石井 僚 ISHII Ryo
名古屋大学大学院教育発達科学研究科紀要. 心理発達科学 (ISSN:13461729)
vol.63, pp.83-91, 2016-12-28

The current study is a review of time perspective studies in adolescence and emerging adulthood. Time perspective was first conceptualized by Lewin (1951), and was involved in field theory. It is defined as “the totality of the individual’s views of his (or her) psychological future and psychological past existing at a given time.” It has been thought that time perspective has an effect on the present behavior of an individual. Since the time that this theory was first introduced, research has increased on various topics related to this concept, especially in the area of clinical, motivational, and developmental psychology. Adolescence and emerging adulthood are critical periods for time perspective, because time perspective develops in these periods, and the developmental tasks associated with these periods are closely related to time perspective. Many studies have examined the relationship between time perspective and identity, which is the developmental task in these periods, and have revealed a relationship between future orientation and positive attitude toward time, and identity achievement. However, previous research has not specifically investigated the identity formation processes. In addition, the focus of previous research concerning time perspective has been biased towards future time. Because of this, it is imperative that future research focuses on both the identity formation process and product, with emphasis on not only the future, but also the past and present as well. Finally, previous research has not paid appropriate attention to time perspective until the death of the individual. The perspective of time, based upon the finiteness of life, can certainly influence adolescent and emerging adult development. Thus, future research should examine this issue further


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