今和泉 隆行 梅崎 修
法政大学キャリアデザイン学部紀要 = Bulletin of the Faculty of Lifelong Learning and Career Studies (ISSN:13493043)
vol.16, pp.59-81, 2019-03

This paper introduces our fourth workshop on fieldwork, following three workshops conducted by Imaizumi & Umezaki (2016, 2017, and 2018). This workshop focuses on the usage of cartography and photography; in fact, using maps and photographs for fieldwork is not a new approach. However, the use of maps or photographs that students have not investigated sufficiently is problematic as they are only interested in participant observation and interview methods. In brief, students enter the field without having done much preparation, thus making it difficult for them to understand the essence of fieldwork. Therefore, we designed a workshop using landscape photographs in order to build a strong “geographical imagination” and examined the resulting effects.


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続き (2) : 空想地図づくりのワークショップ https://t.co/Jmsdh2hTzp (3) : 空想地図上の街・中村市を読む https://t.co/yPcjptJf55 (4) : 風景写真から土地の情報を読む https://t.co/rvVnkxrLtd

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