佐伯 有清
北海道大学総合博物館研究報告 (ISSN:1348169X)
vol.1, pp.81-99, 2003-03-31

Twenty years have passed since the pottery with the written character "□" was unearthed at the Sakushu-Kotoni-Gawa Site on the campus of Hokkaido University. At that time, as regards the broken piece of pottery excavated, the author has endeavored to investigate that character "□" made on pottery in the ninth century, as being identical with the letter "夷", called the Emishi (蝦夷) in ancient Japan. After that, with the increase of similar materials mainly unearthed in many sites of the north eastern provinces and the eastern districts, several opinions have been published by investigators of ancient Japanese history and archaeology. As opposed to the written character "□" as being the very same as the letter "夷" (Emishi 蝦夷), some hold a different view, stating that the character "□" is a kind of mark, or a simpler form for the letter "奉", that inhabitants made when offering to their Gods. On the other side, some scholars offer an opinion that the incised or written character "□" on roofing tiles of the ancient temple and palace is the simplified letter "夷" of the Ubai (優婆夷), namely the Upasika of Sanskrit term. As regard these varying, the author indicates some doubtful points and arrives at the conclusion that the written or incised "□" on potteries and roofing tiles is same letter "夷" (Emishi) as postulated in the original research.


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@tekkenoyaji 北大構内サクシュコトニJlI遺跡出土の「芙」宇土器研究とその後 https://t.co/QDDla5uSt2 https://t.co/QV2AUkKUma
@F34fC9F4NEMW5e2 @tekkenoyaji 似たような文字が入った出土品がこんなにあるのが興味深いです。 いにしえの時代から本州の人が蝦夷地に沢山渡り秋田を拠点に交易も行っていたのだから文字が入っているはずですね。 書簡類は火山で焼失の可能性もあるのかな…
1981 (昭和 56) 年 8月 14日から 1982 (昭和57年) 9月24日まで,北大構内の学生寮建設予定地での遺跡発掘によって,擦文時代中期前半, 9世紀半ばの第 2文化層の遺物包含第 W 層から出土した土締器杯113個体のうちに 「人に三」の字を箆書した破片 1個体があった。#擦文 https://t.co/ESoAJBEP0r

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