張 麗山
東アジア文化交渉研究 = Journal of East Asian Cultural Interaction Studies (ISSN:18827748)
vol.5, pp.103-113, 2012-02-01

Sarutahiko is well known god from Japanese mythology. An indication of his popularity with the populace can be seen in the more than ten other names the god also has been given. Moto’ori Norinaga discusses Sarutahiko in his Kojikiden and argues for the multiplicity of the god’s personalities. Nevertheless, there are numerous aspects ofthe god’s origin that remain unclear. Most of the research is in linguistics, anthropology, literature and other fields; however, there is very little that examines the god from the larger vantage of East Asia. This essay turns to documents related to the mythology of the Kojiki and the Nihongi and compares this myth with similar myths found throughout East Asia to re-evaluate Sarutahiko’s traits. In particular, the essay focuses on the function of the god through pursuing one of his names, Chimata-no-kami.


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サルタヒコの白髭神社(延命長寿)→白髭老人の姿からのミロス役もだけど、土着の海人族の神説からの上書きなら犬彦がホレおばさん(水の女神)も納得だと気づいた メモ 境界神としてのサルタヒコ https://t.co/TiL9Ixlq21
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