銭谷 武平
九州大學農學部學藝雜誌 (ISSN:03686264)
vol.12, no.4, pp.375-381, 1952-09

The present investigation was undertaken with a two-fold purpose: 1) to obtain the synopsis of yeasts for the taxonomic studies, and 2) to determine the specific features of "Shiokara" yeasts. In this report the description of morphological and cultural characteristics of true yeasts (23 strains isolated from 15 samples) was made. The summarized characteristics are as follows: almost all of the species of Zygosaccharomyces have around cell while those of Debaryomyces have a round, egg-Shaped or ellipsoid cell containing one or two oil drops (Table 1). Most fi1m- or ring-forming yeasts belong to Debaryomyces(Table2). The fermentable strains of "Shiokara" ?yeasts belong almost all to Zygosac-charomyces and their fermentability is continuous, though not vigorous. The streak culture is shown in Table 3 and photograph. In gelatin stab cultures the liquefaction could not be observed except in some rare cases (Table4). The giant colony of Debaryomyces sp. C_2 is different from any of Debaryomyces already described, the former showing many characteristic concentric rings (Table 5 and photograph).塩辛類の酵母に就いては喜多及び本村・小谷両氏の研究があり, いづれもTorula属とした.著者は第1報に於て各種塩辛類から多数の真正酵母菌を分離しその主要なものはZygosaccharomyces属及びDebaryomyces属に入ることを確めた.本邦に於ける?酵食品のうち味噌・醤油の酵母に就ては諸氏の報告あり高橋・湯川両氏は醤油酵母の,茂木氏は味噌酵母の菌学的性質一般を審かにし其の特性をも明らかにされた.尚叉此等食品の風味の醸成に役立つもの並に有害な菌種をも醒めた.塩辛及び其類似品は動物蛋白乃至其分解物を主とし糖質に比較的乏しく前記農産?酵食品とは其組成に著しい差異があり叉味噌・醤油類は絲状菌酵素の作用が顕著なるに比し塩辛類は概ね自己消化酵素に依存する.従つて塩辛酵母(塩辛中の酵母類を総指して塩辛酵母と呼ぶととにする) は味噌・醤油酵母とは其趣を異にすると想像されDebaryomyces属酵母の非常に多いことも一つの特色と推定し得る.著者は塩辛酵母の特性を明かにし且分類学的位置を定めるために15試料から分離した真正酵母菌の23菌株に就て形態学的並に生理学的性質一般に関する研究を行つたので報告する. 本報では形態的並に培養町性質に就て記載する.
平岩 馨邦 三宅 貞祥 南 学
九州大學農學部學藝雜誌 (ISSN:03686264)
vol.14, no.3, pp.455-459, 1954-03

Northern Kyushu was caught in heavy rains, rivers around overflowed and their catchment areas met unparalleled flood in the end of June, 1953. In August we went to Onga Village, Hinashiro Village and Zend6ji Town, in which the damages were most tremendous, along the Onga and Chikugo rivers in Fukuoka Prefecture, and investigated the effects of the flood on the habitations of the domestic rats, Norway rat Rattus norvegicus, and house rat Rattus rattus, in those areas. Norway rats were captured in Togo Town of unflooded area and in the higher and dried part of Nakabaru Village of flooded area but in the above mentioned villages and town in which water came over several metres, only house rats were got, Norway rats being never met. Therefore it seems that in the flooded areas the Norway rats decreased exceedingly in number, having been drifted or drowned, as the water invaded their dwelling places of ground level, though the house rats survived, escaping to the higher places in the house such as rafters of the ceiling. The peasants observed that abundant individuals of rats were drifted and arrived, being alive or dead, to the foot of the hill situated down the Onga river. Most of them are considered to be Norway rats. Hinashiro Village and. Zendoji Town along the Chikugo river are used to be flooded almost annually in summer, so the Norway rats, living in ground level, are thought to be very few in number or to be lacking absolutely, because they can not dwell habitually in such area.昭和28年6月25日より数日間降り続いた豪雨の為, 北九州特に福岡・熊本両県下に於ける遠賀川・筑後川・矢部川・菊池川・白川の諸河川は氾濫し, その流域地方は未曾有の大洪水に襲われ各方面に甚大な災害を蒙つた. その直後九州大学に於いてはその災害の綜合調査を企画し, 学内の関係諸教室は夫々の専門分野の調査研究に従つた. われわれは動物に関係する部門を分担し, 8月の初旬及び中旬に福岡県下の主として遠賀川・筑後川の流域に於ける水害現場に赴いて調査を行つたが, その内洪水の住家性鼠類に及ぼした影響に関するものをここに報告する.
古賀 義昭 永松 土巳
九州大學農學部學藝雜誌 (ISSN:03686264)
vol.23, no.2, pp.43-48, 1967-07

During 5 years from 1959 to 1963, many reciprocal pollinations between diploid and autotetraploid rice plants using Japanese and foreign varieties were artificially carried on by hot water emasculation method, and results were as follows (Tables 2 and 3). From these crossings, besides plumply, well developed seeds, many shriveled and ill-developed seeds which contained no endosperm and were very light, 1/10~1/20 of normal seed in weight, were obtained. For convenience' sake, they were called perfect and imperfect seeds respectively. The perfect seeds set in very low percentage, that is about 1%, but they germinated well and grew to maturity. From the cytological observations, it was found that almost all of them were selfed seeds of female plants. As to the imperfect seeds, seed setting ratio was comparatively high, but they germinated in low percentage and if germinated they could not grow to seedlings. For the question whether these imperfect seeds were true hybrid seeds or parthenocarpically developed ones, some knowledges were already given in the first report. When diploid and tetraploid plants were castrated by hot water emasculation method and not pollinated afterwards, imperfect seeds did not set on diploid plants, and on tetraploid plants only 1.1% were set. This ratio was very low compared with the crossed results as shown in Tab. 2 and 3, so that the greater part of imperfect seeds in crossed case were seemed to be true hybrid seeds. Degree of seed set was typically different between reciprocal crossings, and some differences were also found between varieties. In Japanese varieties, when diploid was used as female parent imperfect seeds were less easily obtained, but in reversed crossings they were more easily obtained and more heavy in weight and germinable. On the other hand, in foreign varieties imperfect seeds were more easily obtained in the crossing 2X×4X than in reversed crossings. This tendency was very striking in the varieties O. sativa f. spontanea and Ba Thut Nuho T. T. B., but in the crosses with O. sativa f. spontanea germination was better than that in 4X×2X cross as in Japanese varieties. In foreign varieties, Ba Thut Nuho T. T. B. and Songa T. T. B. belong to the so-called Indica type, and O. sativa f. spontanea belongs to wild species. So that they were genetically different from Japanese varieties. From above facts, it was considered that the tendency of seed setting was not constant within varieties, and that this phenomenon was affected by genetic differences.1) イネの3倍体を作出することを目的として,日本稲および外国稲を用い,2倍体および同質4倍体間に相反交配を行ない,交配種子の着生について観察した. 2) 交配の結果,良く充実した完全種子は低率で約1%しか着生しなかつたが,発達が劣る不完全種子は多量に着生した. 3) 完全種子は大部分が母本の自殖種子であり,不完全種子が真正の雑種種子と考えられたので,不完全種子により相反交配および品種間の交雑成功度を検討した. 4) 交配種子の着生率は相反交配により異なり,日本稲では4x×2xが逆交配より高く,また種子重,発芽率とも大であつたが,外国稲では2x×4xの方が多く着生し,種子重には差が見られなかつた.しかし発芽率は4x×2xの方が良いようであつた.
川路 則友 白石 哲
九州大學農學部學藝雜誌 (ISSN:03686264)
vol.34, no.3, pp.123-132, 1980-07

We examined the avifauna in and around the Nagasaki Airport, and investigated the behavior and food habits of the Black-eared Kite, Milvus migrans, which roosted in Usu-jima Islet near the airport from June, 1977 to March, 1979. The results obtained are as follows: 1. Sixty-two bird species belonging to twenty-six families were observed in and around the airport. In the course of census, we found wintering of the American Golden Plover Pluvialis dominica from 1977 to 1978, and the Chinese Great-grey Shrike Lanius sphenocercus on January 10, 1978 which had been rarely observed in Kyushu, Japan. In the airport the dominant species were always the Skylark , Alauda arvensis, and the Tree Sparrow, Passer montanus. 2. The Black-eared Kites left the roost in Usu-jima early in the morning, and flew to the feeding area, but some kites remained on and around Usu-jima all day long. The maximum number of kites is highest between September and November, and they decreased markedly in December; they increased again from January to February, but only a few individuals were observed between March and July. These changes in abundance of kites probably reflect their migratory movements. 3. Between September and October many kites moved in a wide area, but less so in other months. Especially in December, all kites lived within a very restricted area. Accordingly, the extension and reduction of the daily movement seem to relate to the feeding area, which changes with fluctuations in kite's abundance. We found another roost in Osaki Peninsula, north to the Nagasaki Airport, and there seemed to be other two roosts. The kites roosting here seemed not to move so far. Since there is abundant food for the kites along the coast, it seems enough for their existence to feed within a narrow area. 4. Fishes were most abundant as food items of the Black-eared Kites and a kind of gobies, Chaeturichthys hexanema, occupied the highest percentage of them, being followed by insects. Especially in October, a number of kites gathered at the airport in order to feed on locusts which inhabited the grassland, so that the ratio of kites with stomachs including insects temporarily increased. Other foods detected were the kite (probably fed after death), skylark and a kind of pill-bugs, Armadillidium vulgare.1.1977年6月から'79年3月まで,長崎空港周辺の鳥相および臼島を塒とするトビの行動と食性について調べた.2.長崎空港周辺で確認された鳥種は26科62種に達したが,特筆すべきこととしてムナグロの越冬(1977年から'78年にかけての冬)とオオカラモズの確認(1978年1月10日)を挙げた.空港内ではヒバリとスズメが常に優占種であつた.3,トビは朝早く臼島の塒から飛び立ちえさ場へ向かうが,同島やその周辺で終日生活する個体も多く確認された.月別に見た1日のうちのトビの最大個体数は9月~11月に多く,12月になると激減し,1,2月には再び増加し,3月以降7月まで少なかつた.その原因としては渡りが考えられた.4.個体数の最も多い9,10月には直線距離にして最大10km程度の飛翔を行なつて広範囲に行動する個体が増加するが,それ以外の月にはそれほど遠くへ出て行く個体は見られず,特に12月にはすべての個体は1~2kmの範囲内で生活していることが知られた.従つて,これら行動範囲の拡張と縮小は個体数の増減に対応したえさ場の確保と関係があると考えられた.車によるライン・センサスの結果,臼島のほかに確実に1ヵ所,また明示はできないが更に2ヵ所の塒があると推察されたが,それらの塒の個体もさほど遠距離まで行動しないと思われた.恐らく,海岸沿いには常に餌が豊富に存在し,ある程度までの個体数は塒の近距離内で許容されるためと考えられた.5.トビの食物としては魚類が最も多く,その中でもアカハゼが主食となつていることが知られた.次いで昆虫類が多く,特に10月には空港の草原に生息するバッタ類を採食しに飛来するトビが増加し,昆虫を採食している個体の割合が一時的に増大した.そのほかの食物としては鳥類のトビとヒバリ,甲殻類のダンゴムシが確認された.
九州大學農學部學藝雜誌 (ISSN:03686264)
vol.20, no.1, pp.61-79, 1962-10

The main objects in this survey were to find out whether the Japanese mice, Mus molossinus Temminck and Schlegel, live out in the several environments all the year, and whether they have a breeding season in such different habitats as house, straw stack, cultivated field and waste land. For this reseach the capture of the mice, confirmation of their nest holes, examination on the reproductive status and feeding habit were all carried out in Fukuoka District between June 1955 and April 1960 (Figs. 1-5). The trapping for capture of the mice was all done with break-back traps and cage traps baited with a dumpling made of wheat and buckwheat flours or a piece of cheese. The methods I have used for information on the reproductive status were the examination of implantation scars, corpora lutea, presence or absence of embryos and stage of oestrus cycle as determined by vaginal smears regarding the female, on the other hand, spermatozoa in smears of epididymides regarding the male. The results are shown in Tables 1-8 on the basis of the examination on 929 mice (females 402 ; males 403 ; young and subadults 124) and on nest holes from all kinds of environments : The mice living in the house take groceries as the food, and breed from spring to autumn. But it is clear that very little breeding occurs in winter. In the farm-house, compost and straw stacks adjoining farm-gardens or grass- and weed-grown areas mice were known to have moved from inside to field owing to the feeding. Such the first movement from inside to field occurred in spring, early summer and fall, and the reverse movement was in winter and rainy season. However the mice dwelling in the urban premises are confined to houses all the year. The food of the mice dwelling in the straw stacks is unhulled rice in winter. Straw stacks in this country are built in the end of November after harvest and these are removed by June of the following year. There is, therefore, the breeding season during winter and spring of the following year. At the beginning of winter the mice living in the fields migrate into straw stacks for the winter season. During autumn the mice are found both around straw stacks adjoining the farm-garden and at considerable distances away from farm-garden. The latter probably lives quite independently in the fields. Since the food has been eaten out at the beginning of spring, they moved from straw stacks to the cultivated field. At the end of spring (the rice planting season) mass of the mice in the straw stacks and the other places spread into the dry slopes of hillacks, high banks of paddy fields and farm-gardens. Most mice living in cultivated field live mainly in the farm-garden and marginal banks of paddy fields in summer. They are living on crops, weed seeds and blades. They can live without the shelters such as houses, compost and straw stacks in winter. They live in burrows in the ground at all seasons. Although they seem to have breeding season all the year round, the rates of fecundity in spring and autumn are higher than in the other seasons. The mice living in the waste land live in burrows in the ground under the weed-grown areas and banks, and they are living largely on weed seeds and blades all the year. They seem to have restricted breeding seasons in spring and autumn.著者は1955年6月から1960年4月まで福岡市およびその近郊において環境を異にする9地区11カ所を選び(第1~5図),日本産野棲ハツカネズミの棲息場所とその繁殖について検討してみた.調査の方法としては本種の捕獲,巣孔の確認,食性および生殖状態の吟味などを行なつた.以下その結果を要約してみたい(第1~8表).まず家屋内に棲息している木種は食品を餌として周年ここに棲み,春夏秋によく繁殖している.家屋付近に野菜畑や草場があれば時に採餌のため屋外にでて活動する.一般に藁積は11月下旬につくられ,翌年の5月下旬には取り除かれる.したがつて藁積に棲む本種は初冬から晩春にみられる.藁積では主に籾を餌として冬および春ともに繁殖する.野菜畑を近くにひかえた藁積には本種が多数棲みつき,春には藁積から採餌のため畑にでて活動する.時に本種は野菜畑から遠く離れたところに棲むこともある.耕地では作物が畑に繁茂している間は作物を餌としてここに周年穴居するが,付近に家屋や堆肥,藁積があれば,これに移り棲むことがある.とくに梅雨季,冬季においてこのような現象が観察された.また水田地においては夏は土手に棲む.耕地でも繁殖状態にあるものは周年みられるが,とくに春と秋とに多い.原野に棲む本種は雑草の茎葉,種実を餌として周年土中に穴居または雑草中に棲息する.その繁殖ははつきり春秋に限られる.要するに人間社会から離れた孤立地区に棲息する原始生活型の本種は雑草の茎葉と種実を餌として土中に穴居し,その繁殖現象には春と秋の明瞭な2つの繁殖季節を留めている.これに反し,一般に人間の生活領域に入つてきている本種は餌や棲息場所を人間に依存し,周年にわたつて繁殖可能となり,明確な繁殖季節を認めがたい.このことは環境としての棲息場所が本種の繁殖現象にいかに大きな影響を与えているかを充分に物語るものである.
大村 浩久 岡田 秀臣 坂井 美鈴 松井 三郎
九州大學農學部學藝雜誌 (ISSN:03686264)
vol.30, no.1, pp.21-28, 1975

"Manju (a steam bean-jum bun)" is one of the popular confectioneries pervading all over Japan. It is commonly produced by appropriate steaming a dough of wheat-flour wrapping "an (bean-jum)." On the other hand, "Umegae-mochi" is the special product in Fukuoka. It is produced by baking a dough of glutinous rice flour wrapping "an" in a mold of shape of plum-flower. Regarding respective 5 brands, sensory test and chemical analysis were carried out in order to give some useful guidances for consumers' daily life. Well-known 5 brands of "Manju" in Fukuoka is divided into 2 types of "Dorayaki" and "Kasutera-manju." The former has the following constituents: moisture 27.9~34.0; protein 5.4~5.8; fat 1.0~2.2; starch 58.0~62.9; fiber 0.9~1.0; ash 0.4~0.6; calorie 267~298 Cal. The latter is composed of moisture 21.6~23.5; protein 6.4~6.7; fat 1.3~2.9; starch 66.2~68.7; fiber 0.6~1.2; ash 0.5; calorie 313~318 Cal. On the other hand, chemical analysis of 5 brands of "Umegae-mochi" indicates the following composition: moisture 31.8~39.5; protein 5.1~5.8; fat 0.1; starch 27.0~34.3; sugar 22.0~33.7; fiber 0.6~0.9; ash 0.4; calorie 241~272 Cal. No artificial sweetnesses and preservatives were detected at all. However, artificial pigment, yellow No. 4, was qualitatively detected in 1 brand of "Manju" and that, red No. 2, in 2 brands of "Umegae-mochi." Since standard deviation over F005 was estimated among panels of 7 common house-wives and 3 skillful clerks in the department stores, reliable results of sensory test could obtained for neither "Manju" nor "Umegae-mochi."福岡県内産の代表的銘柄のマンジュウおよび梅ヶ枝餅それぞれ5銘柄を任意に購入L,官能テストおよび理化学テストを行なつた.マンジュウはドラ焼キとカステラマンジュウとの両タイプに分けられたが,その一般成分は前者において,水分31.0%,蛋白質5.6%,脂質1.6%,澱粉60.5%,繊維0.95%,灰分0.5%,熱量285カロリー,後者において,水分22.7%,蛋白質6.5%,脂質1.9%,澱粉67.6%,繊維0.9%,灰分0.5%,熱量315カロリーであつて,いずれも対照(成分表)にくらべ水分含量は低く炭水化物およびカロリー値は高い傾向がある.人工甘味料および保存料は検出されなかつたが,着色料は黄色4号が1銘柄に使用されていた.一方梅ヶ枝餅の成分は水分35.2%,蛋白質5.5%,脂質0.1%,澱粉29.6%,糖分28.5%,繊維0.8%,灰分0.4%,熱量258カロリーであつた.これにも人工甘味料および保存料は検:出されなかつたが,赤色2号の使用が2銘柄に認められた.マンジュウ,梅ヶ枝餅ともに官能テストのすべての項目においてパネル間に有意差があり,正確な嗜好の傾向は求められなかつた.
銭谷 武平
九州大學農學部學藝雜誌 (ISSN:03686264)
vol.12, no.4, pp.383-390, 1952-09

The physiological characteristics of true yeasts found in various "Shiokara"(23 strains isolated from 15 samples) were determined. The results were as follows; 1)film-forming test was carried out by Stelling-Dekker's method, and the tested yeasts were divided into three groups: (a)film-forming group, Debaryomyces species twelve strains, Zygosaccharomyces, Hansenula and Torulaspora species each one strain, (b) ring-forming group, Debarymyuces species three strains.(c)non-firm-forming group, Zygosaccharomyces species six strains and Debaryomyces species one strain(Table 1). 2) The results of sugar fermentation-, acid production- and nitrogen assimilation-tests are described in Table 2. Since the fermentation tests of Debaryomyces were invalid for the classification systems, the author's classification by the ability of acid production (not yet published) was employed. The results of assimilation test of ethyl alcohol are shown in Table 3. 3)Optimum-oH and ?temperature of growth and the thermal death point were determined. Most Debaryomyces species have optimum temperature at 25~30℃,while, most Zygosaccharomyces at 30~35℃.The thermal death point of Zygosaccharomyces is generally higher than that of Debaryomyces, and all strains die at 60℃within ten minutes(Table 4). 4)"Shiokara" ?yeasts are osmophile and are able to grow in the bouillon containing 20~25 per cent sodium chloride(Table 5).著者は先にZygosaccharomyces属並にDebaryomyces属菌が塩辛中に普遍的に存在し酵母菌相が他の農産?酵食品と異る事を明らかにした.従来これ等両属の酵母菌の内前者は醤油,糠味噌,ソース並に辛味噌等に,後者は腸詰,ハム,ベイコン等の肉類製品や各種のPickle等に屡々見出される.製品により有用菌として,時には叉有害菌として食品管理上に重要な影響を齊らしている.例えばZ.Soja, Z.majorの如く醤油酵母として有用視されるものもあれば醤油,ソース叉は濃厚果汁等の変敗菌として有害視されるものもありDebaryomyces属の如きは腸詰類のネトの原体として有害視されるものや他の肉類製品に於いても其発育はあまり好ましくないものもある.一般に製品の性状と酵母の生理作用が相互に関連し合つて製品独特の菌相を形成するものと考えられ,本邦における食品中でも醤油酵母,味噌酵母の如きはその生理学的性質が極めて詳細に研究せられそれぞれの特性が明らかにされている.著者は塩辛酵母に就いて分類学的所属を確かめるに必要な生理学的性質一般を知るためと,製品の保蔵,変敗に関係する菌類の各州の発育条件を知る目的から此の研究を行つた.本報ではこれらの目的で行つた生理学的性質の研究結果を記載し塩辛酵母の性質を他の酵母菌の夫れと比較し若干の考察を試みる.
大村 浩久 高田 正 石田 英雄 松本 正隆
九州大學農學部學藝雜誌 (ISSN:03686264)
vol.33, no.1, pp.69-77, 1978-09

Two types of fish jelly products, "Chikuwa" (rolled fish cake) and "Sumaki-Kamaboko" (fish cake rolled with straw) manufactured in Fukuoka prefecture were examined on respective 10 brands in January of 1975. The following ranges of constituents were indicated by chemical analysis. "Chikuwa" : Water 63. 1~73. 6 (69. 4± 1. 1) % ; protein 11. 7~16. 7 ( 13. 8±0. 5) % ; lipid 0. 3~0.9 (0.6±0.07) %; ash 2.4~4.4 (3.3±0.2) %; starch 2.0~40.2 (6. 1 ±0. 9) %, sugar 8. 3~18. 2 (13. 0±0. 9) %, energy 97~132 (112 ±3. 8) kcal ; sorbic acid, 0. 64~1. 68 (1. 28±0. 13) g/kg except one brand; saccharin sodium 0 in 7 brands and 0. 03, 0. 47 or 0. 16 g/kg in 3 respectively; A F_2 and hydrogen peroxide were not detected, while positive intestinal flora in one brand. "Sumaki -Kamaboko": Water 71.0~77. 3 (73. 5±0.7) %; protein 10. 1-15.8 (11.4±0. 5) %; lipid 0. 3~1. 0 (0. 5±0. 07) %; ash 2. 3~3. 6 (3. 0±0. 1) %; starch 0~7. 4 (5. 0±0. 7) %; sugar 7. 5~14. 7 (11. 5 ± 0. 7) %, energy 54~104 (83 ± 6 ) kcal ; sorbic acid 0. 18~1. 58 (0. 78±0. 2) g/kg in 7 brands and 0 in 3 brands ; saccharin sodium 0 in 7 brands and 0.01, 0.06 or 0.06 g/kg in 3 respectively ; AF_2 and hydrogen peroxide were not detected, while pseudo - positive intestinal flora in 2 brands. Red No. 106 was employed in 7 brands and No. 104 in one brand, but not in others. A strict relationship between evaluation by sensory test and constituent was not estimated. However, it was shown with some exception that the evaluation was generally dependent on higher protein and lower starch content through certain physical properties such as sense of touch. A rough correlation of evaluation to price was also observed. Although t h e distinct feature was not estimated for products in Fukuoka prefecture, they seemed to contain much starch.昭和49年度においても,それぞれ福岡県内10ヵ所の生産者から試料を購入し,官能テストならびに成分分析により,チクワについては3年連続して調査を行なつた.またスマキについてもあわせて調査した.チクワの成分は,水分63.1~73.6(69.4±1.1)%,蛋白質ll.7~16.7(13.8±0.5)%,脂質0.3~0.9(0.6±0.07)%,灰分2.4~4.4(3.3±0.2)%,澱粉2.0~10.2(6.1±0.9)%,糖分8.3~18.2(13.0±0.9)%,エネルギー97~132(112±3.8)キロカロリーであつて,過去2回の調査によるものとほとんど差はなく,対照にくらべて水分含量がやや低く炭水化物含量が高い傾向が認められた.ソルビン酸は1試料を除いて0.64~1.68(1.28±0.13)9/kgの範囲に検出され,一方人工甘味料はサッカリンナトリウムが3試料に認められた.またAF2,過酸化水素のような殺菌料はすべての試料に検出されなかつたが,大腸菌群は1試料にのみ陽性であつた.スマキでは,水分71.0~77.3(73.5±0.7)%,蛋白質10.1~15.8(11.4±0.5)%,脂質0.3~1.0(0.5±00.07)%,灰分2.3~3.6(3.0±0.1)%,澱粉0~7.4(5.0±0.7)%,糖分7.5~i4.7(11.5±0.7)%,エネルギー54~104(83±6)キロカロリーであつて,チクワにくらべて水分含量がやや高いが蛋白質ならびに炭水化物含旦が低く,また含量の範囲も狭かつた.澱粉無添加試料の蛋白質含量は最も高く,これを除くと10~12%の範囲にあつて,対照にくらべてほとんど差はなく,一般に炭水化物含量が高く脂質含量は低かつた.ソルビン酸は7試料に0.18~1.58(0.78±0.2)9/kg,サッカリンナトリウムは3試料に0.Olあるいは0.069/kg検出された.AF2および過酸化水素はすべての試料で陰性,大腸菌群は2試料に凝陽性であつたが,人工着色料は,赤色106号が7試料,赤色104号が1試料に使用されていた.これらチクワやスマキなどの成分あるいは価格と官能テストによる評価との間に厳密な相関関係を見出すことはむつかしかつた.しかし,例外的に一部逆の場合もあるが,こしや触感のような物性を介して蛋白質および澱粉含量が影響する傾向も認められた。
大村 浩久 岡田 秀臣 坂井 美鈴 松井 三郎
九州大學農學部學藝雜誌 (ISSN:03686264)
vol.30, no.1, pp.35-39, 1975

Chemical analysis of 5 brands of "Kamaboko (fish paste)" and "Chikuwa (rolled fish cake)" indicated the following constituent. "Kamaboko": moisture 75.2~79.1%; protein 11.5~15.0%; fat 0.7~0.8%; starch 2.3~3.1%; sugar 5.0~7.3%; ash 2.6~3.1%; calorie 87~102 Cal. "Chikuwa": moisture 70.1~73.8%; protein 14.3~16.0%; fat 1.1~1.5%; starch 1.2~3.6%; sugar 5.2~6.7%; ash 2.7~3.5%; calorie 101~109 Cal. In "Kamaboko," saccharin sodium and hydrogen peroxide were not detected, while sorbic acid was observed in 3 brands. On the other hand, both saccharin sodium and sorbic acid were detected in all samples of "Chikuwa," whereas hydrogen peroxide not. Intimate relationship of the evaluation of the sensory test to price, chemical constituent or maker was not observed, as those for processed foods examined before. However, it was only suggested that samples of lower protein content were inexpensive and evaluated with lower degree.板カマボコおよびチクワをそれぞれ県内5カ所の生産者から購入し官能テストと成分の分析を行なつた.板カマボコの平均成分は水分77%,蛋白質13.4%,脂質(0.74%,澱粉2.7%,糖分6.3%,灰分2.9%,熱量960カロリ一であつて,炭水化物およびカロリーが僅かに多いほかは対照(成分表)とほとんど差はなかつた.人工甘味料ならびに漂白ないし殺菌剤である過酸化水素はいずれも検出されなかつたが,保存料ソルビン酸は3銘柄に使用されていた.一方,チクワでは水分71.8%,蛋白質15%,脂質1.3%,澱粉2.3%,糖分6.2%,灰分3.2%,熱量106カロリーであつて,対照(成分表)よりは水分含量はかなり低いが,他の成分はいずれも若干高かつた.サッカリンおよびソルビン酸はすべての試料に検出されたが,過酸化水素は認められなかつた.他の加工食品の場合と同様に,価格ないし生産者の知名度と成分あるいは官能テスト間には必ずしも相関関係は認められなかつた.しかし,一応蛋白質含量の低いものは価格も安く評価も低い傾向が認められた.
安松 京三 中尾 舜一
九州大學農學部學藝雜誌 (ISSN:03686264)
vol.16, no.2, pp.203-219, 1957-11

It is well known that winds play an important part in the spread of Coccids. Especially interested readers may refer to Tutt (1898), Webster (1902), Quayle (1916), Dammerman (1922), Ehrlich (1933), Wolcott (1933), Clarke (1938), Glick (1939), Strickland (1950) and Bodenheimer (1951). But the literature reveals that not a single experiment has ever been carried out on the dispersal of Coccids by artificial air currents generated by an electric fan. The experiments reported herein on the dispersal of the crawling larvae of five species of Coccids by air currents were conducted in the Entomological Laboratory of Kyushu University at Fukuoka, Japan, from 1953 to 1954. In all experiments more than 1,500 crawling larvae of 0-24 hours age were used. The larvae were put on glass tubes of three different diameters (Tube A : 52.5 mm. Tube B : 22.0 mm. Tube C : 6.8 mm.). A wind tunnel was set betweenthe glass tube and the electric fan so as to make uniform currents to the tube.The larvae were oriented on eight imaginary positions on the surface of theglass tube to allow the fan to blow a current of air (Text-figure 1). The fan was regulated to deliver winds of desired velocities to the tube and allowed torun three minutes under room conditions, illumination being entirely natural. In the process of becoming familiar with the velocities of air currents which were sufficient enough to disperse the larvae, winds of various velocities were tested. The results were summarized in Tables 1-19, 20 and Text-figures 2-11. The percentage of the crawling larvae blown off by air currents was the highest on the sites III and IV?a remarkable contrast to the sites VI, VII and VIII. Judging by the flat structure of the larval body, the sites I and V seemed to be more stable for the larvae against air currents than the sites II, III and IV (Text-figures 9, 10 and 11). The experiments showed that many of the crawling larvae were blown off as insect drift within one minute after the beginning of each experiment as shown in Text-figure 8. The reaction of the larvae to winds was quite different according to the species of Coccids. All the crawling larvae (on sites I?V) of five species of Coccids used in this experiments reacted fairly well to much weaker air currents which correspond to No. 4 of Beaufort scale of wind velocity. The experiments suggested that the wind of the velocity No. 5 (fresh breeze) could carry almost all the crawling larvae (on sites I?V) from their crawling surface to the air as insect drift. The dispersal of the larvae of Ceroplastes rubens required much stronger air currents than those required by four other species. It is highly interesting that the crawling larvae of Icerya purchasi were very sensitive to the slightest movements of air and responded even to such wind as No. 0 of Beaufort scale of wind velocity. The sensitiveness of the crawling larvae among five species of Coccids was arranged in the following order from strong to weak : Icerya purchasi, Pulvinaria aurantii, Eriocerus pela, Phenacoccus aceris and Ceroplastes rubens.カイガラムシ類の匍匐幼虫が, 風によつて分散させられることは,従来間接的な方法によつて調べられていた. 本研究では, それらの幼虫に, 実験的に直接に風を当て, 風力に対する反応を調べた. 実験に使つた5種類のカイガラムシの飼働幼虫は, 夫々Beaufortの風力階級4以下の弱い風に実によく反応し, ワタフキカイガラムシでは階級0の部分に属する気流の動きにも敏感に反応する個体が認められた.
戸島 信一
九州大學農學部學藝雜誌 (ISSN:03686264)
vol.50, no.1, pp.77-84, 1995-11
宮川 秀俊 森 稔
九州大學農學部學藝雜誌 (ISSN:03686264)
vol.33, no.2, pp.87-94, 1979-01

Impact tests for glued joint specimens of wood were carried out at various impact velocity (V) using a whirling arm machine (Fig. 1 and 2), and the effects of V on their strength properties were discussed comparing with those of wood adherend. Wood adherend was air-dried Taiwanhinoki (Chamaecyparis taiwanensis M & S), and flat jointed chair type and butt end jointed tensile type of test specimens were prepared for the tests (Fig. 3 a and b). Three kinds of adhesives were used, that is, epoxy resin, polyvinyl-acetate resin and urea resin. The range of V was 0. 5-20. 0 m/sec. In the impact shear test of chair type specimen, wood failure shows relatively high values in all specimens. Impact shear strengh (S1) decreases with increase of V, and this decreasing tendency is similar to that of adherend (S,) reported in the previous experiment. S, of specimen glued with epoxy resin or polyvinyl-acetate resin adhesive is stronger than Si at the equal impact velocity under 2. 4 m/sec of V, and above this impact velocity S, is equal to Si. But S, of urea resin adhesive is smaller than that of the above two adhesives, and above 2. 4 m/sec of V the ratio of S, to Si is about 0. 8. The relationship between impact fracture energy of shear specimen and impact velocity shows the similar tendencies as that of adherend. In the impact tensile test of butt end joint specimen, the fracture occurs at the glue line, and so wood failure is nearly zero in all specimens. Impact tensile strength (B3) decreases with increase of V. The ratio of B, to tensile strength of adherend (BI) is only 0.2-0.3 at 0.6m/sec of V, and this value decreases gradually according to the increase of V. Within the limits of this experiment, epoxy resin shows the highest adhesiveness for impulsive load.接着手法を用いて構成した耐力部材では,しばしば,その接着層の耐衝撃性能が設計上の問題となり,金属材料などの分野では,従来からこの面について数余の実験的検討が行われているが(石井・山口,1975),接着層を含む木質部材の研究については作野(1977)の報告が見られるだけで比較的乏しい.この一連の研究では,これまでに木材および木質材料を対象として単一衝撃による破壊および繰返し衝撃による疲労破壊について系統的実験を遂行してきた(宮川・森,1976,1977a,1977b,1978).第3報(宮川・森,1977b)では,タイワンヒノキとバルサの気乾材および比較試材としてのアルミニウムを用いて,whirling arm machineによる単一衝撃引張破断試験を行い,衝撃速度を0.5~20.Om/secの範囲に変化せしめ,これが材料の強度的性能におよぼす影響について検討した.その結果,衝撃引張強度は,両樹種とも衝撃速度に対してmax. curveを描き,その最大値は静的引張強度の約2倍に達すること,また,タイワンヒノキでは,単一衝撃による破断エネルギーは衝撃速度の増加と共に減少し,その値は第1報(宮川・森,1976)で測定した繰返し衝撃による疲労破断エネルギーよりかなり大きいことを確かめた.さらに第4報(宮川・森,1978)では,7樹種木材の気乾材によるいす型せん断試験片を供試し,同じくwhirling arm machineを用いて,単一衝撃破壊試験を行つて衝撃速度の影響について検討した.この結果,木材のせん断衝撃強度および衝撃破壊エネルギーの衝撃速度による変化には樹種特性があらわれ,衝撃速度の増加に伴い漸減する,ほぼ一定値を示してのち減少する,あるいは若干増加してのち減少するなど,樹種によつて異なつた傾向を示すこと.しかし一方,全供試樹種を通じてその比重と各衝撃速度における破壊強度の関係を見ると,両者の間に正の直線相関のあることが明らかとなつた。本報では,以上の実験に引き続き,タイワンヒノキの気乾材を供試材とし,木工分野で常用されている,あるいはその性能が注目されている3種類の接着剤を用い,いす型せん断接着試験片(まさ目面接着)およびbutt end joint引張試験片(木口面接着)を製作し,衝撃速度を変化させてその破壊強度を測定すると共に,この結果を素材のそれと比較することにより,各接着剤の耐衝撃性能について検討した.
前田 敏 小島 均
九州大學農學部學藝雜誌 (ISSN:03686264)
vol.17, no.1, pp.33-39, 1959-03

It was said that, in general, foliar-absorbed P-32 moves through the phloem of the stem both upward and downward from the leaf, or ascendes the stem through the xylem and descendes through the phloem. However, it was also reported that, when the radiophosphorus was accompanied by a large amount of water, it was transported in the stem both upward and downward chiefly through the xylem. As the m o re definitive observations on these problems were desirable the authors made researches with the macro-as well as microautoradiography method. Submerging the leaf entirely in a P-32 aq., the radiophosphorus was ab s orbed with relatively rich amount of water through the leaf surface. Then the P-32 movcd upward and downward in the stem ; and the microautoradiograph on the section of stem above the leaf which absorbed the solution showed that the radioactive substance was found merely in the contents of the vessel or in the xylem. The macroautoradiograph of the total stem of the plant and the radioactivity (measured with the G. M. counter) in the ash of leaves of the plant also proved that the radioactive phosphorus moved through the vascular bundle system.葉面吸収後の物質の移行経路は, 一般に師管を通つて上下するか, 或いは道管を経て上り, 師管を経て下るものとされている. しかし, 葉面吸収に際し大量の吸水を伴う場合には蒸散流の影響のため上下向とも主として木部を通ると云う報告があり, 筆者らはこれを microautoradiography によつて検討した. その他 macroautoradiography 及び G. M. counter による組織のradioactivityの測定等の知見から次の様なことが云える. 葉をP-32水溶液につけてP-32と共に大量の水を吸わせると, 水は吸収させた葉から葉柄を経て上方下方に進むが, 此の様な場合には, P-32は根からの上方への移行と同様に大部分道管を通つて上方に移動するものと思われる.
安松 京三 永富 昭
九州大學農學部學藝雜誌 (ISSN:03686264)
vol.17, no.2, pp.129-146, 1959-10

The citrus fruit fly, Dacus tsuneonis Miyake, is a native pest of citrus trees in Japan, found only in the mainland of Kyushu and the Amami-Oshima Islands, and extensive outbreaks have occurred in some commercial citrus areas since 1947 when up to 60 % or more of the fruits were infested. Although the bionomics and morphology of the fly have been well investigated by T. Miyake (1919) and K. Fukai (1949-1953), several most important basic studies which are essential for its control have remained untouched. It was the purpose of the present investigations to fill the gap between the fundamental knowledge on the fly and establishment of satisfactory methods of its control. During the years 1949-1950, adult flies were collected at about weekly intervals from some citrus groves at Tsukumi District, Oita Prefecture, for the purpose of examining the sex-ratio and the rate of development of the eggs in their ovaries. These flies were dissected at given intervals, and the number of mature eggs counted under four categories : Stage I - the ovary is small, the eggs being hardly visible, Stage II - the ovary as a whole is larger, but the eggs being small not fully developed, Stage III - the ovary is very large and some proportions of the eggs are fully developed, Stage IV - almost all the eggs near the oviduct are fully developed. The results were given in Tables 1-7 and Figures 1-6. The ratio of males to females has remained about 1 from the time of emergence to the middle of August. The authors' observations suggest that copulation is of frequent necessity with female flies that are freely ovipositing and probably takes place after depositing each batch of eggs as observed in Rhagoletis completa (A. M. Boyce, 1934). These findings suggest the possibility of the fly control by a male annihilation method ? a trap baited with attractants ? before the male became sexually matured to prevent the female becoming fertile. The emergence dates vary from place to place, but the detailed studies of some authors and the present authors show that the emergence period covers about fifty days from the beginning of June to the middle of July. The length of the preoviposition period of the flies reared under field laboratory conditions was between 17-25 days. The dissection of the female flies revealed that at the end of July the development of the eggs of more than half of the fly population was in the stage IV and the ovaries were fully developed until at the beginning of August. On the basis of these studies the authors could determine the proper timing of chemical applications for the control of the fly, namely, the first application at the beginning of July and the second one at the middle of the same month. Fukai's recommendation on the time of chemical applications (from the end of July to the first decade of August) seems too late to get effective control. Very little has been known about the feeding habits of the flies in nature. In the earlier portion of the biological studies ordinary cane sugar and honey were used as food for the flies. However, the result was not entirely satisfactory, particularly with respect to longevity and fecundity of females. It was the authors' opinion that honeydew dropped by some Aphids, Coccids or Psyllids might be served as natural food for the flies because almost no fruit was available. during the fly season. Nutritional studies of the flies were made in 1950 under natural indoor conditions. Seven different diets were tested, and suggestive data regarding their natural food were obtained (Tables 8-17, Figure 7). The longevity of the flies decreased in the following order : honeydew of Ceroplastes rubens + water > honeydew of Aphis citricidus and C. rubens + water > 100 % honey + red star yeast + water > water alone > 100 % honey + red star yeast > 15 % honey alone > 100 % honey alone > without food. The fact that the flies fed with honeydew lived extremely longer and could produce eggs suggests that honeydew as the diet of adult flies is necessary for health, longevity and egg production. So far as the authors' observations went, Amphorophora lespedezae (on Lespedeza sp.), Aphis citricidus (on Citrus spp.), Ceraphis quercus (on Quercus acutissima), Greenidea kuwanai (on Quercus gilva), Lachnus tropicalis (on Quercus gilva), Toxoptera aurantii (on Eurya japonica) and Ceroplastes rubens (on Citrus spp. and many other plants) were seen in the citrus groves and nearby bushes as sources of honeydew for the flies at Tsukumi District. Certainly there is a good possibility that control of the flies can be successfully achieved by the eradication of such insects which are supplying honeydew in the fruit fly ecosystem. It is well known that in the late forenoon and early afternoon hours in sunny hot summer days the flies are found not within the citrus grove, but outside and along the border of the grove among wild vegetation and the invasion of the flies into the grove occurs in the late aftern000n hours (from about 3:00 p.m.). Comparison of temperatures between a citrus grove and a nearby bush in a ravine at Tsukumi District (Table 18) reveals the striking difference in temperature between the two environments. This phenomenon of the fly movements seems to be aroused by the temperature gradient, and the facts indicates that the oviposition of the flies takes place in the early forenoon and late afternoon hours in hot sunny days. Evidence of the movements of the flies suggests that the insecticidal applications should be made at the time just before the invasion of the flies into the grove and the insecticides are most effective when applied on border wild plants and further on citrus trees of the border area of the grove itself because the damage of the flies are very severe on citrus trees adjacent to the border wild vegetation.本報に於ては, ミカンバエ防除に必要な生態的生物的基礎研究の中で, 従来欠けていた重要問題のみを取扱つた. 1. ミカンバエ発生期間中の雌雄比について研究した結果, 雌雄は共に比較的長命であることが判明した. すなわち, 雌雄はその生存期間中に何回も交尾する必要があることを示すもので, この事実はミカンバエの誘引剤で, 雄のみを誘引するものの発見でも, ミカンバエの駆除には有効であることを示唆する. 2. ミカンバエ雌の卵巣が, 羽化後どの位の日数を経て成熟するかを研究した. その為には卵巣内での卵の成熟程度によつて4つの段階を設けてこれを研究した. それによつて, ミカンバエの卵巣成熟率は7月中旬で既に50%に達することが判明した. なお, ミカンバエの産卵前期間は17日乃至26日であることを確めた. ミカンバエの防除は産卵開始前に行わねばならないので, 薬剤撒布は7月上旬から中旬の終りにかけて実施することが賢明であることが推定された. 3. 従来ミカンバエの食性に就いては未知の分野ばかりであつた. 諸種の食餌について実験を行つた成績と野外に於ける調査から, 柑橘園及びその隣接の山林に棲息するカイガラムシやアブラムシ等の分泌する甘露が, 恐らく唯一の食物資源であることが断定された. すなわち,ミカンバエを誘引して殺すか又はなめさせて殺す毒餌の研究を行う価値のあることとそれら甘露を分泌する昆虫類の防除とが大切であることが明らかにされた. 4. ミカンバエの行動は日中の気温と密接な関係にある. すなわち,盛夏の候の日中の高い気温の時刻にはミカンバエは柑橘園には棲息できず附近の涼しい山林や谷間の茂み等に移動するので, それらのミカンバエの退避所を考慮に入れた防除方針の一つの樹立もできることが推定された.
中林 敏郎
九州大學農學部學藝雜誌 (ISSN:03686264)
vol.13, no.1, pp.154-158, 1951-11

I have separated the flavonoid pigments systematically by the method of two dimensional paper chromatography ( Table 1) and some results of the detection of these pigments in plants by this method are cited in Table 2.近時発達したペーパークロマトグラフ法は供試試料が少量ですむ事, 操作が簡単である事, 及び分離能が秀れ, 且, 微量物質も槍出し得る事等の利点より生物体申の成分の検索に極めて有効な手段であるが, 先に大島及び私は本法によるフラボン類の系統的分析法を発表し, 其後本法による植物中のフラボン類の槍索及び分離を試みてゐるが, 今回は之迄に得られた結果匠ついて報告する. フラボン類のペーパークロマトグラフ法については他にWenderや刈末, 橋本並びに藤瀬, 立田等の報告があるが, 私共はフラボン類のRf値とその構造との間に或る関係の存在する事を見出した. 即ち展開溶媒どして醋酸エチル-醋酸一水(50:2:50 vol%)の混合溶媒の有機層を用ふるとフラボン類のRf値はそれに結合する糖の種類によつて支配され, 又 n-ブタノールー醋酸一水(4:1:5 vol%)を用ひた場合同一糖を有するフラボン類に於てはそのOH基, OMe基の数によつて支配される. 即ち二次元展開による系統的分析が可能となる. 既知のフラボン類のRf値を示せばTable 1の如くなる. Table 1より推定される様に, 醋酸エチル-醋酸を用ひるとRf値がO.OO~O.20附近のものはdi-又はtri-glycoside, 0.30~0.40ではglucoside, 0.60~O.80 で rhamnoside, 0.90~1.00では遊離のaglyconeである事が判る. 又n-ブタノール-醋酸の場合はOH基の多いものはRf値が小さく, OMe基の存在はRf値を大とする. 以上の結果より本法によつて得られる不明のフラボン類が如何なるものであるかを推定する事が可能となる.
山田 龍雄
九州大學農學部學藝雜誌 (ISSN:03686264)
vol.13, no.1, pp.415-422, 1951-11

This report is about the results of the survey at Fukutomi Village in Saga Prefecture at 1939 and 1944. On the Japanese farmer that male head of the family have governed, it will be needed to research the farm size related not moments of family labours but to family composition. So I grouped all farms at this village as : the normal farmer, part-time farmer and the conscripted farmer for military service?as it was war-time, and I designed the following family types-3 generation couples, 2 generation couples, older, middle, younger couple and so on, and 1 divided the all farms of the 3 groups into these types in order to research the relation of the family composition and the farm size. The results of the static and dynamic observation shows the remarkable relation between them concerning normal farmer, containing the conscripted farmer, but not part-time farmer. In order of generalize of this results, however, we must consider the progress of agricultural all productivity the existence of part-time farmers and the condition of the land market etc.序言において述べたように, 調査村はこの問題に対する資料を明瞭ならしめるために, 土地の供給比較的豊にして, 従つて比較的耕地の取得の機会が多く, 農業経営組織も単純且つ同様で, 技術体系は殆ど裸手労働に依存し, 従つて労働と土地の関係がより直接的であり, そこに家父長的家族制度に彩られた労働構成の作用が敏感なるべき村である. その結果, 以上に見たように, 殻態的, 動態的観察を通じて, 農家家族構成と農業経営規模との間には, かなり密接な関係のあることを認めざるを得なかつた. もとよりこの村の條件は我国として, やや特異であり, その結果についても従つて特殊的であると言われるかも知れない. しかし私はこれを基礎的・基本的な事実と解したいのであつて, それが現在の我国農村における具体的事実と相異することは言うまでもないことである. 以上の諸事実は言うまでもなく農業における労働生産力の発達によりて, 克服されてゆく, 我国農村のその発達段階と言へども, この調査村における程, 即ち役畜飼養農家率1/4に示される程度低くはないから, 家族構成と経営規模の関係がそれ程明らかに浮び上らないのは当然である. けれどもこの関係が明瞭でないことを, 直ちに農業生産力の発達に結びつけるのは早計であろう. 前に第2表において明らかなように, 兼業農家の間では, この関係は甚だ撹乱されるのである. そして我国農村を一般的に見る場合, 生産力の発達によるよりは寧ろ, この兼業化によつて, この関係がかくされている方が多いと思われる. この場合上のような事実となつてはあらわれないが, 家父長的家族制度は, 零細農家の他のあらゆる経済的條件と相まつて, 強く農業生産力の発達を阻んでいること, 諸家の説く通りである. そこでこの関係を攪乱すべき條件をできるだけ捨象しながら, 綜合体として考えた農家家族構成と農業経営規模との関係を, 明瞭に且つ具体的ならしめようとした意味があつたのである.
萱嶋 泉
九州大學農學部學藝雜誌 (ISSN:03686264)
vol.18, no.1, pp.1-24, 1960-08

This paper reports general information obtained concerning the daily fluctuation of spider populations found in the cabbage fields in Fukuoka and Takanabe districts, the feeding of these on injurious crop insects, and the effect of Misumena tricuspidata (Fabricius) on them. The experiments or observations were carried out from September 3 to October 31 at Fukuoka and from November 10 to February 20, 1960, at Takanabe. A list of the species of spiders found to occur in the experimental cabbage fields is as follows : District of Fukuoka 1. Misumena tricuspidata (Fabricius). 2. Neoscona doenitzi (Boe. et Strand). 3. Lycosa t-insignita Biis. et Strand. 4. Agelena opulenta L. Koch. 5. Oxyopes sertatus L. Koch. 6. Lycosa sp. 7. Chiracanthium kompiricola Di.in. et Strand. 8. Theridiosoma eperioides Bos. et Strand. 9. Dolomedes herculus Bos. et Strand. 10. Plexippus crassipes Karsch. 11. Leucauge subblanda Bos. et Strand. 12. Hahnia cortcicola Bi.s. et Strand. District of Takanabe 1. Misumena tricuspidata (Fabricius). 2. Neoscona doenitzi (Bos. et Strand). 3. Lycosa 1-insignita Bcs. et Strand. 4. Leucauge subblanda Bos. et Strand. 5. Lycosa coelestis L. Koch. 6. Oxyopes sertatus L. Koch. 7. Plexippus paykulli (Audouin). 8. Tihellus tenellus (L. Koch). A list of the speci e s of insects caught by the spiders is as follows : a. Injurious insects of direct importance District of Fukuoka 1. Mamestra brassica Linne. 2. Agrotis fucosa Butler. 3. Agrotis ipsilon Hufnagel. 4. Prodenia litura Fabricius. 5. Mesographe forticalis Linne. 6. Udea testacea Butler. 7. Oebia undalis Fabricius. 8. Plusia jessica Butler. 9. Pieris rapae crucivora Boisduval. 10. Phytomyza atricornis Meigen. 11. Brevicoryne brassica Linne. 12. Nysius plebejus Distant. 13. Gryllulus mitratus Saussure. District of Takanabe 1. Phaedon brassica 13aly. 2. Phyllotre t a striolata Fabricius. 3. Oebia undalis Fabricius. 4. Plutella maculipennis Curtis. 5. Pieris rapae crucivora Boisduval. 6. Phytonryza atricornis Meigen. 7. Hylemyla platura Meigen. b. Injurious insects of indirect importance District of Fukuoka 1. Cnaphalocrocis medinalis Guenee. 2. Scopula modicaria Leech. 3. Adoxophyes orana Fis. von Ros. 4. Hymenia recurvalis Fabricius. 5. Nephotettix bipunctatus cincticeps Uhler. 6. Niraparvata lugens Linne. 7. Chlorita flavescens Fabricius. 8. Eutettix disciguttis Walker. 9. Cicadella viridis (Linne). 10. Musca domestica Linne. 11. Stomoxys calcitrans Linne. 12. Lucilia caesar Linne. 13. Paratettix histricus Stal. District of Takanabe 1. Acrolepia manganeutis Meyrik. 2. Illiberis pruni Dyar. 3. Erythroneura apicalis Nawa. 4. Empoasca onukii Matsuda. The present observations revealed that the effects of spiders on the cabbage pests were not neglizible. Especially Misumena tricuspidata was not only very effective but also very easy to make mass production in the laboratory. Thus Misumena tricuspidata may be regarded as a promising spider in the control of crop pests. Out of 140 individals of Misumena tricuspidata liberated 32 per cent were established in the cabbage field at Fukuoka, while out of 100 spiders liberated 60 per cent were established at Takanabe. This higher percentage of establishment seemed to be caused by the less active season of the spiders (at the end of November and throughout December), when the spiders became more sluggish before overwintering. During the course of experiments there was found no evidence that the spiders attacked the beneficial insects in the cabbage fields.果樹園や水田に,どんな種類のクモがどんな程度棲息しているかという研究は,今迄にPickett及びPatterson(1946),Stultz(1955),Chant(1956),Dondale(1956,1957)Nakao及びOkurna(1958),Kobayashi(1958)等によつて行なわれてきた.然し蔬菜園にクモがどの程度いて,何を食べて生活しているかという研究は,私の知る範囲に於いては未だないようである.けれども此の事を調査する為には,今迄おこなわれたように,月に一度又は週に一度,実験場に行つて調べる方法では不充分であつて,少なくとも1日に1回は圃場に行き,そこに棲息しているクモの習性を熟知することが必要となつてくる.筆者は過去4年間此のような研究をおこなつて来たが,諸種の都合で連続1週間或いは10日間位の研究しか出来なかつた.ところが幸いに昭和34年9月1日から,昭和35年3月31日まで九州大学農学部に国内留学を許可され,安松京三教授の御指導のもとに調査を行うことが出来た.すなわち福岡地方では9月4日から予備試験を開始し,9月11日から10月10日までの30日間,高鍋地方では11月10日から12月2日までの23日間,35年1月5日から1月17日までの13日間,蔬菜園特にキャベツ畠に於ける毎日のクモの活動状況を調査した.又天敵として最も有効であると思われるハナグモを福岡では10月3日から10月23日まで,高鍋では11月20日から12月10日までの各21日間放飼して,その定着性並びに害虫捕食状況な調査したのである.研究期間は決して長いとは言われないが,日々の調査で種々有益な事柄を知り得たので,ここにその大要をまとめて'発表する次第である.本文に入るに先だち,調査期間中終始懇篤な御指導並びに本文の校閲を添うした九州大学農学部教授安松京三博士に対し,?に謹んで感謝の意を表する.又平嶋義宏助教授,日高輝展助手,大学院学生矢野宏二氏を始め,教室の各位に,更にクモに関し日頃種々御指導と御援助を賜わる八木沼健夫氏,大熊千代子姉の両氏に哀心から感謝の意を表すると共に,宮崎大学農学部教授中嶋茂博士,宮崎県教育庁学校教育課の関係諸先生並びに宮崎県立高鍋農業高等学校落合寅次郎校長に厚く感謝する次第である.
道津 喜衛
九州大學農學部學藝雜誌 (ISSN:03686264)
vol.16, no.3, pp.359-370, 1958-03

Acentrogobius masago (Tomiyama) is a small gobioid fish growing about 25 mm in total length ; it is distributed in Middle and Southern Japan, living a bottom life on sandy-mud bottom in estuaries (Fig. 1). The author collected over 700 individuals of this gobioid fish, including growth stages, from Kyushu and Inland Sea, and examined the external and internal body-features, e. g. number of fin-rays, scale-phases, tongue, alimentary duct, genital organs, number of vertebrae, etc. (Fig. 2). The sex-dimorphism remarkably developed in the form of genital papillae. The mature female fish is generally larger than the male (Fig. 3). The black nuptial coloration appeared only in mature male fish on the second dorsal and anal fins. The ripe ovary contained two groups of eggs : ones, 0.48~0.57 mm in diameter, and the immature ones, less than 0.11 mm. The number of the mature ovarian egg of one individual was enumerated as 264~961 in 14 specimes (Table 1) ; and the mature eggs seemed to be spawn all at a time. The spawning-season seemed to extend from May to September in the vicinity of Fukuoka City, Kyushu. The spawning-behaviour in natural habitat is not observed. The fertilized egg by artificial insemination is spindle in shape, 1.2 mm in long axis, and 0.4 mm in short axis, with a bundle of adhesive filaments at the basal end. In early developmental stages, 3 8 oil-globules appeared in the translucent yellow yolk (Fig. 4). The incubation-period was about 4 days at the water-temperature 21-25℃. The newly hatched larva is 2.0 mm in total length (Fig. 5). The prelarvae, 6~8 mm in total length, appeared from June to September in the vicinity of Fukuoka City, living a swimming-life in the littoral zone. The juveniles, 8~10 mm in total length, were found to live a bottom life in estuaries (Fig. 5). The gut-contents of the post-larvae, carring a swimming-life, consisted chiefly of planktonic copepods, whereas those of the young and adult fishes, living a bottom-life, mainly of organic detritus on the bottom. The examination of the size-frequency of the collected specimens shows that this gobioid fish attains 16~25 mm in total length, and the most individuals become mature in a year. The minimum adult seems to be 17 mm in total length in both sexes, and the life-span over 2 years.マサゴハゼは中, 南部日本の各地に分布する成魚全長25mm前後の小型のハゼ類の一種であり, 内湾にそそぐ川の川頃氣水域の砂泥底上でアベハゼ,ヒモハゼなどの他のハゼ類と共に底棲生活を送つている(Fig. 1). 筆者はマサゴハゼの体の内, 外部各形質(頭部の形状, 各鰭の条数, 鱗, 舌および舌咽骨, 消化管, 生殖腺, 脊柱骨数など)について調べたがその頭部は特異な形状を示す(Fig. 2). 二次性徴は生殖孔突起の雌雄差に最も著しく現われ, 黒色の婚姻色は雄成熟魚だけに, その第2背鰭および臀鰭上に現われる. 雌成魚は一般に雄成魚より大きい(Fig. 3). 成熟卵巣は成熟卵群(卵径0.48~0.57mm)と未熟卵群(卵径0.11mm以下)との著しく形状の異つた2卵群よりなり, 成熟卵群はその形状からみて同時に産み出されると考えられるが, その数は1尾について264~916個(Table 1)を数えた. 卵はまだ採集されず, 産卵習性も不明. 産卵期は福岡市近郊で5天月然から9月までの長期に亘るようである. 人工授精によつて得た受精卵は紡錘形をなし, 長径1.2mm, 短径0.4mm, 卵膜先端は鈍く尖り, その後端には附着絲叢がある. 卵発生初期の油球数3~8個. 孵化時間は21~25℃の水温で約4日間(Fig. 4). 直後の仔魚は全長2.0mm. 全長6mm以孵化下の後期仔魚はまだ採集されていない. 全長6~8mmの後期仔魚は福岡市近郊では6月から9月の間に成魚の棲む水域の汀線附近で欝泳生活を送つているのが見られた. 全長8~10mmの初期稚魚は成魚と同じ棲息場で游泳生活から底棲生活に移り, そこで全生涯を送る. 游泳期の仔魚の消化管内には橈脚類がみられたが底棲生活を送つていた稚魚, 若魚, 未成魚, 成魚の各発育期の消化管内容はdetritusが主であつた. マサゴハゼは生後満1年で全長16~25mmとなり, その大部分は成体となつて産卵に与り(最小成体は雌, 雄ともに全長17mm), 寿命は満2年を越えることが考えられる. 全標本中の最大魚は雌全長35mm, 雄28mmであつた.
道津 喜衛
九州大學農學部學藝雜誌 (ISSN:03686264)
vol.15, no.1, pp.77-86, 1955-02

Gobius poecilichthys Jordan et Snyder (1902), a small goby, some 80mm in total length, is found in tide-pools on the rocky coast of Southern Japan. Though Tomiyama, I.(1936) regarded this species, together with Bathygobius soporator(Cuvier et Valencinnes) of the south western coast of U.S.A., as synonyms of Gobius fuscus Ruppell(1928), I treat here this Japanese form provisionallu as a distinct species from the forms of other districts, wishing to compare its life history with others(Fig.1). The spawning season extends from June to September at Tomioka in the Amakusa Islands, Kumamoto Pref., Kyushu. The spawning takes place in tide-pools. The eggs are attached in one layer to the under side of a stone lying in the pool. The male parent fish guards the eggs until they hatch out, staying in the breeding-room prepared by himself under the stone. The fertilized egg is club-shaped with a shallow depression circling near its end, 1.8mm in length and 0.35 mm in width. The incubation-period is about 65 hours at the water-temperature of 23~27℃. The egg resembles in general appearance to that of Bathygobius soporator described by Breder, C.M.(1943) with slight differences in shape of the egg-membrane, attitude of the embryo and the incubation-period(Fig.2, A~L). The goby could be induced to spawn in a table aquarium provided with vacant shells of Pinna pectinata japonica Reeve for egg-layer. The newly hatched larva is about 2.3mm in total length. The larvae 6~18mm in total length appear in the tide-pool from August to November at Tomioka, which already entered into bottom-life feeding on planctonic copepods. The fishes over 20mm in total length live a bottom-life in the tide-pool all year round, feeding on moluscs and crustacean. The life-span of the fish seems to be over 4 years(Fig.3).冨山一郎((1936)は,これ迄にアフリカ,紅海,印度洋,西南太平洋,ハワイ,濠洲北岸及び北米南西部等の各水域から採集された材料について,多くの著者によつて,夫々新種として報告されている.Gobius soporator Cuvier et Valenciennes, Gobius poecilichthys Jordan et Snyder 等の10種以上に上る類似のハゼを,総べてGobius fuscus Ruppell(1828)のSynonymとして,これにクモハゼという和名を附している.ここでは之等の種類の同異について論ずる事は出来ないが,筆者が熊本県及び鹿児島県から得た標本は総べてGobius poecilichthys Jordan et Snyder(1902, 模式標本は神奈川県三崎産)の記載とよく一致するので,こゝにはこの学名をクモハゼに用い,主として熊本県天草郡富岡町の海岸で1947年から1952年の間に行つた観察採集によつてここにクモハゼの生活史の概要を述べるが,Herre, A.W.(1927),Fowler, H.W.(1928),冨山 gobius soporator (Cuvier et Valencinnes)の産卵習性についてはBreder, C.M.(1943)の報告があり,これと注意して比較した.本研究に当り終始懇切なる御指導を賜わり,且つ現行の御校閲をお願した内田恵太郎教授並びに長期に亘る実験所の使用を御快諾下さり,また種々ご配慮を頂いた九大天草臨海実験所前所長相川広秋教授及び同所々員の方々,貴重な文献を拝借した松原喜代松博士,阿部宗明博士,並びに多数の貴重な標本を頂いた鹿児島大学今井貞彦助教授,当教室の大学院研究奨学生水戸敏の諸氏に深謝の意を表する.