張 梅
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.52, pp.169-181, 2013-03-10

The aim of this study is to clarify the motivation and decision-making process of foreign students who have come to Japan to prepare to take university entrance exams, based on interviews with Chinese students attending Japanese language schools. / The research indicates that such students can be divided into four types; 1) those who have come to Japan without taking the national higher education entrance examination in China, 2) those who have taken the national higher education entrance examination in China, and then come to Japan, 3) those who have graduated from a two- or three-year college (Dai-sen) in China, and then come to Japan, and 4) those who have completed university education in China and then come to Japan. Each type has a different motivation for wanting to enter a Japanese university, and went through a different process in deciding which universities to apply to.


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“UTokyo Repository: 私費留学生の進学意識と進路決定 : 日本語学校在籍者へのインタビュー調査から” https://t.co/RU9VyTSu6k #留学生 #論文

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