- 著者
鈴木 博之
Hiroyuki Suzuki
- 出版者
- 国立民族学博物館
- 雑誌
- 国立民族学博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology (ISSN:0385180X)
- 巻号頁・発行日
- vol.35, no.4, pp.617-653, 2011-03-31
dGudzong Tibetan is spoken in Danba County, Ganzi Tibetan AutonomousPrefecture in West Sichuan, China. It belongs to “twenty-four-villages’patois,” an independent dialect group of Khams Tibetan spoken inthe rGyalrong area. Apart from my several linguistic reports, there are nodetailed descriptions of this variety of Khams Tibetan. In this paper, the phoneticanalysis of the dGudzong dialect is treated with special attention paidto the synchronic phonological framework of the dGudzong dialect as well asto several remarkable diachronic features through a comparison with WrittenTibetan forms. The phonetic analysis is divided into three parts: consonants,vowels and suprasegmentals; the diachronic analysis also mentions typologicalcharacteristics among the Khams Tibetan dialects. At the end of the article,a list of the basic vocabulary (ca. 1000 words) is added.