高梨 信乃
関西大学外国語学部紀要 = Journal of foreign language studies (ISSN:18839355)
vol.23, pp.43-58, 2020-10

This paper discusses -te hosii in Japanese. The usage of -te hosii is usually divided into three types such as 1) a request, 2) a desire for someone to take action, 3) a desire for a situation/event to occur. We investigate some corpuses of spoken/written Japanese in order to clarify how -te hosii is actually used. As a result, -te hosii is used in many different ways, not only in spoken language and written language, but it also depends on the type of texts that are written, such as newspapers, magazines, Yahoo blogs and Yahoo Chie-bukuro. In some cases -te hosii is used to give advice rather than making a request. It also is sometimes used to imply that the speaker/writer is dissatisfied with the situation. This demonstrates that -te hosii has various meanings rather than how it is usually perceived.
松岡 雄太
関西大学外国語学部紀要 = Journal of foreign language studies (ISSN:18839355)
vol.26, pp.33-47, 2022-03

In this paper, I considered the meaning and function of a grammatical form jara used in the southern region of the Buzen dialect. I concluded that jara is a final particle that expresses a negative modality for the listener, and its meaning is that actively replacing the listener's (in the case of soliloquy, the speaker himself) existing knowledge with the speaker's new one. In addition to this point, the speaker can only use jara in the same place where he/she gained the new knowledge. The remaining task of this work is to clarify the difference between jara and the other sentence ending forms which have similar modal meanings in the Buzen dialect.
山崎 直樹
関西大学外国語学部紀要 = Journal of foreign language studies (ISSN:18839355)
vol.22, pp.79-92, 2020-03

The purpose of this paper is to examine the descriptions of can-do statements in standards for foreign language education used in Japan, from the viewpoint of universal design, and to show how they are described by the viewpoint of the majority. The majority here are foreign language learners who are generally assumed to be typical, that is, learners who hardly ever feel physical, sensory, cognitive, psychological or language barriers in classrooms.
李 春喜
関西大学外国語学部紀要 = Journal of foreign language studies (ISSN:18839355)
vol.14, pp.67-76, 2016-03

研究ノートThis is a case study that shows, by using the "SRA Reading Laboratory" published by McGrawHill, what changes took place among Japanese university students between 2000 and 2014. Level 2a of the "SRA Reading Laboratory" is divided into six levels based on difficulty. I regard the bottom two levels to consist of "poor readers," the top three levels to consist of "good readers," and the fourth level from the top (i.e. the third level from the bottom) as "average." I compare the number of students who have reached each level between students in 2000 and those in 2014. The results show that not much difference can be seen among those described as "average" between 2000 and 2014, but the numbers of those described as "good" and "poor" are inversed during the same period, which indicates the reading ability in Japanese university students is drastically declining.
高橋 秀彰
関西大学外国語学部紀要 = Journal of foreign language studies (ISSN:18839355)
vol.6, pp.59-72, 2012-03

Luxembourg has unique characteristics in terms of language policy where three languagesare officially used, viz. Luxembourgish, French and German. All of them are compulsorysubjects at schools and the last two are the languages of instruction. Luxembourgish is theonly national language of Luxembourg standing for its national identity and is a mothertongue for most Luxembourgers. As French and German are also the official languagesrespectively in France and Germany, it is important for Luxembourg to keep the balancebetween these languages in order to keep an adequate distance from its big neighbors. Thisis the reason that mastering all of the three languages is important for Luxembourgers.Although learning two languages besides one’s mother tongue is a spirit of the EU language education policy, it is by no means easy to acquire three languages. For Luxembourgers whose mother tongue is Luxembourgish, a Germanic language, it requires much effort to be proficient in French which belongs to the Romanic language family. As Luxembourgish is linguistically very close to German, this is used as a major language of instruction at the first stage of the elementary school education, which is arduous for children of the immigrants because most of them are from Romanic countries such as Portugal and Italy. We may recall here that more than 40% of the pupils at schools are with a Romance language background and they are not familiar with Germanics. This is one of the reasons for their high repetition rate at schools. In this study, after observing some historical and legal background of trilingualismin Luxembourg, I shall be examining some ideal characteristics of the trilingualismbrought about by political decisions and increasing problems of language education atschools.
李 春喜
関西大学外国語学部紀要 = Journal of foreign language studies (ISSN:18839355)
vol.10, pp.99-105, 2014-03

These research notes are about "Englishness" and "Japaneseness." This theme has been explored by many researchers, and this research notes are also based on work by the Japanese linguist, Yoshihiko Ikegami. These research notes are divided into four sections. The first section deals with the "mono" language and the "koto" language. English focuses on "things [mono in Japanese]," whereas Japanese focuses on "events [koto in Japanese]." The second section discusses the "HAVE" language and the "BE" language. English is likely to use "have," the verb of possession, in occasions in which Japanese uses "be," the verb of existence or a copula. The third section, by focusing on verbs, points out how strong the subject of the English language controls the rest of the sentence. The last section discusses the language of "suru["do" in English]" and the language of "naru ["become" in English]." In Japanese, "suru" means that "somebody does something," whereas "naru" implies that "an event occurs as if of its own initiative." In conclusion, those notes indicate that the differences between English and Japanese reflect cultural differences inherent to the English speaking and the Japanese speaking people's attitudes toward life.
宇佐見 太市
関西大学外国語学部紀要 = Journal of foreign language studies (ISSN:18839355)
vol.22, pp.15-33, 2020-03

This article is not a scholarly paper but a practical report of a literary classwork of the Faculty of Foreign Language Studies in Kansai University. In the classroom work, the author of this article takes up A Christmas Carol written by Charles Dickens (1812-70) , a British novelist. The reading of A Christmas Carol in the class needs to be approached from the linguistic and literary standpoints to the reading comprehension. The reason why the author adopts classic works like Dickens' A Christmas Carol is because the classic literature seems to contain universal truth beyond time and space. The author of this report entertains the belief that the students' literary achievements can be the wisdom for living after their graduating from Kansai University. Translating English into Japanese and also learning the history, culture, thought, and customs of the 19th century Victorian period will surely help the students to be healthy and strong in any environment they may find themselves in after their finishing at Kansai University. Being confident that this type of research should be highly prized, the author of this article will promote the love of literary learning in the class.
山根 繁
関西大学外国語学部紀要 = Journal of foreign language studies (ISSN:18839355)
vol.13, pp.129-141, 2015-10

Today, English is not only used as a means of communication in English speaking countriesbut also in many other countries in the world as a useful tool for international communication.In terms of “English as an International Language,” we may be able to regard “JapaneseEnglish” as one variant of English. Then, to what extent is English spoken by Japaneselearners intelligible? Should all the pronunciation errors be corrected? There seems to be a general shift of interest in research on error analysis from the categorization of errors committed by non-native speakers of the target language to the investigation of the intelligibilityof non-native speech judged by native/non-native speakers. More recent studies,however, concentrate more upon how these errors are perceived by native/non-nativespeakers and which errors impede communication. It is reasonable to assume that there may be some errors in pronunciation which are relatively more understandable, while other errorsseverely disrupt communication. It is pointed out in this paper that misplaced word accentwould severely impede intelligibilty. Pronunciation errors in consonants also affect intelligibilty while the effects of vowel mispronunciation might have on communication were limited.
福井 七子
関西大学外国語学部紀要 = Journal of foreign language studies (ISSN:18839355)
vol.7, pp.81-109, 2012-10

The purpose of this report is twofold: to retrace of my 20 years research on the works of Ruth Benedict, Geoffrey Gorer and Helen Mears; and to show the importance and the impact on the Office of War Information and the influence they had on the U.S. propagandaregarding Japan which implicitly became the basis of American strategy during World War II.
菊地 敦子 福井 七子
関西大学外国語学部紀要 = Journal of foreign language studies (ISSN:18839355)
vol.18, pp.55-77, 2018-03

This section of An Anthropologist at Work that we are translating includes the chapters, "The Postwar Years: The Gathered Threads" by Margaret Mead and "Recognition of Cultural Diversities in the Postwar World" by Ruth Benedict. Both of these papers describe the urgent need after the war for Americans to understand the cultures of the countries that they defeated in the war and that they were now to occupy. Benedict felt this urgency more than anyone else. She wanted to make sure that the Americans understood the Japanese people and made their decisions wisely. She wrote the book Chrysanthemum and the Sword for this purpose. Benedict's commitment to seeking world peace by understanding ways in which other people live their lives is described in "Recognition of Cultural Diversities in the Postwar World". In "The Postwar Years" Mead describes somewhat bitterly, how after the death of Franz Boas, Benedict worked on the book Chrysanthemum and the Sword almost secretly without consulting her colleagues. The book was a huge success and offers of funding poured in, allowing Benedict to apply her analysis of national character to other countries. This research took Benedict to Europe. But on her return to New York Benedict passed away.
玄 幸子
関西大学外国語学部紀要 = Journal of foreign language studies (ISSN:18839355)
no.21, pp.55-60, 2019-10

平安時代に遣唐使によって将来された漢籍は鈔本 (寫本) であり、唐寫本に見える俗字も同時に伝来された。刊本成立以後の中国では鈔本はほぼ消滅し漢字字体の規範化も進むが旧鈔本の歴史を有する日本では伝来時のままの字姿を伝えている。長寿祝いの年齢呼称に喜寿、傘寿、卒寿があるが、いずれもその俗体である㐂、仐、卆を分解して77,80,90 の歳を表す。日本特有の年齢呼称に、平安時代の漢籍伝来に伴う俗字受容とその後、鎌倉・室町時代を経て江戸時代に定着、現代日本の国語辞典の項目として立つことになった変容の過程を見ることができる。