菅原 圭 上松 幸一
臨床心理学部研究報告 = Reports from the Faculty of Clinical Psychology Kyoto Bunkyo University (ISSN:18843751)
vol.12, pp.141-153, 2020-03-31

In recent years, separation from both religion and Buddhist temples has been growing. The7th“Religious Influence Survey”Report (True Pure Land Buddhism Otani Movement Office Planning Department, 2014) gives a numerically-informed portrayal of the difficulty of maintaining Buddhist temples and of changes in the involvement of temple supporters. In the background of this phenomenon lie societal changes, including the trend toward the nuclear family, depopulation, decreasing population, and the advancement of science. Further, among public demands of Jodo Shinshu Buddhist monks, the “religious tint” is disappearing. Against this current reality, Jodo Shinshu Buddhist monks are continuing to take up the mantle of the priesthood. In this study, we administered the Szondi test to 11 male Jodo Shinshu Buddhist monks to investigate whether certain personality traits were more likely among those continuing to the priesthood. Our results showed that Jodo Shinshu Buddhist monks tend to be living with various conflicts. The influence of the environment was a major factor in this. It is highly possible that, since their environment is filled with a multitude of conflicts, it is causing these monks severe stress. At the same time, because these conflicts also constitute a defense for them, it is presumed that they may be dealing with conflicts that have not come to the fore.


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僧侶のメンタルヘルスに関し 「ソンディ・テストから見る浄土真宗僧侶の性格傾向の一端」 が興味深い https://t.co/B1ow3zBe0r 母数が少なく,一般的な検査方法ではないことを割り引くべきだが 『僧侶は寺院にしがみつきたいが,離れたい思いという根本的な葛藤も抱えている』 との指摘は適切ではないか

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