Nozomi Yamamoto Yuji Tanno Yoichi Tanaka Daiki Hira Tomohiro Terada Yoshiro Saito Yuya Yokozawa
The Pharmaceutical Society of Japan
Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin (ISSN:09186158)
vol.46, no.3, pp.511-516, 2023-03-01 (Released:2023-03-01)

Pharmacogenetics (PGx) enhances personalized care, often reducing medical costs, and improving patients’ QOL. Unlike single variant analysis, multiplex PGx panel tests can result in applying comprehensive PGx-guided medication to maximize drug efficacy and minimize adverse reactions. Among PGx genes, drug-metabolizing enzymes and drug transporters have significant roles in the efficacy and safety of various pharmacotherapies. In this study, a genotyping panel has been developed for the Japanese population called PGx_JPN panel comprising 36 variants in 14 genes for drug-metabolizing enzymes and drug transporters using a mass spectrometry-based genotyping method, in which all the variants could be analyzed in two wells for multiplex analysis. The verification test exhibited good concordance with the results analyzed using the other standard genotyping methods (microarray, TaqMan assay, or another mass spectrometry-based commercial kit). However, copy number variations such as CYP2D6*5 could not apply to this system. In this study, we demonstrated that the mass spectrometry-based multiplex method could be useful for in the simultaneous genotyping of more than 30 variants, which are essential among the Japanese population in two wells, except for copy number variations. Further study is needed to assess our panel to demonstrate the clinical use of pharmacogenomics for precision medicine in the Japanese population.
高橋 昭好 藤井 理行 成田 英器 田中 洋一 本山 秀明 新堀 邦夫 宮原 盛厚 東 信彦 中山 芳樹 渡辺 興亜 Akiyoshi Takahashi Yoshiyuki Fujii Hideki Narita Yoichi Tanaka Hideaki Motoyama Kunio Shinbori Morihiro Miyahara Nobuhiko Azuma Yoshiki Nakayama Okitsugu Watanabe
南極資料 = Antarctic Record (ISSN:00857289)
vol.40, no.1, pp.25-42, 1996-03

南極氷床の深層掘削を行うため, 国立極地研究所は掘削装置開発小委員会等を設け, 1988年以来開発研究を行ってきた。開発の経緯については, 中間報告, 深層掘削ドリルの最終仕様, その完成までの経過にわけて, それぞれ報告してある。本報告では開発した深層掘削システムとその周辺装置について, ドームふじ観測拠点の掘削場の配置, 掘削作業の流れを説明したのち, 各論において, ウインチ, ケーブル, マスト, 操作盤, チップ回収器等の開発の経緯を設計基準, 具体的設計, 製作の流れに準じて説明した。