126-129, 2005 (Released:2012-09-12)

動物介在療法AATや動物介在活動AAAにに参加するイヌには,何らかのストレスが負荷されていることが知られていることから,本研究では,AAAにおける活動形態の違い及び活動経験に伴う慣れと,イヌのストレスとの関係について調査することを目的としたが,初年度はまず1つの施設において,慣れについて検討した。都内の特別養護老人ホームで活動するボランティア団体を調査対象とし,1年間にわたり毎月1回の活動時におけるイヌの行動と,活動前後の尿中カテコールアミン濃度を測定した。その結果,A及びNAの活動前後の濃度差は,活動回数を重ねるごとに直線的に有意に減少し,介在活動に参加するイヌは,活動への参加初期には少なからずストレスを感じていることがうかがわれた。また,介在活動に参加するイヌのストレスは,ヒトとの直接的な触れ合いというよりは,高齢者施設などの新奇刺激のほうが大きく影響しており,ハンドラーによる日常と異なる場面での行動・姿勢の制御も大きく関わってきていることが示唆された。2年目には,活動形態の異なる施設(高齢者が円状に位置し,その中を活動スペースとする「イヌが囲まれる」方法と,高齢者が向かい合って2列に並び,その間を活動スペースとする「イヌが囲まれない」方法)において,同様の活動を行うボランティア団体を調査対象として,原則として1年間毎月1回の調査を行った。いずれの施設においても,供試犬の尿中カテコールアミン濃度は,活動日の朝に比べて活動後に有意に上昇した。しかし,活動形態の違いによる差は認められず,高齢者の並び方といった要因は,「触れられる」,「行動を制御される」などの負荷がかけられる中では,大きな影響は認められなかった。各行動形の生起頻度や時間にも,活動形態による違いは認められなかった。なお,イヌの体格によって,ふれあい活動の内容や状況が異なることから,今後,犬種や活動内容とストレス強度との関係についても検討が必要であろう。 Stress states of dogs under an animal-assisted activity (AAA) in a nursing home were assessed by observing the dogs' behavior and urinary catecholamine concentration. In the first year, data collection was done every month in order to study the effects of habituation to AAA on the stress level changes of dogs. The results showed that even the dogs with AAA experience might feel some degree of psychological stress during AAA especially in the novel environment. Behavior of dogs was not affected by the AAA experience. In the second year, the similar program was conducted in the other three nursing homes, and the effects of contents of AAA were studied. In the two homes, the elder people sat in a circle around the dogs and their owners (C). In another home, the elder people sat in a double rank (R). Twenty-four dogs aged 2.3-7.7 years were used in total. Urine was gathered on the previous day of AAA (T1), in the morning of AAA (T2) and just after AAA (T3). Catecholamine concentrations of T1 and T2 urine were significantly different (p<0.01). Therefore, T2 urine was used as a baseline, and the difference of catecholamine concentrations between T2 and T3 urine was compared between C and R. Adrenaline (A) and noradrenaline (NA) concentrations of T3 urine were significantly higher than those of T2 urine in both C and R conditions (all : p<0.05). Dopamine concentrations of T3 and T2 urine were almost the same. These results showed that the dogs might feel some degree of psychological stress during AAA program. But the contents of AAA especially the position of elder people did not affect the stress level of the dogs.
Toshio Tanaka Takehiko Oka Yasuhito Shimada Noriko Umemoto Junya Kuroyanagi Chikara Sakamoto Liqing Zang Zhipeng Wang Yuhei Nishimura
Journal of Pharmacological Sciences (ISSN:13478613)
vol.107, no.1, pp.8-14, 2008 (Released:2008-05-20)
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The most important strategies in pharmacogenomics are gene expression profiling and the network analysis of human disease models. We have previously discovered novel drug target candidates in cardiovascular diseases through investigations of these pharmacogenomics. The significant induction of S100C mRNA and protein expression was detected in the rat pulmonary hypertension and myocardial infarction model. We also found increased taurine in hypoxia, a calcium-associated cytoprotective compound, to suppress the hypoxia-induced S100C gene expression and vascular remodeling. These results suggest that S100C may be one of the potential novel drug targets in hypoxic or ischemic diseases. Delayed cerebral vasospasm after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage causes cerebral ischemia and infarction. Using a DNA microarray, a prominant upregulation of heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) and heat shock protein (HSP) 72 mRNAs were observed in the basilar artery of a murine vasospasm model. Antisense HO-1 and HSP 72 oligodeoxynucleotide inhibited HO-1 and HSP 72 induction, respectively, and significantly aggravated cerebral vasospasm. Moreover, we have also developed a unique heart failure model in zebrafish and identified several candidate genes as novel drug targets. These results suggest that pharmacogenomic network analysis has the potential to bridge the gap between in vitro and in vivo studies and could define strategies for identifying novel drug targets in various cardiovascular diseases.