長谷川 倫子 金 仁培
コミュニケーション科学 (ISSN:1340587X)
no.26, pp.3-24, 2007-03-21

The purpose of this study is to focus on the foreign correspondent in Tokyo who works for a major South Korean TV network. At a semi-structured interview, the correspondent was asked about his daily activities as a broadcaster with respect to the international flow of information from Japan. It was found that the correspondent tended to choose topics on politics and economics in response to requests from superiors at the news desk of the network. As the middle person in this routinized process, the correspondent acted as a gatekeeper, selecting and relaying topics from Japan to the South Korean audience. How those media outlets choose and report topics is a reflection of the lasting effects to mutual national images of the colonization of the Korean peninsula by Japan until the end of World War II. For the South Korean news media, monitoring and repor ting on the actions and comments by Japanese statesmen concerning worshipping at Yasukuni Shrine, revisionism in schoool textbooks, or territorial issues seem to be a high priority in selecting news reports about Japan for a Korean audience. In the daily foreign reports of Korean news programs, this kind of close observation and reporting about Japan is second only to reporting on matters related to the United States.
池尾 玲子
コミュニケーション科学 (ISSN:1340587X)
no.26, pp.51-72, 2007-03-21

The use of evaluative expressions in the text does not only reflect the speaker/writer's attitude and viewpoint but also a value-system of the community which the speaker/writer belongs to. Awareness of an evaluative function of language can help mature learners to interpret the speaker/writer's intention and attitude behind the text. In this study, the concept of evaluation is applied to a second language reading class. Comparing lead paragraphs of four different newspaper articles on the same topic helped students who had very little or no experience in linguistic analysis to identify value-laden expressions. Reading a short passage about the same issue also enabled the students to predict the meaning of unknown words and expressions. The comparing process motivated the students to choose one article over others and promoted further reading of the text. The study also revealed inexperienced learners' misconceptions that if a newspaper article had fewer evaluative expressions the article kept an objective point of view and that certain media discourse could be free from the reporter's opinions.
コミュニケーション科学 (ISSN:1340587X)
no.40, pp.71-125, 2014

2013 年度東京経済大学コミュニケーション学部社会調査グループ:阿部奈々子,井手魁利,宇田川和弥,奥みゆ希,奥山葉月,小俣享子,金子智洋,木野知美,佐藤由花,杉野裕子,鈴木麻子,仙崎大河,中野瑛絵,西田良輔,西村一希,野崎壮太,原島彰憲,蛭田希和,正村千華,村上理沙,召田春花,山岡新,山田直弘,渡邊美咲(*:下線は報告書執筆班)(指導教員)山田晴通