吉村 春美
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.54, pp.541-550, 2015-03-31

The purpose of this paper is to examine the possibility of extending a practice called Edible schoolyard at a Japanese public elementary school as a case study. Edible schoolyard is the interdisciplinary and comprehensive curriculum that was implemented as one of the school reform measures at Martin Luther King Jr. Junior High school in C.A., U.S. It is a curriculum comprised of a garden and kitchen component in which students grow vegetables and raise animals, and then proceed to harvest, cook and eat their finished products. The Japanese elementary school, which appears to be the first of its kind, introduced the concept and applied it for the purpose of improving their comprehensive curriculum. The present results suggest that children showed self-efficacy, curiosity and interests about nature and these led to emotional development. However, further investigation into the cross-curriculum development, learning evaluation and professional community development are needed in order to advance this practice.


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#研究事例リストに追加しました:吉村春美 2015 「統合的カリキュラムとしてのエディブル・スクール・ヤードの可能性の検討 ―東京都市立A小学校の取組みを事例として―」 『東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要』 54: 541-550 http://t.co/Nnbd9FASdm

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