古賀 範理
久留米大学外国語教育研究所紀要 (ISSN:13406175)
vol.7, pp.1-17, 2000-03

This paper refers mainly to the memoir of Joseph C. Trainor who was a staff member of the Education Division of CIE (Civil Information and Education) of the Allied Powers, and focuses on the circumstances under which the Allied Powers played an important role in educational reform in Japan and how the tentative and suggested Course of Study was compiled. When the first Course of Study was published in March, 1947, the adjectives "tentative" and "suggested" were attached to its title, partly because there was not enough time to make it perfect before its publication, and partly because it was an instruction manual and reference guidebook through which teachers could make a suitable curriculum for their own schools. Three documents are regarded as having a great influence on the first Course of Study in this paper. One of them is the report of the American Education Mission to Japan. Another one is a brochure titled "Education in Japan" which was published by CIE to help the Education Mission discuss the educational situation in Japan at that time. The third is the report of the Committee of Japanese Educators which was established to cooperate with the American Education Mission. This paper discussed the main ideas concerning the curriculum which are expressed in these three documents. All of them equally condemned the centralized, nationalistic method of teaching which had been practiced in Japan before the occupation. They advised that Japan should adopt a child-centered method of teaching, allowing the teachers freedom to compile their own curricula suitable for each school and region. Current Japanese education in elementary, lower secondary and upper secondary schools is conducted under the regulations prescribed in the Course of Study, or national standards for school curricula. The Course of Study describes the objectives of each subject, its allotted hours per week and the contents which should be taught at schools. Moreover it forms the principal criterion by which the Ministry of Education authorizes the textbooks which must be used at all elementary and secondary level schools. Therefore, it can be said that the Course of Study functions as a nationwide, centralized standard for the school education. Now teachers, as well as administrators of education in Japan, are in a very difficult situation, similar to that just after the War. However, we can learn a lot from the enthusiasm of the educators at that time while they were compiling the Course of Study for the first time in the history of Japanese education.
長沢 澄子
久留米大学外国語教育研究所紀要 (ISSN:13406175)
vol.9, pp.29-42, 2002-03

As more and more areas of human activities seem to be interpreted on a global scale, English has come to be considered to be the lingua franca necessary for the global family community. In Japan, the urgency seems to be felt at the government level, revealed in the proposal "English as the Second State Language," as well as at the educational and personal level that aspire to believe in the teaching and learning of English to be an indispensable part of getting on board. Where does this urgency come from? Is it a syndrome rooted in the so called "English Imperialism" as has been argued in recent years? This paper surveys linguistic imperialism first, and then English imperialism and its background, English language promotion of Britain and the U. S. A., a look at different views of English imperialism, and finally implication to the language teaching profession.
S.M.D.T ランブクピティヤ Rambukpitiya S.M.D.T
久留米大学外国語教育研究所紀要 = Bulletin of the Institute of Foreign Language Education Kurume University (ISSN:13406175)
vol.28, pp.47-86, 2021-03-31

スリランカ人日本語学習者の感謝に値する場面についての理解及び感謝の言語表現についての使用は中間言語的なものであり、その原因の一つはスリランカで使用されている日本語の教科書にあると考えられる。そこで本研究では、スリランカで開発・出版され、高校生を対象としている教科書『スリランカ高校日本語A レベル サチニさんといっしょ』Part1と2から、日本語母語話者なら言語で感謝を表すだろうと考えられるが感謝表現が見られない会話場面を、①先行研究の指摘と参照、②日本で出版された教科書の類似した会話場面と比較、③日本語母語話者の意見の収集という3つの方法で分析した。分析の結果、教科書の改善に重要な点として、『サチニ』には、場面を理解するために必要不可欠な人間関係、場、状況設定などについての情報が不足していること、感謝を表す場面で見られる謝罪型表現の記載がないこと、感謝を課題として扱っていないことを明らかにした。
岩田 好司
久留米大学外国語教育研究所紀要 (ISSN:13406175)
vol.6, pp.45-68, 1999-03

Ismail Kadare, ne en 1936 a Girokastra, est, comme on le sait, l'un des plus celebres ecrivains de l'Albanie. Tres jeune, il s'est fait connaitre notamment grace au succes international de Le general de I'armee morte et il a plusieurs fois ete candidat au prix Nobel de la litterature. Etant donne que Kadare ecrit en albanais, rien n'est plus naturel que son oeuvre soit inseparablement liee a tout ce qui concerne ce peuple habitant dans le sud-ouest de la peninsule balkanique: son histoire, sa culture, ses legendes et mythes et evidemment sa politique cotemporaine. Mais il reussit si bien a universaliser son materiau "local" que l'on a tendance a oublier de quoi il fait son roman. En effet, il nasse sous silence la realite brute albanaise. Il n'est cependant pas fortuit que Kadare ait evite de traiter de facon directe et critique des problemes brulants dont souffrait son pays. Tant s'en faut. Cette sorte d'auto-censure prouve l'inseparabilite de son oeuvre et de la vie quotidienne de l'Albanie contemporaine; Kadare devait vivre (ecrire), comme tous ses compatriotes, sous la menace de la dictature d'Enver Hoxha (1908-85), qui etait au pouvoir depuis la fin de la guerre. Il etait oblige, sous peine de prison, de contourner ou mettre en fable les grands problemes contemporains - tvrannie ou politiaue totalitaire et isolement international. On ne pouvait alors que deviner ce qui se dissimulait derriere les paraboles que racontaient ses romans. Et pourtant la situation evolue depuis que Kadare s'est refugie en France en 1990; il s'est mis a s'exprimer librement.Et les oeuvres cachees par crainte de la police secrete n'ont pas tarde a voir le jour, dont L'ombre. Redige dans une version semi-codee en 1984-86, le manuscrit fut depose dans un coffre de banque a Paris, ordre etant donne a l'editeur de le publier aussitot en cas d'"accident" survenu a l'ecrivain. Heureusement cecui-ci a survecu au regime stalinien et l'oeuvre se voit publier en 1994. Dans ce roman en quelque sorte testamentaire et qui constitue le corpus principal de notre etude, Kadare revele pour la premire fois la matiere brute de sa litterature: isolement et souffranee du peuple albanais sous la dictature de Hoxha. Assuremment ne se contente-t-il pas de la reveler; il l'unversalise en la sublimant a l'aide du patrimoine legendaire et mythologique, notamment de la legende de Doruntine, a laquelle il a deja consacre deux roman: Le crepuscule des dieux de la steppe (1978) et Qui a ramene Doruntine? (1980). Partant d'une analyse rapide des deux romans precedents pour voir combien la dimension politique de la legende y est dissimulee, nous suivrons la troisieme variation sur Doruntine dans L'ombre. Variation au cours de laquelle une simple aventure amoureuse d'un Albanais avec une Parisienne se metamorphose en une histoire mythique de resurrection du peuple albanais. Nous esperons ainsi faire ressortir l'inseparable lien de la creation litteraire d'Ismail Kadare et de son pays.
金 惠鎮
久留米大学外国語教育研究所紀要 (ISSN:13406175)
vol.13, pp.55-70, 2006-03-31

庄村(一瀬) 陽子
久留米大学外国語教育研究所紀要 (ISSN:13406175)
vol.13, pp.1-27, 2006-03-31

本論文では様々な言語で報告されている非対格性が、日本語にも観察されることを示す証拠について検討する。今回は提出されている7つの言語事象を取り上げる。まず宮川(1989)の数量子遊離、辻村(1990, 1994, 1996)の結果構文、竹沢(1991)の「テイル」構文、影山(1993)の格助詞脱落、影山(1993, 1996)の「たくさん」構文、岸本(1996)の「かけ」構文である。そして最後に宮川(1989),辻村(1990)らの漢語複合動詞を概観してまとめに入る。