道津 喜衛 冨山 一郎
長崎大学水産学部研究報告 = Bulletin of the Faculty of Fisheries, Nagasaki University (ISSN:05471427)
vol.23, pp.1-42, 1967-08

During 1947 to 1967, marine fishes were collected by the authors from Saikai National Park, Nagasaki Prefecture, Western Kyushu. During this period, two main trips were made to this area to investigate the fish-fauna and many other trips to investigate fisheries biolgy as well as the fish-fauna. In this paper, 426 species and 11 sub-species of 143 families of marine fishes collected from the park are described in scientific name as well as in Japanese common name and local name together with the collection-localities. The fish-fauna of the area, facing to the Tsushima Warm Current, a branch of the Kuroshio Current, is similar to that of Wakayama, Kochi and Kagoshima Prefectures on the Pacific coast of Japan facing directly to the Kuroshio Current, and it indicats the characteristics of sub-tropical fish-fauna of South-Eastern Asia.


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道津喜衛・冨山一郎(1967)西海国立公園の海産魚類.長崎大学水産学部研究報告,23:1-42. エアリプでご指摘がありましたが、長崎県師範学校所蔵の魚類標本が原子爆弾により灰燼に帰した記録はこちらの方が古かったです。PDFで公開されていますのであわせてぜひに→ https://t.co/K1VzpkFUnF

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