高梨 信乃
関西大学外国語学部紀要 = Journal of foreign language studies (ISSN:18839355)
vol.23, pp.43-58, 2020-10

This paper discusses -te hosii in Japanese. The usage of -te hosii is usually divided into three types such as 1) a request, 2) a desire for someone to take action, 3) a desire for a situation/event to occur. We investigate some corpuses of spoken/written Japanese in order to clarify how -te hosii is actually used. As a result, -te hosii is used in many different ways, not only in spoken language and written language, but it also depends on the type of texts that are written, such as newspapers, magazines, Yahoo blogs and Yahoo Chie-bukuro. In some cases -te hosii is used to give advice rather than making a request. It also is sometimes used to imply that the speaker/writer is dissatisfied with the situation. This demonstrates that -te hosii has various meanings rather than how it is usually perceived.


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高梨 信乃 「「てほしい」はどのように用いられているか」 https://t.co/lfpZeWYnN5 「不満」を現す「てほしい」というのは斬新ですね。 #論文

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