斎藤 夏来 SAITO Natuski
名古屋大学人文学研究論集 (ISSN:2433233X)
vol.2, pp.371-390, 2019-03-31

The Okayama Prefectural Museum houses a portrait of UKITA Yoshiie, a 16th century Bizen warlord from the Sengoku Period. The painting, designated a National Important Cultural Property, bears an inscription that has been deciphered largely based on Edo Period transcriptions of the words. In this work, I have taken a closer look at the inscription based on a new high-definition infrared digital image of the colophon reproduced directly from the original painting. The content of the inscription, which was written in 1524 when Yoshiie was still in his prime, touches on two aspects of Yoshiie’s life: his family background and his battlefield exploits. Regarding Yoshiie’s background, a common assumption is that he is descended from the Baekje royal family. Yet from the inscription, Yoshiie himself contends that he rose out of the merchant class to become the knight class, and founded a new family linage. Turning to military exploits, the skirmishes and battles of UKITA Yoshiie and other regional warlords helped secure HOSOKAWA Takakuni’s support for the twelfth ASHIKAGA Shogun Yoshiharu in ways that are largely omitted from the documents and diaries of court nobles and monks living in the capital. Inscriptions on paintings, which are an integral part of the Zen GOZAN(five mountain) literary tradition of the 16th century, are not fictitious, but reflect the subjective reality of the calligraphers. Sixteenth century inscriptions can thus provide valuable insights into the political history of the Sengoku era.


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@SquareDeerHorn この件の経緯については、斎藤夏来『画像賛の語る宇喜多能家と戦国政治史』が参考になりました。義興は在国の身でありながら、争いを調停する姿勢を示しているとのこと。ただ、具体的に何かしたという話では無さそうですが。 https://t.co/EG8f0hP4lR
この動画で解説されている播磨での戦と当時の浦上村宗の幕府での立場が、宇喜多の名を初めて中央に広めたんですよね 画像賛の語る宇喜多能家と戦国政治史 https://t.co/G3dcL2n9cw
これらの傍証も、永正17年以降の義稙と高国は対立を深めていったとする通説に従うなら、別の解釈になりそうではありますが。こちらの『画像賛の語る宇喜多能家と戦国政治史』でも、義村-義稙&澄元(&義興) vs 村宗-義晴&高国 という対立構図を前提とされていますね。 https://t.co/EG8f0hP4lR
なお、赤松則実と伊勢貞陸や大内義興のやり取りの件は、こちらの『画像賛の語る宇喜多能家と戦国政治史』でも触れられていました。義興は在国の身でありながら、争いを調停する姿勢を示しているとのことで、事実であれば義興は義稙を見捨てて去った説は妥当ではないことに!? https://t.co/EG8f0hP4lR

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