末広 澄夫
九州大學農學部學藝雜誌 (ISSN:03686264)
vol.17, no.4, pp.443-449, 1960-03

The present investigation was carried out to find out the population and the species of yeasts developing in the putrefied marine algae which were gathered at beaches and were made to putrefy in flasks containing fresh sea water at 20℃. The tested marine algae were Chlorophyta (6 species), Phaeophyta (12 spp.) and Rhodophyta (6 spp.). The yeasts developed in following algae, Enteromorpha sp., Ulva pertusa, Codium fragile, Scytosiphon lomentaria, Sargassum hemiphyllum, S. thunbergii, Ishige okamurai, Hizikia fusiforme, Undaria pinnatifida. The yeasts developed in a definite season which varied with the species of algae. The largest number of the yeasts was about 160,000 per 1 g of wet algae. Six species of the yeasts were isolated. They were identified as Torulopsis famata, Candida parapsilosis var. intermedia, C. albicans, Trichosporon behrendii, T. infestans, T. cutaneum. Torulopsis famata and Trichosporon behrendii rapidly grew on wort agar containing 20% NaCl and the yeasts did not alter their salt tolerance after being cultured on wort agar without NaCl for 7 years.海水中にかなりの量,種類の酵母が存在することは以前から知られている.Waksmanは海洋中に見出される酵母はTorulaが多いがそれらの海洋中における役割は不明であると述べ,ZoBellは海洋中の酵母の数は陸地との距離に無関係で,陸地の影響のない大洋中では酵母の方が細菌よりも多い場合もあつたと述べている.Phaffらはメキシコ湾のエビからRhodotorula 11種,Trichosporon 9種,Torulopsis 3種,Pullularia 4種,Candida 6種,Hansenula 2種を分離した.Woodは魚,海泥,海水から27株の赤色酵母,3株の白色酵母,3株の黒色酵母を分離している.著者は海藻に付着している酵母の分離に従事中,海藻が腐敗すると酵母の数が激増することを知り,それらの酵母の増減の状態及び分離した酵母の性質を調べ若干の結果を得たので報告する.
中村 泰彦 山藤 一雄
九州大學農學部學藝雜誌 (ISSN:03686264)
vol.23, no.3, pp.119-125, 1968-03

In vivo ascorbic acid exists in two forms of oxidized dehydroascorbic acid and reduced ascorbic acid. It is reported that ascorbic acid decreases the mortality of mice bearing Ehrlich ascites tumor, but we have no information as to dehydroascorbic acid. We synthesized dehydroascorbic acid by improved method of Kenyon et al. and isolated it as crude crystal. Aqueous solution immediately after dissolution showed no selective absorption in ultraviolet wave length, and it came to have a peak at 295 mμ with the lapse of time. By means of hydrazine method, crude crystal was calculated to be composed of 2% ascorbic acid, 66% dehydroascorbic acid, 1.0% 2, 3-diketogulonic acid and 22% others. Crude crystal solution kept at 30℃ for 70 hours (70-hrs-solution) consisted of 25% dehydroascorbic acid, 58% 2, 3-diketogulonic acid and 17% others. There was similar tendency in paperchromatography. Crude crystal and 70-hrs-solution inhibited the growth of transplantable mouse tumor Sarcoma 180, solid type and the inhibition rates were 45% and 51% respectively with the dose of 150 mg/kg/day for 6 days. With the same dosage, ascorbic acid showed weak antitumor activity. Although crude crystal and 70-hrs-solution went by contraries on the content of dehydroascorbic acid and 2, 3-diketogulonic acid, both inhibited the growth of tumor to similar extent. So we presumed that dehydroascorbic acid and 2, 3-diketogulonic acid had antitumor activities respectively.1. Kenyonらの方法を一部変えてアスコルビン酸よりデヒドロアスコルビン酸を調成し粗結晶として分離した.粗結晶の溶解直後の水溶液は紫外部にほとんど選択的吸収を示さないが,時間がたつにつれて295mμに吸収極大を持つようになり別の物質に変化することを示した.この変化はペーパークロマトグラフィーによつて確かめられた.ヒドラジン法によると粗結晶の組成はデヒドロアスコルビン酸66%, 2,3-ジケトグロン酸10%,アスコルビン酸2%,その他22%であり,70時間放置水溶液はデヒドロアスコルビン酸25%, 2,3-ジケトグロン酸58%,その他17%であつた. 2. 粗結晶およびその70時間放置水溶液は,可移植性マウス腫瘍Sarcoma 180に対して抗腫瘍性を示し,腫瘍の増殖は粗結晶投与群では対照群の55%,70時間放置水溶液投与群では対照群の49%に抑えられた.この抗腫瘍性はデヒドロアスコルビン酸,2,3-ジケトグロン酸によるものと推定した.
尾野 喜孝 岩元 久雄 高原 斉 岡本 正夫
九州大學農學部學藝雜誌 (ISSN:03686264)
vol.34, no.1, pp.39-46, 1979-12

Effect of castration on the live weight and the growth rates of skeletal muscle, abdominal fat, intermuscular fat, skin, bone and viscera were investigated in this study. Capons and cocks of New Hampshire (NH), Barred Plymouth Rock (BPR) and capons of BPR treated with testosterone propionate (TP) from 26 to 31 weeks of age were used. Live weights and the various weights of each organ and tissue were compared between the experimental groups at 20, 30 and 31 weeks of age. The results obtained were as follows: 1) Live weights of capons were the same as those of cocks in NH and BPR breeds during experimental periods. The weights of TP treated capons were increased gradually after the administration of TP and became 250 g heavier than those of BPR cocks and the capons at 31 weeks of age. 2) Castration had no effects on the growth of skeletal muscle until 20 weeks of age, but showed a marked effect on it after 20 weeks of age. Skeletal muscle weights of capons were apparently smaller than those of cocks at 30-31 weeks of age in NH and BPR breeds. TP administration recovered completely the decrease of these weights after castration, and became equal to those of cocks at 31 weeks of age. 3) Castration had also a marked effect on the growth of abdominal and intermuscular fat after 20 weeks of age in NH and BPR breeds. TP administration decreased the weights of abdominal and intermuscular fat in BPR capons, but these weights were heavier than those of the cocks at 31 weeks of age. 4) Castration exerted some effects on the growth of skin. These weights were increased following the castration in NH and BPR breeds, and became obviously to be heavier than those of cocks at 30-31 weeks of age (21-22 weeks after castration). 5) No effects were found on the growth rates of viscera and bone following the castration and the TP treatment. In conclusion, castration has a remarkable effect on the muscle production and the fat deposition. It decreases the skeletal muscle weight and increases the fat deposition. It is supposed that TP administration on the capon stimulates the growth of skeletal muscle.本実験では去勢が生体重,骨格筋,腹脂肪,筋間脂肪,皮膚,骨および内臓の成長に及ぼす効果について研究した.供試鶏としてはNew Hampshire(NH)種とBarred Plymouth Rock(BPR)種の去勢鶏と雄鶏,それにBPRの去勢鶏にtestosterone propionate(TP)を26~31週齢時まで投与したTP処理鶏を用いた.それぞれ計量した生体重,器官および組織について,去勢鶏と雄鶏間では20,30,31週齢時に,去勢鶏とTP処理鶏間では31週齢時に比較検討を行つた。その大要は次のとおりであつた.1.去勢鶏の生体重の成長は両品種とも雄罵と同じであつた.BPRのTP処理鶏のTP処理後の生体重の成長速度は次第に大きくなり,31週齢時におけるその生体重は,去勢鶏および雄鶏よりも250g重くなつた.2.去勢は20週齢時までは骨格筋の成長に何ら影響を及ぼさなかつたがそれ以後は著しい影響を及ぼし始め,30~31週齢時になると,去勢鶏の骨格筋重量は両品種とも雄鶏のそれに対し劣つていた.BPRのTP処理鶏の骨格筋重量は,TP投与により去勢のために劣つていた分を完全に回復し,31週齢時になると雄鶏のそれと等しくなつた.3.去勢はまた20週齢以後両品種の腹脂肪,筋間脂肪の成長にも著しい影響を及ぼし,去勢鶏の腹脂肪,筋間脂肪重量の増大をもたらした.そしてBPR去勢鶏へのTPの投与は腹脂肪,筋間脂肪重量のかなりの減少を引き起こした.しかし,31週齢時における雄鶏のそれらと等しくさせるにはいたらなかつた.4.去勢は両品種の皮膚の成長にも影響を及ぼし,去勢鶏の皮膚重量は30~31週齢時には雄鶏のそれよりも大きくなつた.5.内臓と骨の成長には,去勢の影響は見られなかつた.以上のことから,雄鶏の去勢は著しい産肉量の減少と脂肪量の増大という2つの効果をもたらした.そして,去勢鶏へのTPの投与は骨格筋の成長を刺激するものである.