照井 悦幸 Yoshiyuki Terui
盛岡大学紀要 = The journal of Morioka University (ISSN:02860643)
vol.17, pp.91-100, 1998-03-19

Since the concept of communicative competence was recognized in the begining of 1970's, facilitating communication abilities has been treated as the main activity in the second language learning classroom. The effect to help second language learners in a classroom has been changed from teaching the language code to coordinating communication opportunities. However, it is also true that the structural syllabus is still very popular. The reason for this is not simply that class management for grammar teaching is rather easier than communicative activities. Possitive effects of the grammar exercises are reported. Theortically grammar teacing has not denied either. Thus, there is a dilemma between code and communication teaching. While the qestion of code teaching is not aswered yet, methods for communication activities have been created in many ways. One of them is an experimental language learning based upon the theories of crosscultural adaptation. According to Yasuba, Ikegami, and Sato (1991), the principles of experimental learning in the view of cross cultural adaptation are foundid on the following four points. First, let students learn from their own experiences. Second, class activities themselves should be considerd as one of learners' experiences in their experiences of the day. Third, the planning and construction of the learning subjects are decided by learners. Fourth, the instructor tries to give the learners satisfaction in their own studies. Based upon the above principles, in this paper I would like to introduce and analyze experimental learning activity in a Japanese learning class.
鈴木 健之
盛岡大学紀要 (ISSN:02860643)
vol.25, pp.23-30, 2008-03

The aim of this paper is to interpret two books on childcare leaves by fathers from a sociological point of view. First, "Ikukyu Tosan no Seicho Nisshi," the first book on childcare leave by father in Japan, will be introduced. Second, "Shinmai Papa Wa Ikukyu-san," the most recent book on childcare leave by father in Japan, will be introduced. In Japan, hardly any fathers tend to take childcare leaves. In conclusion, an analysis of childcare leaves by fathers in Japan will be discussed.
大矢 邦宣
盛岡大学紀要 (ISSN:02860643)
vol.29, pp.29-37, 2012-03
土屋 章
盛岡大学紀要 (ISSN:02860643)
vol.15, pp.203-217, 1996-03-19

日暮 雅夫 Masao Higurashi
盛岡大学紀要 = The journal of Morioka University (ISSN:02860643)
vol.21, pp.1-10, 2004-03-30

The theory of Jurgen Habermas is now called the discourse theory. Habermas's theory has twin features: on the one hand, it includes very varied fields, that is, social theories, ethics, democratic theries, linguistic theories and so on; on the other hand, it is founded strictly on communicative rationality. In Theorie des kommunikative Handelns (1981), Habermas appropriately presents this concept of new rationality as an alternative to the instrumental-strategic one. In opposition to those positivists who understand rationality just as an instrumental-strategic one, Habermas outlines the project of developing the manifold potential of modernity which contains also communicative rationality. Although Horkheimer and Adorno, who are called members of the first generation of the Frankfurt School, went to a theoretical dead end in the self-critic of reason, Habermas gained control of the fulcrum of social criticism through communicative rationality. From the perspective of Habermas's theoretical self-formation, his presentation of communicative rationality in Theorie des kommunikativen Handelns is a consequence of the "communicative theoretical turn," or "pragmatic turn," which arose under the influence of the hermeneutic controversy with H. -G. Gadamer in the 1960's and through studies of the linguistic philosophies of Austin, Scale and Strawson, Apel's formal-pragmatics, Wittgenstein's theory of speech games in the 1970's, and so on. In the post-metaphysical and post-conventional society which loses the ideal of totality, the theory of communicative action, which coordinates and regulates many interactions, constitutes the center of communicative rationality. In this article I analyze and reconstruct Habermas's theory of the communicative action with reference to Theorie des kommunikativen Handelns as follows. First, I have set the concept of communicative rationality against the instrumental one. Second, I have developed the concept of communicative action in comparison with other action models. Third, I have analyzed how communicative action plays the role of coordinating interactions. Fourth, I have treated the interaction-model-tables which depend on the differences of speech acts. Finally, I have shown the problems of communicative action that are not yet resolved.
山崎 武彦 Takehiko Yamazaki
盛岡大学紀要 = The journal of Morioka University (ISSN:02860643)
no.12, pp.95-102, 1993-03-15
