東島 仁 中川 智絵 山内 保典 三浦 優生 高橋 可江 中村 征樹
北海道大学 高等教育推進機構 高等教育研究部 科学技術コミュニケーション教育研究部門(CoSTEP)
科学技術コミュニケーション (ISSN:18818390)
vol.11, pp.28-43, 2012-06

The advancement of science and technology has brought not only positive but also negative influences. As a result, people are finding it important to examine the potential consequences of science and technology and their effects on society. In this paper, we describe a public dialogue to examine the relationship between autism (Autism Spectrum Disorders) and society, with detailed methodology for conducting it. Autism is a lifelong neurodevelopmental disorder; approximately one in 100 people have autism. The study of autism is one of the most active fields of research. The approximately 30 participants in the dialogue included various citizens, for example, entrepreneurs, autistic people, parents of young children with/without autism, educators, artists, and students. After being provided with sufficient information on autism, participants were divided into 5 groups to discuss the topic and offer proposals. Finally, 5 proposals for an autism-friendly society were announced; these can be viewed in English at http://ristex-kanazawa.w3.kanazawa-u.ac.jp/syoppu/Consensus.htm. In each proposal, the importance of collaborating with a variety of sectors such as citizens, medical institutions, schools, and other professionals was mentioned. We hope that these proposals will be a foundation for future discussions on the relationship between autism and society.


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自閉症研究と社会にまつわる多様な市民間の対話の試み http://t.co/LPCKycj5nf(日本語) http://t.co/CmirneoOcF(英語)
【特別支援】東島仁ほか(2012)「自閉症研究と社会にまつわる多様な市民間の対話の試み」『科学技術コミュニケーション』第11巻P28〜43 http://t.co/G0Nfu8z1 #特別支援教育

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