石田 香
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.43, pp.315-323, 2004-03-10

One of the significant features of the public lending right system in the United Kingdom is that it recognizes the public lending right as an individual author's right to receive remuneration for the free lending of their works by public libraries. This feature was formed through the authors'public lending right campaign, where they fought not for the government patronage but for legal rights of authors. In particular, coinage of the word "public lending right" as an analog of existing rights and the campaign policy settled by the Society of Authors contributed to determine the course of the campaign.


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@yumiharizuki12 海外には公共貸与権という、貸出に対して税金から補償するという制度があるようで、イギリスでの議論は参考になりますね https://t.co/CtoOVhCyCa
情報シェア同意に感謝です!RT @matsumegu12 公貸権は自国の言語や文化を守る目的(北欧はこちら)もあります。それに対して日本はイギリスの考え方に近いと思います。関連する論文 http://t.co/m1zccOM8jo … @anzaih

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