道津 喜衛 冨山 一郎
長崎大学水産学部研究報告 = Bulletin of the Faculty of Fisheries, Nagasaki University (ISSN:05471427)
vol.23, pp.1-42, 1967-08

During 1947 to 1967, marine fishes were collected by the authors from Saikai National Park, Nagasaki Prefecture, Western Kyushu. During this period, two main trips were made to this area to investigate the fish-fauna and many other trips to investigate fisheries biolgy as well as the fish-fauna. In this paper, 426 species and 11 sub-species of 143 families of marine fishes collected from the park are described in scientific name as well as in Japanese common name and local name together with the collection-localities. The fish-fauna of the area, facing to the Tsushima Warm Current, a branch of the Kuroshio Current, is similar to that of Wakayama, Kochi and Kagoshima Prefectures on the Pacific coast of Japan facing directly to the Kuroshio Current, and it indicats the characteristics of sub-tropical fish-fauna of South-Eastern Asia.
道津 喜衛

塩垣 優 道津 喜衛
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.23, no.3, pp.125-129, 1976-12-30 (Released:2011-02-23)

長崎市近郊の三和町および野母崎町の海岸で採集したミミズハゼ属の一新種Luciogobius platycephalus(新称:ヤリミミズハゼ), および, 大分県佐伯市佐志生港から採集した同じくミミズハゼ属の一新種である盲魚のLuciogobius dormitoris(新称:ネムリミミズハゼについて記載し, あわせて, 主として筆者が新たに得た材料にもとづき, 上記の二種を含む日本産のLuciogobius, Inu, Expedioの各属のハゼ11類種についてそれぞれの区別点を明らかにした.
道津 喜衛
九州大學農學部學藝雜誌 (ISSN:03686264)
vol.16, no.3, pp.371-380, 1958-03

Ctenotrypauchen microcephalus (Bleeker) is a blind, red gobioid fish synonymous with Trypauchen wakae Jordan et Snyder (Fig. 1). The burrowing-habit of this gobioid fish was not recognized with certainty in this research at the natural habitat. The spawning-season seems to extend from June to August in the innermost part of Ariake Sound and in Inland Sea. Neither spawned eggs nor spawning habit yet is known. The ripe ovary contains two groups of eggs, the ripe egg-group, 0.51~0.65 mm in diameter, and the unripe ones, less than 0.17mm. The number of the ripe ovarian eggs was enumerated as 1,477~2,413 in three individuals (Table 1). The ripe testes are whity band-like in shape lacking adjunctive organ (Seminal vesicle : Weisel, G. F. 1949). The larvae, less than 8 mm in total length, are not yet obtained. The postlarvae, 8~15 mm, were collected together with other fish larvae and small shrimps from July to October with set-nets put in the water-course of estuary of Ariake Sound. These postlarvae are elongate and laterally compressed in shape, provided with normally developed eyes, 35 (10+25) myotomes, large air-bladder, fan-like pectoral fins, lacking chromatophore (Fig. 2). They are translucent when alive, but become opaque and white after preserved. These postlarvae gathered under the light at night in the natural habitat of Inland Sea. After the swimming life has passed they enter into the bottom life at the size of 20 mm in total length when the juvenile stage begins. Only soft mud was detected from the alimentary duct of the adult fish collected from Ariake Sound. From the examination of size frequency of the specimens collected from Ariake Sound, this gobioid fish seems to grow over 85 mm in total length in a year, and some individuals become mature. A few individuals seem to live over three years. Taenioides cirratus (Blyth) is a blind eel-like gobioid fish synonymous with Taenioides lacepedei (Schlegel) (Fig. 3). The number of the ripe ovarian eggs of a mature female, 187 mm in total length, is enumerated as 20,126 (Right ovary 10,168+Left ovary 9,958). The ripe testes are whity and band-like in shape with small leaves of the adjunctive organ. Neither spawned eggs nor spawning habit is yet known. The spawningseason seems to extend from June to September in the innermost part of Ariake Sound. based upon the examination of the ovarian eggs and the collection of larval fish. The larvae, less than 9 mm in total length, are not yet obtained. The postlarvae, 9~15 mm in total length, were collected from July to October with set-nets, put in the water-course of estuary of Ariake Sound (Fig. 4). The postlarvae were swimming and gathered under the light at night in the natural habitat of Inland Sea. They are elongate and laterally compressed in shap, provided with normally developed eyes, large air-bladder, 32 (10+22) myotomes and a few melanophores at the base of the caudal fin. After the swimming life has passed this gobioid fish enters into bottom life at the size 15 mm in total length when the juvenile stage begins. The juveniles are eel-like in shape, with the eyes half buried under the skin. No food particle was detected from the alimentary ducts of the postlarvae.アカウオ Ctenotrypauchen microcephalus (Bleeker) およびチワラスボ Taenioides cirratus (Blyth)は共にハゼ亜目Gobiinaのワスラボ科Taenioidaeに属する特異な形態を示すハゼで, 東南アジア, 印度の各地に広く分布することが知られ, 日本では南部各地の内湾に棲むことが報告されている. ここでは主として瀬戸内海および有明海から得た材料によつてこれらのハゼの形態, 生態および幼期について述べる.
道津 喜衛
九州大學農學部學藝雜誌 (ISSN:03686264)
vol.15, no.4, pp.489-496, 1956-03

Parioglossus taeniatus Regan is a small Eleotrid goby, some 35 mm in total length. It was previously known collected from Aldabra in the Indian Ocean (T. Regan : 1912) and the Palao Islands in the Pacific Ocean (T. Abe : 1939). The author collected over one hundred specimens of this fish, containing juveniles from the coasts of Kyushu and Shikoku, Japan (Fig. 1). The fish lives a gregarious and semi-pelagic life in the middle stratum of the water of inlets, feeding on the planktonic copepods. Twenty-one mature fish, collected with a small pit-net, were kept for thirteen days in a table-aquarium. During this period, it was observed that the fish swimmed in the aquarium in day time, and at night they rested under a vacant hollow of a valve of a large shell, lying on the sand-floor of the aqarium. After they were kept some time, the ripe fish were used for artifical insemination. The spawning-season seems to extend from the beginning of July to the beginning of September in the Amakusa Islands, Kyushu. The black, nuptial coloration appeared in the anal fin of the ripe male fish. The number of ripe ovarian eggs was enumerated as from 947 to 2,4E3 according to the size of the parent fish (Table 1). The fertilized egg by artifical insemination is elipsoid in shape, 1.3 mm in long axis and 0.6 mm in short axis, demersal and adhesive, with a boundle of the adhesive filaments at its basal end. The numerous oil-globules in the yolk are grouped in some eggs, or scattered in others (Fig. 2). The incubationperiod extended about four days at the water-temperature 25~28℃. The newly hatched larva is about 2 mm in total length possessing characteristics of gobiid larvae (Fig. 3, A). The juveniles were observed to live swimming life with adults late summer on the coast of the Amakusa Islands (Fig. 3, B~D). The fish seems to grow 20~37 mm in total length in one year, some individuals becoming mature. The life-span seems to be over two years.Parioglosszts taeniatus は Eleotridae に属する小型のハゼ類で, T. Regan(1912) が印度洋のAldabraで採集した全長25mm, 30mmの2尾によつて新種として報告した種類である. 阿部宗明(1939)は南洋パラオ諸島の海岸でカキ殼の中に潜んでいた全長25~30mmの3尾を採集して, 同じくパラオ諸島で得た近縁種 Ptereleotris taeniatus rainfordi(McCulloch) と共に Ptereleotris rainfordi の亜種としてP. taeniatus taeniatus(Regan) という亜種名をつけて報告しているが, これ迄に日本で獲れた記録はない. 筆者はここ数年間に, 福岡県糸島郡机島, 長崎市土升首, 長崎県西彼杵郡茂木町, 同県五島列島浜の浦村, 熊本県苓北町富岡, 徳島県日和佐町の各地で稚魚を包む合計百余尾の標本を得て, その生活史の大要を知ることが出来たのでここに報告する.
森内 新二 道津 喜衛
長崎大学水産学部研究報告 = Bulletin of the Faculty of Fisheries, Nagasaki University (ISSN:05471427)
vol.36, pp.7-12, 1973-12

Natural egg masses of the sea catfish, Plotosus anguillaris (Lacpede) were collected from the shore of Nomo Bay in Nomosaki (Lat. 32° 35.3' N, Long. 129° 45.5' E). The first egg mass was collected on June 12, 1972. The second and third collections were made on June 2 and July 1, 1973 respectively. The egg masses of the sea catfish were found in the shallow tide pool on the muddy shore during the ebb tide, being deposited in small holes under a vinyl sheet or cement boards probably made by the spawners, and being usually guarded by males. The eggs were spherical in shape measuring from 3.12mm. to 3.50mm. in diameter, non-adhesive and demersal. The egg yolk was considerably large and bright yellow in colour. The rearing and handling of eggs were found very difficult despite the size of egg and hence it was thought indispensable to have the knowledge of incubating habit of the male parent in order to be successful in normal development and hatching of eggs. Hatching was successful only from one egg mass collected on July 1, 1973 which was fortunately fully developed after the eggs were kept in the aquarium for only four days while the other two egg masses still at the early developmental stages were absolutely unsuccessful. The newly hatched out prolarvae, about 6.9 mm. in the total length, could not move to the water surface because of the big yolks and remained at the bottom of the aquarium. It took about 10 days before completing the yolk absorption and attaining the free swimming stage. About 4 days after hatching, the prolarvae began to move crawling along the bottom of the aquarium and gathered themselves at a certain area, showing their instinct of schooling. The rudiment of dendritic appendage of the urogenital papilla appeared already in the newly hatched larvae and it developed into a complicated form in the course of larval development. The postlarvae at the early swimming life stage measuring about 15 mm. in total length, already showed the appearance resembling the adult. From the free swimming stage, the larvae were bred for one month with nauplii of brine shrimp, Artemia salina.
藤木 哲夫 道津 喜衛
長崎大学水産学部研究報告 (ISSN:05471427)
no.14, 1963-03

道津 喜衛 塚原 博
公益社団法人 日本水産学会
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.30, no.4, pp.335-342, 1964-04-25 (Released:2008-02-29)
6 8

Mogurnda obscura are the large eleotrid goby, about 15cm in length (Fig. 1: A, B). They are distributed in the western Japan, and are dwelling in rivers, brooks, lakes and swamps, and solitary in life (Fig. 2: A). Especially the river dwellers are found on sandy mud bottom of stagnant waters in middle and lower course of river. They are rather nocturnal and feeding on small fishes and crustaceans, especially small shrimps. They are active in warm seasons, especially in spawning season extending from April to June, and they have a tendency to become hibernant in winter. The male fish are larger than the female, and they are polygamy. The sex dimorphism evidently appears in the form of genital papilla. No nuptial coloration appears in both sexes. The number of the ripe ovarian eggs, 1.5 to 1.9mm in diameter, were counted 934 to 3, 559 in 5 specimens ranging 95 to 162mm in total length (Table 1). The nest preferences were widely given to many kind of substances, e. g., stone, wood, bamboo, grass root, etc. in various forms. The egg masses were found mainly on underside of the nest shelters, and they were guarded by the male parent until the egg hatched out (Figs. 2, 3). A pair of the ripe fish, reared in an aquarium, spawned an egg mass on the inner wall of the earthernware pipe given as a nest. The egg is ellipsoid in shape, 5mm in long axis and 2mm in short axis. It is demersal adhesive one with a large yolk (Figs. 2, B: 3). The embryo hatched out after it developing to juvenile form (Fig. 4: A, B). The incubation period was about 30 days at 16 to 19°C. The newly hatched larvae were 7.5mm in total length with separate ventral fins, and after the hatching they entered instantly into a bottom life (Fig. 4). The larvae as well as the ones of the relatives, M. (M.) adspersus and M. mogurnda, and shout, and grew in an aquarium (Fig. 1, C). It is expected that the spawning is induced smoothly by the setting of artifical nest on the bottom of the habitat, because the nest is wanting under the natural condition. The authors adopted earthernware pipes and pieces of bamboo, about 30cm in length and 7cm in diameter, for the artificial nest, and attained a desired effect.
道津 喜衛 塚原 博
The Japanese Society of Fisheries Science
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.30, no.4, pp.335-342, 1964

<i>Mogurnda obscura</i> are the large eleotrid goby, about 15cm in length (Fig. 1: A, B). They are distributed in the western Japan, and are dwelling in rivers, brooks, lakes and swamps, and solitary in life (Fig. 2: A). Especially the river dwellers are found on sandy mud bottom of stagnant waters in middle and lower course of river. They are rather nocturnal and feeding on small fishes and crustaceans, especially small shrimps. They are active in warm seasons, especially in spawning season extending from April to June, and they have a tendency to become hibernant in winter.<br> The male fish are larger than the female, and they are polygamy. The sex dimorphism evidently appears in the form of genital papilla. No nuptial coloration appears in both sexes. The number of the ripe ovarian eggs, 1.5 to 1.9mm in diameter, were counted 934 to 3, 559 in 5 specimens ranging 95 to 162mm in total length (Table 1). The nest preferences were widely given to many kind of substances, e. g., stone, wood, bamboo, grass root, etc. in various forms. The egg masses were found mainly on underside of the nest shelters, and they were guarded by the male parent until the egg hatched out (Figs. 2, 3). A pair of the ripe fish, reared in an aquarium, spawned an egg mass on the inner wall of the earthernware pipe given as a nest. The egg is ellipsoid in shape, 5mm in long axis and 2mm in short axis. It is demersal adhesive one with a large yolk (Figs. 2, B: 3). The embryo hatched out after it developing to juvenile form (Fig. 4: A, B). The incubation period was about 30 days at 16 to 19°C.<br> The newly hatched larvae were 7.5mm in total length with separate ventral fins, and after the hatching they entered instantly into a bottom life (Fig. 4). The larvae as well as the ones of the relatives, <i>M. (M.) adspersus</i> and <i>M. mogurnda</i>, and shout, and grew in an aquarium (Fig. 1, C).<br> It is expected that the spawning is induced smoothly by the setting of artifical nest on the bottom of the habitat, because the nest is wanting under the natural condition. The authors adopted earthernware pipes and pieces of bamboo, about 30cm in length and 7cm in diameter, for the artificial nest, and attained a desired effect.
道津 喜衛
九州大學農學部學藝雜誌 (ISSN:03686264)
vol.16, no.3, pp.359-370, 1958-03

Acentrogobius masago (Tomiyama) is a small gobioid fish growing about 25 mm in total length ; it is distributed in Middle and Southern Japan, living a bottom life on sandy-mud bottom in estuaries (Fig. 1). The author collected over 700 individuals of this gobioid fish, including growth stages, from Kyushu and Inland Sea, and examined the external and internal body-features, e. g. number of fin-rays, scale-phases, tongue, alimentary duct, genital organs, number of vertebrae, etc. (Fig. 2). The sex-dimorphism remarkably developed in the form of genital papillae. The mature female fish is generally larger than the male (Fig. 3). The black nuptial coloration appeared only in mature male fish on the second dorsal and anal fins. The ripe ovary contained two groups of eggs : ones, 0.48~0.57 mm in diameter, and the immature ones, less than 0.11 mm. The number of the mature ovarian egg of one individual was enumerated as 264~961 in 14 specimes (Table 1) ; and the mature eggs seemed to be spawn all at a time. The spawning-season seemed to extend from May to September in the vicinity of Fukuoka City, Kyushu. The spawning-behaviour in natural habitat is not observed. The fertilized egg by artificial insemination is spindle in shape, 1.2 mm in long axis, and 0.4 mm in short axis, with a bundle of adhesive filaments at the basal end. In early developmental stages, 3 8 oil-globules appeared in the translucent yellow yolk (Fig. 4). The incubation-period was about 4 days at the water-temperature 21-25℃. The newly hatched larva is 2.0 mm in total length (Fig. 5). The prelarvae, 6~8 mm in total length, appeared from June to September in the vicinity of Fukuoka City, living a swimming-life in the littoral zone. The juveniles, 8~10 mm in total length, were found to live a bottom life in estuaries (Fig. 5). The gut-contents of the post-larvae, carring a swimming-life, consisted chiefly of planktonic copepods, whereas those of the young and adult fishes, living a bottom-life, mainly of organic detritus on the bottom. The examination of the size-frequency of the collected specimens shows that this gobioid fish attains 16~25 mm in total length, and the most individuals become mature in a year. The minimum adult seems to be 17 mm in total length in both sexes, and the life-span over 2 years.マサゴハゼは中, 南部日本の各地に分布する成魚全長25mm前後の小型のハゼ類の一種であり, 内湾にそそぐ川の川頃氣水域の砂泥底上でアベハゼ,ヒモハゼなどの他のハゼ類と共に底棲生活を送つている(Fig. 1). 筆者はマサゴハゼの体の内, 外部各形質(頭部の形状, 各鰭の条数, 鱗, 舌および舌咽骨, 消化管, 生殖腺, 脊柱骨数など)について調べたがその頭部は特異な形状を示す(Fig. 2). 二次性徴は生殖孔突起の雌雄差に最も著しく現われ, 黒色の婚姻色は雄成熟魚だけに, その第2背鰭および臀鰭上に現われる. 雌成魚は一般に雄成魚より大きい(Fig. 3). 成熟卵巣は成熟卵群(卵径0.48~0.57mm)と未熟卵群(卵径0.11mm以下)との著しく形状の異つた2卵群よりなり, 成熟卵群はその形状からみて同時に産み出されると考えられるが, その数は1尾について264~916個(Table 1)を数えた. 卵はまだ採集されず, 産卵習性も不明. 産卵期は福岡市近郊で5天月然から9月までの長期に亘るようである. 人工授精によつて得た受精卵は紡錘形をなし, 長径1.2mm, 短径0.4mm, 卵膜先端は鈍く尖り, その後端には附着絲叢がある. 卵発生初期の油球数3~8個. 孵化時間は21~25℃の水温で約4日間(Fig. 4). 直後の仔魚は全長2.0mm. 全長6mm以孵化下の後期仔魚はまだ採集されていない. 全長6~8mmの後期仔魚は福岡市近郊では6月から9月の間に成魚の棲む水域の汀線附近で欝泳生活を送つているのが見られた. 全長8~10mmの初期稚魚は成魚と同じ棲息場で游泳生活から底棲生活に移り, そこで全生涯を送る. 游泳期の仔魚の消化管内には橈脚類がみられたが底棲生活を送つていた稚魚, 若魚, 未成魚, 成魚の各発育期の消化管内容はdetritusが主であつた. マサゴハゼは生後満1年で全長16~25mmとなり, その大部分は成体となつて産卵に与り(最小成体は雌, 雄ともに全長17mm), 寿命は満2年を越えることが考えられる. 全標本中の最大魚は雌全長35mm, 雄28mmであつた.
道津 喜衛
九州大學農學部學藝雜誌 (ISSN:03686264)
vol.15, no.1, pp.77-86, 1955-02

Gobius poecilichthys Jordan et Snyder (1902), a small goby, some 80mm in total length, is found in tide-pools on the rocky coast of Southern Japan. Though Tomiyama, I.(1936) regarded this species, together with Bathygobius soporator(Cuvier et Valencinnes) of the south western coast of U.S.A., as synonyms of Gobius fuscus Ruppell(1928), I treat here this Japanese form provisionallu as a distinct species from the forms of other districts, wishing to compare its life history with others(Fig.1). The spawning season extends from June to September at Tomioka in the Amakusa Islands, Kumamoto Pref., Kyushu. The spawning takes place in tide-pools. The eggs are attached in one layer to the under side of a stone lying in the pool. The male parent fish guards the eggs until they hatch out, staying in the breeding-room prepared by himself under the stone. The fertilized egg is club-shaped with a shallow depression circling near its end, 1.8mm in length and 0.35 mm in width. The incubation-period is about 65 hours at the water-temperature of 23~27℃. The egg resembles in general appearance to that of Bathygobius soporator described by Breder, C.M.(1943) with slight differences in shape of the egg-membrane, attitude of the embryo and the incubation-period(Fig.2, A~L). The goby could be induced to spawn in a table aquarium provided with vacant shells of Pinna pectinata japonica Reeve for egg-layer. The newly hatched larva is about 2.3mm in total length. The larvae 6~18mm in total length appear in the tide-pool from August to November at Tomioka, which already entered into bottom-life feeding on planctonic copepods. The fishes over 20mm in total length live a bottom-life in the tide-pool all year round, feeding on moluscs and crustacean. The life-span of the fish seems to be over 4 years(Fig.3).冨山一郎((1936)は,これ迄にアフリカ,紅海,印度洋,西南太平洋,ハワイ,濠洲北岸及び北米南西部等の各水域から採集された材料について,多くの著者によつて,夫々新種として報告されている.Gobius soporator Cuvier et Valenciennes, Gobius poecilichthys Jordan et Snyder 等の10種以上に上る類似のハゼを,総べてGobius fuscus Ruppell(1828)のSynonymとして,これにクモハゼという和名を附している.ここでは之等の種類の同異について論ずる事は出来ないが,筆者が熊本県及び鹿児島県から得た標本は総べてGobius poecilichthys Jordan et Snyder(1902, 模式標本は神奈川県三崎産)の記載とよく一致するので,こゝにはこの学名をクモハゼに用い,主として熊本県天草郡富岡町の海岸で1947年から1952年の間に行つた観察採集によつてここにクモハゼの生活史の概要を述べるが,Herre, A.W.(1927),Fowler, H.W.(1928),冨山 gobius soporator (Cuvier et Valencinnes)の産卵習性についてはBreder, C.M.(1943)の報告があり,これと注意して比較した.本研究に当り終始懇切なる御指導を賜わり,且つ現行の御校閲をお願した内田恵太郎教授並びに長期に亘る実験所の使用を御快諾下さり,また種々ご配慮を頂いた九大天草臨海実験所前所長相川広秋教授及び同所々員の方々,貴重な文献を拝借した松原喜代松博士,阿部宗明博士,並びに多数の貴重な標本を頂いた鹿児島大学今井貞彦助教授,当教室の大学院研究奨学生水戸敏の諸氏に深謝の意を表する.