佐藤 純子 SATO Junko 西川 輝昭 NISHIKAWA Teruaki 西田 佐知子 NISHIDA Sachiko 門脇 誠二 KADOWAKI Seiji
名古屋大学博物館報告 (ISSN:13468286)
vol.26, pp.169-184, 2010-12-25

Chīmā (Chinese paper charm) and Chīchen (Hell bank note) are pictures engraved on woods and printed on simple plain papers. Most of them are made to wish the people’s good fortune, and they act as an important mediator between Chinese gods and the people in folklore belief. This review presents a list of the Chinese paper charm and the hell bank note collections, which consist of 590 specimens donated mainly by Mr. Hiroshi Asami and Mr. Saburo Ito to the Nagoya University Museum since 2004.


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