Ryusuke Irie Shiori Amemiya Tsuyoshi Ueyama Yuichi Suzuki Hidemasa Takao Osamu Abe
Japanese Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine
Magnetic Resonance in Medical Sciences (ISSN:13473182)
pp.tn.2022-0002, (Released:2022-04-05)

Liver acquisition with volume acceleration-flex (LAVA-Flex) acquires out-of-phase and in-phase echo images and automatically generates water-only and fat-only images from one single acquisition. The scan time of carotid MR angiography (MRA) using LAVA-Flex (LAVA MRA) is about one-fifth that of conventional time-of-flight MRA (cTOF MRA). We aimed to investigate whether LAVA MRA could provide useful information for the diagnosis of carotid plaque by utilizing the ability to acquire multiple sequences simultaneously. Comparing LAVA MRA and cTOF MRA images for carotid plaque, low-intensity plaques were more clearly identified in the in-phase images, and high-intensity plaques were more clearly identified in the water-only or out-of-phase images. None of the plaques exhibited superior visualization with the cTOF sequence. We concluded that LAVA MRA can provide more useful information on plaque evaluation using multiple sequences than cTOF MRA.