清水 登 周 桂芳
長野県短期大学紀要 = Journal of Nagano Prefectural College (ISSN:02861178)
vol.67, pp.89-95, 2013-02

Imitative words are more extensively used in Japanese language than in any other language. This paper analyzes the imitative words used in “The Restaurant of Many Orders” written by Kenji Miyazawa. From the viewpoint of styles, imitation words can be classified into the following six styles-basic word repeated style, long sound added style, syllabic nasal added style, double consonant added style, “ri” added style, and others. Miyazawa often and skillfully uses imitative words in his juvenile stories in describing humans and nature. By using imitative words he effectively represents sounds, behaviors, and mental states.This paper shows the concrete examples of the imitative words used by Miyazawa and takes consideration of their effects.


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[日本語] この話で擬音語でカタカナ表記は銃声「タンターアン」ぐらいなのか。

Twitter (13 users, 16 posts, 3 favorites)

@ououj @_perushaneko @daikonbana 特に「擬音語」は多彩ですね。此れが無いと「漫画」は成立しないでしょう。例を挙げると「宮沢賢治」の作品でしょうか?https://t.co/QhpwBO9AGW
『注文の多い料理店』中の「どたっ」→ https://t.co/1pn9uqPuWT ここでは擬態語と断言されてるけど→ http://t.co/vLlfkGLEkU ここでは…→ https://t.co/hTix8OO7ti 「擬音語」に分類されているけど?
この話で擬音語でカタカナ表記は銃声「タンターアン」ぐらいなのか。 / “長野県短期大学リポジトリ:擬音語・擬態語の考察 : 『注文の多い料理店』を通して” http://t.co/f8hub3r7r7

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