名取 琢自
人間学研究 : 京都文教大学人間学研究所紀要 = Human studies : bulletin of Institute for Cultural and Human Research, Kyoto Bunkyo University (ISSN:18843735)
vol.7, pp.103-114, 2006

小林 康正 Yasumasa KOBAYASHI 京都文教大学人間学部・文化人類学科 KYOTO BUNKYO UNIVERSITY Department of Cultural Anthropology
人間学部研究報告 = Reports from the Faculty of Human Studies, Kyoto Bunkyo University (ISSN:18843743)
vol.10, pp.87-113, 2008-03-25

Seimei-gaku, also known as Seimei-Handan, (predicting a person's fortune on the basis of his surname and first name) is a popular fortune-telling method in Japan. It is traditionally believed that this method originated in ancient China and later began to be used in Japan; however, in reality, seimei-gaku was invented in modern Japan. In 1901, Sasaki Mono (1860-1902?), the inventor of Seimei-gaku, used newspapers to awaken the interest of people. This paper aims to explore the relationship between the demand for Seimei-gaku and large-scale publication of popular newspapers in the early twentieth century. Faith in Seimei-gaku was based on the magic of the printed word, and it was created by a media-saturated society. Seimei-gaku can be regarded as a superstition held by typographic man. During this period, the importance of information increased in association with the exponential growth of the market society, and the value of everyday-life experiences in traditional communities declined. Consequently, newspaper became an integral part of people's life. Seimei-gaku is considered to be a part of the information provided by newspapers. It had two prominent types that enabled it to achieve its objectives. One was reading a person's mind, and the other, predicting his future. These are the requisite skills for achieving success in an expansionary economy during the development of a market society.
須藤 春佳 Haruka SUDO 京都文教大学臨床心理学部臨床心理学科 Kyoto Bunkyo University Department of Clinical Psychology Faculty of Clinical Psychology
臨床心理学部研究報告 = Reports from the Faculty of Clinical Psychology, Kyoto Bunkyo University (ISSN:18843751)
vol.1, pp.99-108, 2009-03-31

The purpose of this paper is to discuss close friendship from social, cultural, and psychological viewpoints. The definition of friend is made by Brain R (1976) as follows: person who is connected by means of affection or dearness, not by blood relation or Eros. In order to consider the meaning of close friendship, we referred to the research of comparative anthropology of Brain. Through his study, we could see how close friendship worked in some culture and society, especially in some tribes in Africa where friendship played very important role. Historically, friendship was formed as a social system in the Middle Ages in Europe. Moreover, trust and affection between friends are emphasized in almost all culture. Thus, friendship is regarded as a fundamental aspect of human nature. Friendship is a relationship which has equality and complement nature, and it has played the role of exchange in some social systems. Also, some societies regard friendship as important as kinship, because it proceeds economical and social negotiation outside the kinship system. Several examples are shown in this paper. In order to see friendship from a psychological point of view, the image of twins was proposed in connection with close friendship. In some society, a close friend is recognized as a substitute for twin, which represents half of one's soul. The image of twin-ship represents "a pair of souls", or "the other self." Brain says that the fundamental aspect of friendship is equality, the form of a pair in soul, and "the other self." So he thinks the image of twins is connected with friendship. Finally, we discussed gender difference in close friendship, and close friendship between the sexes. Men and women can form close friendship with each other. Equality, or the basic nature of friendship, enables men and women to communicate with each other apart from their sexual drives.
森 俊夫
vol.7, pp.89-101, 2006

松田 美枝 山下 尚美 太田 裕美 迫 伸夫
心理社会的支援研究 = Reports from the Faculty of Psychosocial Support Research (ISSN:21860033)
vol.9, pp.93-99, 2018-09-01

名取 琢自 今井 完弌 秋田 巌 禹 鍾泰 平尾 和之 佐々木 玲仁 平田 俊明

古川 まゆみ
vol.10, pp.143-165, 2007

This paper deals with Swedish Christmas. In Sweden Christmas is one of the most important annual ceremonies and Swedes spend a lot of time, energy and money on it. In the beginning of the 1990s, just when I started a cultural-anthropological fieldwork in the province of Dalarna, I had a chance of celebrating it with a family (my acquaintance) who was living in a small village on the outskirts of Leksand city. The celebration there was so impressive that an idea crossed my mind. That is making questionnaires on Christmas and distributing them to the houses of my research village. "Christmas" sounds a bright topic for me (a foreign anthropologist) to develop communication with people. The questionnaire, based on the experience at my acquaintace's, consists of 8 subjects. They are ornaments, meals, preparations, where and with whom to celebrate, Swedish Santa Claus (jultomten), presents, the Bible /church/clothes, and any comments on and memories of Christmas. In this paper I have introduced the details of the above-mentioned 8 subjects(the questionnaire in Japanese), the explanations on and the backgrounds of them, and an original questionnaire in Swedish. In the next paper I will publish answers and make some comments on them.
今井 [カン]弌
vol.8, pp.77-90, 2007

杉原 努
臨床心理学部研究報告 = Reports from the Faculty of Clinical Psychology (ISSN:18843751)
vol.9, pp.3-16, 2017-03-31

It is hard to find out articles concerning about the changes toward discharge of long-term inpatients in mental hospital. Author carried out interviews to 16 inpatients who had been stayed at mental hospital for over for 2 years. Thus author clarified the process of discharge, and to analyze by M-GTA(Modified Grounded Theory Approach). Author clarified the changes and the process toward discharge from Mental Hospital in this article, and shows the story line as summery. There are many reasons to stay in the hospital, long-term inpatients are easily fallen into the situation of the following: ≪admission let inpatients be powerless≫. After being in hospital for long term, they change to ≪advancement of forfeited chance≫. In hospital, they become the persons as <deprivation of sociality> and <impracticable situation though inpatients have discharge will>, and this two items are influential each other.【 advancement of undignified situation】 is shaped thought this process. Social Workers, Medical Specialties, and Discharge Workers outside of hospital practice <first approach to discharge> to help both of <deprivation of sociality> and <impracticable situation though inpatients have discharge will>. Inpatients in the stage of <first approach to discharge> change to <training for living capacity>. By <first approach to discharge>, ≪advancement of forfeited chance≫ changes to ≪practices for rehabilitation≫ entirely. Therefore ≪practices for rehabilitation≫ in hospital carried out,【 progression of chance and self-appearance】 begins through the situation during inpatients are still in hospital. Inpatients gain arranged environment and living capacities, through the experiment of <training for living capacity>, they strongly changes to ≪identification as a member of society≫. They can discharge from hospital at that time. This changing is caused under the background that inpatients change to ≪identification as a member of society≫ by ≪practices for rehabilitation≫ Living in the community starts through the stage of <groping for community living>, this experiment has the influence to <acquiring myself> and <birth of self efficacy>. <acquiring myself> influences <birth of self efficacy>.
青山 巧
臨床心理学部研究報告 = Reports from the Faculty of Clinical Psychology Kyoto Bunkyo University (ISSN:18843751)
vol.14, pp.147-158, 2022-03-31

Today, we see a diversification in the attitudes toward and circumstances of romantic relationships, as seen in the variety of gender identities and sexual orientations, and changes to the ways people meet due to the emergence of dating apps. However, there are few psychological studies focused on romantic relationships.This study aims to investigate the trends and problems of research into romantic relationships in Japan, focusing on the nature of the subjects of research, research participants, research methods and the definition of a romantic partner. In line with previous studies, the scope of research materials was limited to papers on romantic relationships published in academic journals between April 2013 and March 2020 by 56 academic associations that are members of the Japanese Union of Psychological Associations (as of April 2021).Based on our criteria, we found a total of 33 studies for analysis. Using the KJ method, we conducted analysis on what kind of phenomena were the subject of research. Studies were then classified into six categories: emotional experience and cognition; pathological phenomena; phenomena related to relationship continuity; comparison with other relationships; effects; and relationship research methodology. Romantic relationship research conducted in Japan in recent years is said to have been more focused on negative emotional experiences such as jealousy, anger, anxiety, and so on, in addition to pathological phenomena such as domestic violence, stalking and controlling behavior.When focusing on survey participants and survey methods, we found that, excluding two reviews, 23 of 31 studies (69.7% ) conducted questionnaire surveys on university students. This suggests a persistent bias in terms of survey participants and methods. Of the 33 studies, 11researches restricted their survey participants to heterosexuals. Out of which, only four defined the nature of a romantic partner, and all focused on heterosexuals.
手嶋 英貴
