原田 佑規 原田 悦子 須藤 智 HARADA Yuki HARADA Etsuko T. SUTO Satoru
Division of Physhology, Faculty of Human Sciences, University of Tsukuba
筑波大学心理学研究 = Tsukuba Psychological Research (ISSN:09158952)
vol.56, pp.27-34, 2018-08-31

The Cognitive Reflection Test (CRT: Frederick, 2005) is a test designed to measure individual differences in intuitive-reflective thinking styles, and consists of three questions in a fixed order. Although Toplak, West, & Stanovich (2014) have proposed four additional questions, their validity as substitutes was not fully examined. This study investigated (1) the equivalences of the original and new questions, (2) order effects for the three original questions, and (3) the dependency of the CRT across instruction conditions (i.e., standard, under time pressures or stressing accuracy). More specifically, we administered a paper-and-pencil version of the CRT to 128 undergraduate students and analyzed both task performances and confirmation ratings. The results indicated (a) that three of the new questions are not suitable substitutes for the original CRT questions, (b) that order effects in terms of independent item-specific characteristics were observed only for the confirmation ratings, and (c) that the instructions had no effect on either performance or confirmation ratings. Finally, we discussed the importance of investigating both the CRT’s methodology and the cognitive processes underlying the CRT.


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筑波大学のレポジトリはDOIとは違うID(https://t.co/PlHwamCaCp?)で論文を管理しているのかな。 https://t.co/bjdhWZj5yf
【論文】原田他(2018, 紀要) 認知的熟慮性検査(CRT)における項目間等価性および呈示順序・教示効果の検証 : 大学生集団実験による検討/Toplakらによって追加された4項目の等価性の検証。項目6以外は等価とは言い難い。呈示順序や教示の効果は確信度において部分的に確認。https://t.co/KgzEZrZyoS https://t.co/FWm1I8Euek

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