上田 智 金光 理
福岡教育大学紀要. 第三分冊, 数学・理科・技術科編 = Bulletin of University of Teacher Education Fukuoka. Part III, Mathematics, natural sciences and technology (ISSN:0532811X)
vol.72, pp.49-59, 2023-03-10

“Development of High-Tech Teaching Materials for Earth Science Education” (Ueda et al., 2022) was astudy on how to develop a WebAR planet globes using A-Frame. By actively introducing the developedhigh-tech teaching materials to earth science education, Ueda et al.(2022) attempted to arouse students’interest in learning and to realize effective learning through various expressions unique to the digitalenvironment. The authors demonstrated the usefulness of high-tech teaching materials in earth scienceeducation. However, several points for improvement were raised. One of them is the addition of pinchoperation to the developed high-tech teaching materials. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to improvethe functionality of these teaching materials by adding a program that enables pinch operation. In addition,a method of comparing planets by WebVR using a HMD (Head Mounted Display) is also discussed.
上野 禎一 田浦 靖子 原田 圭輔 中矢 徹 谷川 太一 原 光平 長澤 五十六
福岡教育大学紀要. 第三分冊, 数学・理科・技術科編 = Bulletin of University of Teacher Education Fukuoka. Part III, Mathematics, natural sciences and technology (ISSN:0532811X)
vol.65, pp.45-56, 2016-02-10

Syntheses of ruby and sapphire were performed by flux-method. As for the synthesis of ruby, the using flux is PbO-PbF2, and the coloring reagent is Cr2O3. In almost all runs, hexagonal thin platy transparent crystals were obtained. The total color is light pink, and the center part of crystal shows red color. As by-products, light brown platy-hexagonal form of PbAl12O19 crystal and light pink octahedron form of PbAl2O4 crystal (spinel type) were also obtained, which were synthesized by the reaction between Al2O3 and flux component (Pb). As for the synthesis of sapphire, the using fluxes are MoO3, MoO3-Li2O and PbO-PbF2, and the coloring reagent is Fe2O3. In the case of the only MoO3 flux, light blue, and in the case of the MoO3-Li2O flux, dark blue platy-hexagonal sapphire crystals were obtained. In the case of the PbO-PbF2 flux, from transparent to light blue platy-hexagonal sapphire crystals were gained, and light brown platy-hexagonal form of PbAl12O19 crystal was also obtained as like as the case of the synthesis of ruby.
井上 沙紀 唐沢 重考
福岡教育大学紀要. 第三分冊, 数学・理科・技術科編 = Bulletin of Fukuoka University of Education. Part III, Mathematics, natural sciences and technology (ISSN:0532811X)
vol.62, pp.15-18, 2013-02-08

22 種のササラダニ類を対象に,歩行速度と体長および第1 歩脚器の長さの関係を調べた。その結果,歩行速度は,体長よりも第1 歩脚器の長さの影響を受けることが示唆された。