松井 誠一 冨重 信一 塚原 博
vol.40, no.4, pp.229-234, 1986 (Released:2011-12-19)
立野 新光
九州大學農學部學藝雜誌 (ISSN:03686264)
vol.14, no.4, pp.571-579, 1954-09

抽出はインシュリンの製造に於ける最も重要な工程であつて,その方法の良否,その巧拙はインシュリンの研究に於ては勿論,インシュリンの生産工業に於て基本的な重要性をもつものである.魚類のランゲルハンス氏島(以下ラ氏島と略記す)よりインシュリンの抽出については既往の文献によれば大体3つの方法に分類することができる.すなわち,(1)水溶液にて処理せるもの,(2)酸性アルコールを用いるもの,(3) ピクリン酸及びアセトンを使用せるもの等である.しかし以上の3つの方法の中で現在行われている方法は(2)及び(3)であるから,この2つの方法について検討を試み且つ著者の行つた研究について報告する.
全 雲聖 上野 重義
九州大学農学部学芸雑誌 (ISSN:03686264)
vol.41, no.3, pp.p185-194, 1987-03

多部田 修 塚原 博
九州大學農學部學藝雜誌 (ISSN:03686264)
vol.21, no.2, pp.215-225, 1964-12

The anadromous Ugui-minnows, Tribolodon hakonensis hakonensis (Günther), one of the cyprinid fishes attained about 59 cm in total length, are distributed in the brackish waters and the estuaries along the shore from the Hakata Bay to the Karatsu Bay in the northern Kyushu, and they migrate mainly into Matsuura River to spawn. The authors have ovserved their spawning habits with reference to fishery in the spawning area of Matsuura River. The results obtained are as follows: (1) The spawning season of these fishes extends from February to April at 9-17℃ in water temperature. They ascend to the middle reaches of this river in January to March, ranging 16-25 km from the river mouth, where the artificial spawning beds are prepared for fishing by the fishermen. (2) Prior to spawning season the fishermen build the artificial spawning beds to attract the fish and to capture by the cast net (Plate 16, D, E, F, Fig. 5). It is a mound piled by gravel in the middle reaches to a cone-like form, 1.0-1.5 m in diameter and 0.5-0.7 m in height, with the several stones for control the water current in upper side and for the cast net in lower side (Plate 16, D, Fig. 5, Table 1). (3) The possible effects of some environmental factors upon the spawning of these fishes in this river are of close concern to rise in water level and turbidity (Fig. 3). Consequently the spawnings are usually carried out shortly after the rainfall, and are observed in several times during this season. In earlier spawning season the larger fishes are dominant, and the smaller ones become to abound gradually with the process of the spawning season. The male fishes are exceeding the female throughout the season, especially in the earlier (Fig. 4). (4) Before the spawning, the fishes are splashing at the surface of the deeps near the artificial spawning bed at intervals of 2 or 3 minutes, and it continues for about 30 minutes. Then two or more males followed one female pass harriedly over the bed, and the bed is often hidden by the many passing groups. In a little while, one female attended by three to seven males swims towards the bed. Arriving at the bed, they immediately thrust their head among the gravels and sometimes they spawn in that posture with slow quivering. Soon the female and males raise up their bodies and creep over the bed, and release the eggs and sperms among the gravels, pressing against the vent of female with the males and quivering all over. After this spawning act, females immediately leave from the bed as a rule, but most of males remain and join in the other spawning groups. It is observed that the spawning acts are not limited to two or three groups; as many as five groups at one time, and these spawning above mentioned last for about 30 minutes. (5) The spawning area of Matsuura River is divided into 19 fishing-grounds, which are granted to the fishermen by means of a bid (Imari area) or payment of a fixed price (Ochi area) (Fig. 7, Table 2). In all grounds the beds counted some 20 sets and the total catch in the be seems to have amounted approximately 750 kg in 1959.北九州の博多湾から唐津湾にいたる沿岸の湾奥部や河口水域には海産ウグイが生息し,初春の頃に産卵のため主として松浦川の中流部へ遡上する.ここでは産卵習性を利用した人工産卵床による瀬つけ場漁業が行われている.人工産卵床は中流部の瀬に作られ,特に水深10~70cm,流速30~70cm/secのところが選ばれる.松浦川における産卵期は2~4月(水温11~17℃)で,産卵盛期は年によつてその時期の降雨量に左右されて遅速がみられる.産卵は水温が10℃以上になり,降雨後に増水して濁度が高まると集中的に行われ,下流の産卵床に始まつて順次上流へ移り,主として1番,2番,3番イダの3つの主群があつて,産卵盛期もほぼ3回が認められる.産卵ウグイの体長は産卵初期に大きく,逐次小さくなり,性比については一般に雌に比して雄が極めて多く,初期には約7.5倍で,産卵期の経過とともに雌の割合が増加はするが,末期でも雄が多い.産卵に先だつてほぼ30分前から,産卵床付近の淀みで産卵魚の"とび"の行動がみられ,ついで雌1尾を2~3尾の雄が追尾する多数の群が床の上をつつきり,この行動は5分間ぐらい行われる.この産卵前の行動に続いて,雌1尾を雄3~7尾が追尾して産卵床に現われ,雌雄ともに礫中に頭をつつこんでただちに放卵放精するものもあるが,その多くは次第に腹部を床に接して雌雄が体を押し合いながら放卵放精を行い,この行動は5~10秒間である.産卵後の雌は一般に床を去るが,雄の多くはそのまま床に残つて他の産卵中の群に加わり,このような産卵行動は約30分間継続するのが観察された.人工産卵床は径5cmぐらいの丸石を用いて,直径1.0~1.5m,高さ0.5~0.7mの円錐状に築き,その上流側には水流を調節するために数個の石がおかれ,やや下流には投網を打つための台石がおかれる.この産卵床は産卵時の産卵行動と水流とによつて下流側へくずれ,ほぼ楕円形になる場合が多い.ウグイは一般に産卵後の床には再び産卵しない傾向があるため,産卵後は新しい石を追加する.松浦川の人工産卵床の漁場区域には2つの漁業協同組合があり,上流側の組合では16の漁場にわけ,それらは毎年入札によつて利用者が決められているが,下流側の組合では3つの漁場が一定価格で利用されている.これらの漁場のうちで,長い瀬をもつものでは2つの人工産卵床が作られるが,その多くは1つの床が築かれる.漁獲には主として投網が用いられ,人工産卵床における1959年の年間の漁獲尾数は約2,000尾,750kg,遊漁者の釣による漁獲尾数が約1,000尾,380kgで,松浦川の年間漁獲量は約1.1ton程度と推定される.
岩田 伸夫
九州大學農學部學藝雜誌 (ISSN:03686264)
vol.25, no.1, pp.1-53, 1970-07

In our laboratory we have about a hundred progeny lines of rice plants descended from the plants which were exposed to atomic radiation in Nagasaki. These lines have been classified into some categories, genic mutation lines, chromosome structural changed lines and so on, according to their genetic behavior or the characteristics of their abnormal derivatives. However, many kind of variant types have occurred irregularly in the process of pedigree culture of them even now. The author planned to clarify such complicated genetic behavior of the progenies of atomic bombed rice plants. The present paper deals mainly with the results of the cytogenetical studies, First of all, the data for kind of variants, their morphological and genetical characteristics and others in the progeny lines which demonstrated before 1958 by Dr. T. Nagamatsu were arranged. As a result of this arrangement of data, it was shown that the progeny lines including chromosome structural changes ceuld be classified into three groups as follows. 1) Semi-sterile lines, which descended from the semi-sterile mother plant and segregated into normal and semi-sterile plants in the ratio of 1:1. 2) High sterile lines, which descended from the high sterile mother plant and segregated into normal, semi-sterile and high sterile plants in ratio of about 1:2:1. These sterility and the segregation ratio are caused by the reciprocal translocation. 3) Primary and/or tertiary trisomic lines derived from their sterile lines. And moreover, it was supposed that there were not a few chromosome structural changes, which is latent in these lines as homozygous conditions and can be detected only by test crossing to chromosomal standard plant. By the test crossing between chromosome standard plant and fertile plants descended from progenies of atomic bombed rice plants, the plants having chromosome structural changes were detected in 60 out of 79 lines used. According to the observation of seed fertility (s), pollen fertility (p) and the chromosome behavior at meiosis in the PMCs of the F_1 hybrids, these chromosomal changes were categorized into A (s≑p≑50%, a quadrivalent was observed), B (s≑p≑50%, a quadrivalent was not observed), C (s≑p≑50%, chromosome observation was not yet made), D (s<p, a quadrivalent was observed infrequently), E (s>p, a quadrivalent was not observed) and compound types of them. It was indicated that each of the types, A, B, C and D, was the homozygote for one reciprocal translocation and that the compound types such as double A (s≑p were lower than 25%, two quadrivalents were observed) and A+D (s<p=30%, a quadrivalent was observed but two quadrivalents were observed infrequently) were the homozygotes for two reciprocal translocations. Therefore, the semi-sterile plants which segregated in semi-sterile lines and in high sterile lines were heterozygous plants for A, B, C and D types and the high sterile plants which segregated in high sterile lines were heterozygous for the compound types of chromosome structural changes. These facts were also confirmed from their segregation patterns of fertility in the F_2 generations. Moreover, it was observed in several cases that the H hybrids between standard plant and fertile plants descended from semi-sterile lines showed the high sterile plants of compound types in addition to semi-sterile plants. It demonstrated the being of latent structural changes in sterile lines. For the identification of the reciprocal translocations isolated from progenies lines, the F_1 hybrids were compared with each other in some characteristics, with special reference to the chromosome configuration and frequency of quadrivalent at meiosis. And these translocation lines were also tested as to homology of translocated chromosomes by reciprocal crosses among them. As a result, it was confirmed in some cases that the homologous changes existed among the lines even which derived from different original lines. For example, 6 kinds of homologous changes were observed in category A, and moreover, in category D, one homologous change was identified among 10 lines which derived from the 5 original lines. Nevertheless, about 20 different reciprocal translocations were isolated. Then, they were analyzed for translocated chromosomes by means of reciprocal translocation analysis. Occasionally, the high sterile plants, which may be the heterozygote for two of chromosome structural changes, have occurred in sterile lines in the process of the maintenances and the renewals of progeny lines of atomic bombed rice plants. The cause of that was infered from the mode of occurrence, genetic behavior of them and moreover the outcrossing ratio of semi-sterile plants as follows: as a result of outcrossing, 1) the chromosome structural changes which had been latent as homozygous condition in semi-sterile lines were appeared as heterozygous condition in high sterile plants, or 2) some chromosome structural changes were introduced from other semi-sterile lines. Most of the progeny lines of atomic bombed rice plants have been maintained up to date through such high sterile generations, once or more, in process of line renewals. This fact was probably supposed the cause of the existance of the homozygous chromosome structural changes among the lines which derived from different original lines and, chromosome structural changes among the lines which derived from different original lines and, consequently, there were fewer changes than that expected in progeny lines of atomic bombed rice plants at the beginning of this study The D types, in which a quadrivalent was not observed practically, had rather higher pollen fertility (60-70%) than seed fertility, so it was suggested that the male gametes with a duplicate-deficient of translocated chromosomes may be viable in a certain case. On the E types, which had been categorized by lower pollen fertility than seed one, a bridge or a lagging chromosome was observed at the first anaphase in the PMCs and thus it suggested the presence of an inversion. Trisomic lines which have descended from the progenies of atomic bombed rice plants were not treated directly. However, some trisomics derived from reciprocal translocation heterozygotes, in which translocated chromosome had already identified, were examined for several generations as to the chromosome constitution, chromosome behavior at meiosis in the PMCs, the segregation mode of trisomic phenotypes in their progenies and so on. As a result, a general tendency was observed as follows: in early generations the chromosome constitution of trisomics which derived from translocation heterozygous plants were homo type II (primary trisomic interchange homozygote and tertiary trisomic) or hetero type (primary trisomic interchange heterozygote and tertiary trisomic interchange heterozygote) and the segregation of semi-sterile plants were observed in the hetero types; and with the generations, these chromosome constitution of trisomics became to the homo type I (primary trisomic and tertiary trisomic interchange homozygote) and finally fixed in this type which does not segregate the semi-sterile plants. In this process, the segregations of various morphological characteristics in primary or tertiary trisomics were observed according to the kind of extra chromosomes and their size of reciprocal translocations involved. Then, the endeavors to analyze the relation between the extra chromosome and the morphologica1 characteristics were made and the morphological characteristics of 11 sorts of primary trisomics were demonstrated. On the basis of those knowledge described above, the complicated occurrence of variant types and their genetic behavior in the process of pedigree culture of these progenies of atomic bombed rice plants more than 10 years period were discussed.長崎の原爆イネ後代に含まれる染色体構造変異の概要を明らかにし,その知見に基づいて過去10余年にわたる原爆イネの系統保存の過程での複雑な変異型の出現傾向とその遺伝組成について明確な説明を与えた. 1. まず,1958年までにすでに明らかにされた変異型の種類,特性,出現状態および遺伝様式などに関する資料を整理し,染色体構造変異に起因するものには大別して,相互転座ヘテロによる半稔系統群,高不稔系統群と,それらの系統から派生する一次あるいは三次三染色体植物群の存在することを明らかにし,さらにホモ状態で系統内に潜在して,検定交配によらねば検出不可能な構造変異の存在も少なくないことを推測した. 2. 染色体標準系との検定交配により,供試した原爆イネ79系統中60系統について染色体構造変異個体を検出,分離した.それらを,検定交配F_1の種子稔性(S),花粉稔性(P),花粉母細胞の減数分裂期の染色体行動によつてA型(S≑P,40~50%,4価観察),B型(S≑P,約50%,4価なし),C型(S≑P,約50%,4価不明),D型(S<P,ごくまれに4価観察),E型(S>P,4価なし)およびその複合型に分けた.A,B,C,D型はいずれも1つの相互転座の存在を,重複A型,A+D型は2つの相互転座の存在を示し;さらに半稔系統群,高不稔系統群において分離する半稔個体はこれらA,B,C,D型の転座ヘテロ個体であり;高不稔系統群に分離する高不稔個体は複合型のヘテロ個体である.この事実は,検定交配F_1の特徴とそのF_2の分離様式からも確かめられた.半稔系統群では検定交配F_1で半稔個体とともに複合型の高不稔個体が現われる場合が2,3みられたが,これは潜在変異の存在を示すものと思われる. 3. 各系統に包含される相互転座の特性を検定交配F_1の特徴,とくに4価染色体の形状,出現頻度などについて比較検討するとともに,転座系統間の相互交配によつて相同性を検定した.その結果,原系統の異なる系統間にも相同な変異の存在する場合が少なくなかつた.A型で6例,D型では5原系統に由来する10系統に相同な変異が存在した.それでも,約20の異なる相互転座が検出されたので,これらはさらに転座分析により転座染色体を同定した. 4. 4価染色体のほとんど観察されないD型は,種子稔性にくらべ花粉稔性がかなり高い(63~74%)ことから,転座染色体の重複,欠失を伴なつた配偶子の生存の可能性が考えられる. 5. 種子稔性は正常で花粉稔性のみ半稔性を示すE型は,第1後期に染色体橋や遅滞染色体が観察され,逆位の存在することが考えられる. 6. 原爆イネ系統の保存,更新の過程で偶発的に出現する高不稔個体は,複合型変異のヘテロ個体であり,出現傾向,遺伝行動さらには半稔個体の他殖率などから,その成因は,他系統との交雑により, 1) ホモ状態で潜在していた変異がヘテロとして発現したか, 2) 他の系統の変異が導入されたかのいずれかであると推定した.原爆イネ後代系統の多くが系統更新の過程でこのような高不稔世代をへて今日にいたつていることが,異なる原系統に由来する系統間に相同な変異が存在し,原爆イネ系統に含まれる染色体構造変異を予想以上に少なくしている原因であろう. 7. 原爆イネ後代に出現した三染色体系統を直接取扱うことはしなかつたが,転座染色体の明らかな数系統から派生した三染色体植物を数世代にわたつて染色体構成,染色体行動,表現型の分離様式などについて追跡した結果,転座系統から派生した当初はその染色体構成はホモII型か,あるいは半稔個体を分離するヘテロ型であり,いずれも世代が進むにしたがつて不稔個体を分離しないホモI型に固定する傾向がみられた.その過程で,一次あるいは三次三染色体植物の表現型の分離が観察されるが,転座染色体の種類,転座の程度によつて4つの表現型が明瞭に区別されるものからそうでないものまで存在することを認めた. 8. 転座染色体の明らかな転座系統の後代から派生した三染色体植物について,過剰染色体と三染色体植物の形態的特徴との関係を解析し,さらに11種の染色体を含む一次三染色体植物の形態的特性を明らかにした.
白石 哲
九州大學農學部學藝雜誌 (ISSN:03686264)
vol.21, no.1, pp.89-96, 1964-02

The author had an information that a certain unknown animals had done severe damage to the fruits of strawberries under plastic-cover culture in Yoshii-Machi, Ukiha-Gun, Fukuoka Prefecture, from the latter part of January, 1963. The injurious animals were conjectured to be either mice or voles, judging from the faeces discovered at the farms and the method of eating the fruits (Plate 14, Figs. 1-3). The author carried on investigations twice at the farms of Oshiki (A) and Chitose (B) under the control of Chitose branch office of Yoshii-Machi Agricultural Cooperative Association. The one was carried on in the middle of February and the other in the latter part of March. Concerning the farm at Noraku (C), Mr. Gyotoku made an investigation on March 17, 1963 (Fig. 1). As the result, the author got three individuals of the Japanese mouse (♀2, ♂1), one of the Japanese harvest mouse (♀1) and one of the Japanese field vole (♀) from the farms belonging to A, B and C by means of snap-traps (Plate 14, Figs. 7,8 and Table 3). There were four kinds of strawberries cultured at the farms, i.e. "Kurume 102" (Benizuru-Norin 5), "Kurume 28" (Yachiyo), "Donner" and "Kurume 20" (Chiyoda). Among them, the three were under plastic-cover culture, while the rest (Kurume 20) was under spring culture (Plate 15, Figs. 1-9). The damage was discovored seriously at the farms where "Kurume 102" strawberries were cultured, and about twenty per cat of them were attacked by the above-mentioned mice and voles (Plate 14, Figs. 4-6 and Table 2). The total sum of damage was estimated at about 200,000 to 250,000 yen. Among individuals of these three species, the Japanese mice were regarded as the chief injurious ones, when the consideration was given to the collected number of this species (Table 3). There were some corn ricks on the farms which gave the favourite habitats to this kind of mice. So, at the end of the first investigation, these corn ricks were got rid of farms and the poison baits "Strong Ratemin" (zinc phosphide) were scattered there (Plate 13. Figs. 1-5). Visiting there in the second investigation, the author found a fair success in the above treatments for the mice and voles control (Plate 12, Fig. 9). Here, the author can conclude that clearing of circumstances of farms is the most essential to control mice and voles, and continual work for capturing them by means of poison baits and traps is as important as the first treatment, though these are worn-out sayings.本年1月下旬以降,福岡県浮羽郡吉井町農協千年支所管下の促成イチゴ畑に鼠害が現われた.そこで筆者は2月中旬と3月下旬の2回,現地に出かけ調査を行なつた.作付されていたイチゴは促成品種としては久留米102号(農林5号=紅鶴),半促成品種としては久留米28号(八千代)とダナー(Donner),露地栽培品種としては久留米20号(千代田)であつた.これらのうち被害が出たのは促成品種であつた.被害額は約20~25万円と見つもられ,促成イチゴ作付面積のおよそ20%が侵された.促成イチゴはビニールの帯を使うトンネル栽培法によつて栽培されていた.筆者は折敷(A地区),千年(B地区)の2カ所の圃場を調査したが,行徳技師による能楽(C地区)の報告も考慮した.現地における捕鼠作業の結果,加害鼠は野生ハツカネズミ,カヤネズミ,ハタネズミの3種と判明したが,生息数の上から考えると野生ハツカネズミが主と考えられた.そこで, 圃場に見られた,鼠にとつては好適な生息場所である稲積みや,わら小屋を除去し,殺鼠剤"強力ラテミン"の継続投与を行なつた結果,被害の軽減に著しい効果をみとめた.
江頭 和彦 松元 順 中山 正登
九州大学大学院農学研究院学芸雑誌 (ISSN:03686264)
vol.57, no.1, pp.75-83, 2002-10

ハノイ(Ha Noi (河内);ヴィエトナムの古い地名ではThang Long(昇龍))は紅河(Hong Ha;ヴィエトナム語ではSong Hong)に沿い、人口250万人、ヴィエトナム国の首都である。ドイモイ後の農業分野の改革は、1988年に出された「農業経済管理の刷新に関する政治局決議」第10号に始まる。土地政策の転換により、農業生産システムが集団請負制から家族請負制に変わり、土地生産力に応じて5~6段階に分けられた農地ごとに、農民への農地の均等配分が実施された。ドイモイ後、紅河デルタでは土地利用の多様化、集約化が進んだ。
平岩 馨邦 徳田 御稔 内田 照章 杉山 博
九州大學農學部學藝雜誌 (ISSN:03686264)
vol.16, no.4, pp.547-574, 1958-11

The Islands of Oki lie in the Japan Sea about 30-40 miles off Matsue, situated at the northern coast of south-west Hondo, the main island of Japan. The depth of the sea between the both is under 200 m. The geologists think that Oki Islands had connected to Hondo by the Shimane Peninsula up to diluvial epoch. Dogo Island, the largest of the group, have an area of 216 km2; predominating there the mountainous landscape with scanty alluvial plains. The vegetation of this island shows an appearance of the climax of deciduous forest consisted of chiefly deciduous trees such as oaks. Dozen Islands are the general name for the group of islands which situate at some distance from Dogo. The topography of Dozen is generally flat, and simpler than that of Dogo. Everywhere of these islands are artificially cultivated, and the secondary vegetation mainly covers all the islands. No large-sized endemic mammal is known in Oki Islands, both in Dogo and Dozen ; Lepus brachyurus okiensis from Dogo being the largest one. As to the other mammals, Mogera wogura kobeae, Urotrichus talpoides minutus, Crocidura dsi-nezumi, Apodemus speciosus navigator, Apodemus geisha celatus, Anteliomys smithii okiensis are recorded from Dogo. Moreover, it is sure that Mustela sp. and Glirulus sp. (both may be characteristic subspecies) inhabit in Dogo, though they are not yet examined taxonomically. It is worthy of notice that the majority of endemic mammals from Dogo Island are distinguished from allied species of Hondo as subspecies by the previous systematic studies. To work on the interesting problem of subspeciation, we tried to make clearer the characteristics shown by the former workers as subspecies. We classified by ages all specimens of both Oki and Hondo respectively, and statistically compared both samples in each division. In this report, Apodemus speciosus speciosus of Hondo and Apodemus speciosus navigator from Oki were mainly chosen as the materials for the purpose above mentioned, and we touched a little to the other mammals. in short, we could point out some characteristics to be distinguished from typical subspecies of Hondo by statistical treatment in the specimens of Oki of Apodemus speciosus navigator (I) together with Apodemus geisha celatus (II), Anteliomys smithii okiensis (III) and Urotrichus talpoides minutus (IV). For the external characteristics, that both subspecies (I) and (II) of Oki have shorter tail in comparison with body length than that of typical subspecies of Hondo, that subspecies (IV) have longer tail on the contrary, that there is no recognizable external distinction in subspecies (III) (but being distinguished by the characteristics in the skull) and others became clear. We compared Apodemus speciosus navigator with Apodemus speciosus speciosus in detail basing on the abundant materials. Ages were identified by the pattern of grinding surface of m3. We divided all samples into five classes ; namely stage 1 (juvenile), st. 2 (subadult), st. 3 (adult I), st. 4 (adult II) and st. 5 (senile) by age, and compared both groups in each class of age respectively. By such comparisons, it became clear, in addition to lower tail ratio of navigator than that of speciosus, that on distance between the first upper molars (m1~m1) and length of upper molar series (m1~m3), the former from Dogo was somewhat longer than that of the later, and specimens from Dozen remarkably longer than speciosus. The portion represented by m1~m1 and m1~m3 grows most slowly in the skull. The skull grows anteriorily and posteriorily from that dead centre ; the anterior extension being greater than posterior extension. Judging from the fact that in the forest mouse from Oki this portion is longer than that of Hondo, especially in the animal from Dozen remarkably, we think that the animal from Dozen may be distinguished also from navigator of Dogo as another subspecies. However, we did not deal with taxonomical consideration of the forest mouse from Dozen, because of the insufficiency of materials. To lay the foundation on the studies of subspeciation of the small mammals from Oki Islands, the present investigation was planned to make more exact taxonomical treatment of the materials. We think that such a new trial as the classification by ages and the statistical comparison in each class was an excellent method for the purpose.隠岐島は, 島後と島前からなり, 前者は一つの大きな陸塊が中心になつているが, 後者は四つの小島の集合からなりたつている. これらは島根半島の沖, 30~40マイルに位置し地形的には該半島に連なるものである. その間の海の深さは200m以下で, 地質学者は洪積世の終りまで, これらの島は本土と陸地で連なつていたと考えている(湊,'54). 島後の内の主島の広さは246km2(東西18km・南北20km)で, 沖積平野は少く, 島全体が起伏の多い地形をなしている. 最高峰は焼火山(451.7m)で, その森林景観はシイ・カシの極相であるといつてよい. 島前は, どの島も地域狭小で, 高い山はなく, 植物相は貧弱である. 今回アカネズミを採集した西島は58km2の島で, その採集地点浦郷は耕地と耕地保護林からなる単純な環境であつた. 島後の哺乳動物は, 最初にAndersonによつて採集され, それが大英博物館のThomas('O5)によつて記載された. この際の採集物は, コウベモグラMogera wogura kobeae 16頭, ヒミズモグラ Urotrichus talpoides 1頭, ジネズミ Crocidura dsi-nezumi 1頭, オキアカネズミ Apodemus speciosus navigator 6頭, オキヒメネズミ Apodemus geisha celatus 4頭, オキノウサギ Lepus brachyurus okiensis 3頭であつた. そのうちで, オキアカネズミ, オキビメネズミ, オキノウサギはそれぞれ新亜種として記載された. つぎに徳田は, 1932年に同島の小哺乳類を採集し, その採集品について分類学的研究を行つた. その際に採集された種類は, クマネズミ Rattus rattus 1頭, オキビミズモグラ Urotrichus talpoides minutus 2頭, オキアカネズミ2頭, オキヒメネズミ1頭, オキスミスネズミ Anteliomys smithii okiensis2頭であつた. オキアカネズミとオキビメネズミに関しては, Thomasの記載を確認し, またヒミズモグラとスミスネズミに関してはその亜種的特徴の著しいことを指摘し, それらを新亜種とすることを提唱した(徳田,'32). 植物や哺乳類以外の動物の中にも, この島に産するものが分類学的に区別された例があるが, そのうちで佐藤井岐雄('40)によつて紹介されたオキサンショウウオ Hynobius okiensis はとくに著しく目立つものであつた. 隠岐島の動物や植物は, しばしば同地に特産のものとして取扱われたが, それらは分類学的に本土に産するものと密接な類縁性のあるものばかりである. 従つて前者は後者よりも分れて亜種化 (subspeciation) あるいは別種化 (speciation) の過程にあるものと考えてよい. 亜種化あるいは別亜種化の起る原因の一つとしては地理的隔離(geographical isolation)があると考えてよいが, それは外因である. 内因としてはそこに産する生物の生活の特殊性をこそ問題にしなければならぬ. さきに少しく触れたように島前・島後の島々の自然環境は単純であり, 比較的に複雑な島後においても森林景観は一つの極相としていいあらわすことができるような単純性をもつている. 哺乳動物相として見た場合に, 島後においてはウサギ, イタチ等が比較的に大形の哺乳類を代表し, それ以上のものはいない. 本土においては普通であるイノシシ, シカ, テン, キツネ, アナグマ, タヌキ等をそこには産しない. Thomasおよび徳田がさきに紹介した哺乳動物以外に, イタチとヤマネを島後に産することが確実であるが, いずれにしても同地の哺乳動物相は貧弱である. もちろんそれは分類学的観点からする同島の自然環境の記載に過ぎないが, 同島における生物の亜種化や別種化の問題を研究する際には, こういつた哺乳動物社会の要素の貧弱性という点がまず考慮されてよいと思う. 今回の研究は, 亜種化や別種化の過程そのものを対象としたものではなく, むしろそこへ到達する前段階的な研究を行つたものである. そのために, 従来の形態的研究をいつそう深め精密化しておく必要があると思つたので, その方法について一つの試みを行つた. 1956年11月に, 平岩・徳田・内田等は伯誉大山および隠岐島で小哺乳類を採集し, それらの採集物について詳細な比較研究を行つた. この際に烏取大学医学部の酉田弘氏も同行し, 小哺乳類に附着する外部寄生虫を採集した. さらに同医学部の長花操教授の御厚意により山陰地方一帯で近年採集された莫大な数の液漬標本について自由な研究を行うことが許されたので, この材料は主として頭骨や歯紋の比較研究資料に供した. すべての材料を統計的に取扱うことを念頭において計測を行い, これらのデータについてその統計学的吟味を併せ行つた. 哺乳類の外部形態は液漬標本で計測すると非常に不正確になるので, 隠岐産のものとの外形比較は, 徳田が1952~1953年に比叡山で, また1952年に上高地(徳本峠)で採集した標本類が主な材料として用いられた. この点で本研究はいくらか一貫性を欠くものとなつたが, 論文の目的が形態に関する吟味をいつそう深める方法を問題にしている点に読者が留意され, 批判をしていただければわれわれは非常に幸である.
安藤 元一 船越 公威 白石 哲
九州大學農學部學藝雜誌 (ISSN:03686264)
vol.38, no.1, pp.27-43, 1983-07
坂上 務
九州大學農學部學藝雜誌 (ISSN:03686264)
vol.13, no.1, pp.367-372, 1951-11

The field experiment were carried out for studying the influence of the windbreak. The windbreak, made by Japan cypresses each about 2 meters high, was built at the central part of the reclained field near the agricultural department of Kyusyu University. The length was 20 meters and its width was about 1 meter. Twenty ane mometers were equipped on the wooden poles in the vicinity of windbreak and the velocities and fluctuations of wind at these points were directly read. The fea ture of wind was traced by smoke as is shown in the photograph. The results observed are concluded as follows: 1) The instantaneous maximum and minimum velocity of wind and its gustiness are quite modified by the existence of windbreak, and there are weak flows of several air masses produced behind the raw. 2) Several weak, large vortexes are appeared leeward of windbreak, and one discontinuous surface is formed between these vortexes and the principal flow of wind, under the surface there is a weak breeze with an opposite direction.模型防風林前後の風速分布は-5Hから20H迄かなり広い範囲迄効き, 之は風速のみならず風の乱れについても云える. それから注意すべきはUMAX/Uが2.3倍にもなり防風林被護地域は瞬間的にはかなり大きな風速も予想されるから防風林効果の論議には平均風速のみでは不十分であると云える. 発煙筒を使用しても以上のことはほぼ確められ, この場合の防風林前後の複雑な気流及びどの辺りに渦流が出来易いかの見込がつけられた.
道津 喜衛
九州大學農學部學藝雜誌 (ISSN:03686264)
vol.16, no.3, pp.371-380, 1958-03

Ctenotrypauchen microcephalus (Bleeker) is a blind, red gobioid fish synonymous with Trypauchen wakae Jordan et Snyder (Fig. 1). The burrowing-habit of this gobioid fish was not recognized with certainty in this research at the natural habitat. The spawning-season seems to extend from June to August in the innermost part of Ariake Sound and in Inland Sea. Neither spawned eggs nor spawning habit yet is known. The ripe ovary contains two groups of eggs, the ripe egg-group, 0.51~0.65 mm in diameter, and the unripe ones, less than 0.17mm. The number of the ripe ovarian eggs was enumerated as 1,477~2,413 in three individuals (Table 1). The ripe testes are whity band-like in shape lacking adjunctive organ (Seminal vesicle : Weisel, G. F. 1949). The larvae, less than 8 mm in total length, are not yet obtained. The postlarvae, 8~15 mm, were collected together with other fish larvae and small shrimps from July to October with set-nets put in the water-course of estuary of Ariake Sound. These postlarvae are elongate and laterally compressed in shape, provided with normally developed eyes, 35 (10+25) myotomes, large air-bladder, fan-like pectoral fins, lacking chromatophore (Fig. 2). They are translucent when alive, but become opaque and white after preserved. These postlarvae gathered under the light at night in the natural habitat of Inland Sea. After the swimming life has passed they enter into the bottom life at the size of 20 mm in total length when the juvenile stage begins. Only soft mud was detected from the alimentary duct of the adult fish collected from Ariake Sound. From the examination of size frequency of the specimens collected from Ariake Sound, this gobioid fish seems to grow over 85 mm in total length in a year, and some individuals become mature. A few individuals seem to live over three years. Taenioides cirratus (Blyth) is a blind eel-like gobioid fish synonymous with Taenioides lacepedei (Schlegel) (Fig. 3). The number of the ripe ovarian eggs of a mature female, 187 mm in total length, is enumerated as 20,126 (Right ovary 10,168+Left ovary 9,958). The ripe testes are whity and band-like in shape with small leaves of the adjunctive organ. Neither spawned eggs nor spawning habit is yet known. The spawningseason seems to extend from June to September in the innermost part of Ariake Sound. based upon the examination of the ovarian eggs and the collection of larval fish. The larvae, less than 9 mm in total length, are not yet obtained. The postlarvae, 9~15 mm in total length, were collected from July to October with set-nets, put in the water-course of estuary of Ariake Sound (Fig. 4). The postlarvae were swimming and gathered under the light at night in the natural habitat of Inland Sea. They are elongate and laterally compressed in shap, provided with normally developed eyes, large air-bladder, 32 (10+22) myotomes and a few melanophores at the base of the caudal fin. After the swimming life has passed this gobioid fish enters into bottom life at the size 15 mm in total length when the juvenile stage begins. The juveniles are eel-like in shape, with the eyes half buried under the skin. No food particle was detected from the alimentary ducts of the postlarvae.アカウオ Ctenotrypauchen microcephalus (Bleeker) およびチワラスボ Taenioides cirratus (Blyth)は共にハゼ亜目Gobiinaのワスラボ科Taenioidaeに属する特異な形態を示すハゼで, 東南アジア, 印度の各地に広く分布することが知られ, 日本では南部各地の内湾に棲むことが報告されている. ここでは主として瀬戸内海および有明海から得た材料によつてこれらのハゼの形態, 生態および幼期について述べる.
平嶋 義宏
九州大學農學部學藝雜誌 (ISSN:03686264)
vol.26, no.1, pp.27-45, 1972

In order to secure their lives, all the larvae of the tube renter Hymenoptera (solitary bees and wasps), in a given nest, must face to the exit of the nest when they pupate in their own cells. If not, the adults of the next generation can not emerge safely from the nest in which they were bred. They will be able to find out the exit only when they moved forward in the nest which is just large enough for the linear (forward and backward) movements of the adults. Figs. 1 and 2 will explain clearly this statement. Therefore, the factors influencing on the orientation of pupa or cocoon in a given cell is very significant to those bees and wasps, or even to the species which nest in the ground, too. For the tube renters whose nests are kept horizontally in nature, I have described and illustrated in this paper the positive orientation of pupae (cocoons) in the nests of Megachile sculpturalis (Figs. 1-2), Coelioxys fenestrata (Figs. 3-4), Trypoxylon obsonator (Figs. 5-9), Trypoxylon sp. (Figs. 18-21), Sphex nigellus (Figs. 22-24), Ammophila aemulans (Figs. 29-34), Odynerus sp. (Figs. 35-37), and Anterhynchium flavomarginata micado (Figs. 38-39). In regard to their cells, the material used for the cell partitions differs from species to species. For example, Megachile sculpturalis makes use of the resin for their cells, but Trypoxylon obsonator provides the cells with the mud partitions. In any case, however, one end of the cell partition is smooth-concaved, and the opposite side is rough-convexed as a result of the labor of the nesting adults which enter and work in the nest from one way only. In consequence, the cell is provided with the smooth-concaved and rough-convexed partitions. The very combination of these partitions is responsible to the positive orientation of the pupae or cocoons of the tube renters. This was first assumed by Yasumatsu in 1929 for Trypoxylon obsonator, and confirmed by me in 1958 based on a series of experiments on Osmia excavata and O. pedicornis. Present observations on the species mentioned above may be supplementary to our theory. Another interesting orientation of pupae (cocoons) in Trypoxylon obsonato r was observed when the cell was kept vertically. My experiment and the result is shown in Figs. 10-13. This sort of positive orientation was demonstrated by me in Osmia excavata already. Thus, the larvae of these two species are proved to be very responsive to the partitions, especially to the smooth-concaved condition of them, in a given cell. This is one of the expressions of their high adaptability of their lives. In regard to the soil-nesting solitary Hymenoptera, only the bees were discussed in this paper, because the cells of them are highly specialized. Their shape are pot-like, and the interior is smooth and nearly polished. This is probably because the nesting adults have to store the pollen ball or honey cake in the cells for their larvae. I have discussed and illustrated the cells of Lasioglossum affinum (=Halictus affinis) (Figs. 40, 41), Rhopalomelissa esakii (Fig. 42), Nomia punctulata (Fig. 43), and Tetralonia mitsukurii (Figs. 44, 45) in this paper. In such species like Lasioglossum affinum and Rhopalomelissa esakii, the cells are situated nearly horizontally in the ground. Full-grown larva of these species rests on the back when pupate, with its head closer to the exit of the cell (namely, positive orientation), on the bottom of the cell which is slightly concaved. To this orientation of pupa, interestingly, the feces-excreting habit of the larva is closely associated. This is illustrated in Fig. 41. In addition, Lasioglossum affinum is a unique species whose larvae secrete the sticky silk-like threads while they excrete (Hirashima, 1960). In such species like Nomia punctulata (Fig. 43) whose cells are vertical , the prepupae stand naturally in their cells (positive orientation), because the cells are just large enough for them. They do not stand up-side down because of the antigravity character which is extensively shared in the bees and wasps. Some examples of the antigravity character are shown in Figs. 14-17 for Trypoxylon obsonator, in Figs. 25-28 for Sphex nigellus, and in Fig. 45 for Tetralonia mitsukurii. The last named species is interesting, in spite of its soil-nesting habit, in that the larva makes cocoon when pupate. Note the position of feces in this species (Fig. 45).
道津 喜衛
九州大學農學部學藝雜誌 (ISSN:03686264)
vol.15, no.4, pp.489-496, 1956-03

Parioglossus taeniatus Regan is a small Eleotrid goby, some 35 mm in total length. It was previously known collected from Aldabra in the Indian Ocean (T. Regan : 1912) and the Palao Islands in the Pacific Ocean (T. Abe : 1939). The author collected over one hundred specimens of this fish, containing juveniles from the coasts of Kyushu and Shikoku, Japan (Fig. 1). The fish lives a gregarious and semi-pelagic life in the middle stratum of the water of inlets, feeding on the planktonic copepods. Twenty-one mature fish, collected with a small pit-net, were kept for thirteen days in a table-aquarium. During this period, it was observed that the fish swimmed in the aquarium in day time, and at night they rested under a vacant hollow of a valve of a large shell, lying on the sand-floor of the aqarium. After they were kept some time, the ripe fish were used for artifical insemination. The spawning-season seems to extend from the beginning of July to the beginning of September in the Amakusa Islands, Kyushu. The black, nuptial coloration appeared in the anal fin of the ripe male fish. The number of ripe ovarian eggs was enumerated as from 947 to 2,4E3 according to the size of the parent fish (Table 1). The fertilized egg by artifical insemination is elipsoid in shape, 1.3 mm in long axis and 0.6 mm in short axis, demersal and adhesive, with a boundle of the adhesive filaments at its basal end. The numerous oil-globules in the yolk are grouped in some eggs, or scattered in others (Fig. 2). The incubationperiod extended about four days at the water-temperature 25~28℃. The newly hatched larva is about 2 mm in total length possessing characteristics of gobiid larvae (Fig. 3, A). The juveniles were observed to live swimming life with adults late summer on the coast of the Amakusa Islands (Fig. 3, B~D). The fish seems to grow 20~37 mm in total length in one year, some individuals becoming mature. The life-span seems to be over two years.Parioglosszts taeniatus は Eleotridae に属する小型のハゼ類で, T. Regan(1912) が印度洋のAldabraで採集した全長25mm, 30mmの2尾によつて新種として報告した種類である. 阿部宗明(1939)は南洋パラオ諸島の海岸でカキ殼の中に潜んでいた全長25~30mmの3尾を採集して, 同じくパラオ諸島で得た近縁種 Ptereleotris taeniatus rainfordi(McCulloch) と共に Ptereleotris rainfordi の亜種としてP. taeniatus taeniatus(Regan) という亜種名をつけて報告しているが, これ迄に日本で獲れた記録はない. 筆者はここ数年間に, 福岡県糸島郡机島, 長崎市土升首, 長崎県西彼杵郡茂木町, 同県五島列島浜の浦村, 熊本県苓北町富岡, 徳島県日和佐町の各地で稚魚を包む合計百余尾の標本を得て, その生活史の大要を知ることが出来たのでここに報告する.
大村 浩久 高田 正 石田 英雄
九州大學農學部學藝雜誌 (ISSN:03686264)
vol.31, no.2, pp.69-75, 1976-12

Three kinds of fish jelly products, "Kamaboko"(fish cake), "Chikuwa"(rolled fish cake) and "Satsuma-age"(fried fish cake) were then examined. The following range of constituents were estimated by chemical analysis. "Kamaboko": moisture 74.5~80.3(77.3±0.3)%; protein 7.0~13.0(10.3±0.7)%; fat trace~0.3(0.2)%; ash 2.1~3.2(2.7±0.1)%; sugar 2.9~9.8(6.3±0.9)%; starch 1.3~5.5(3.3±0.6)%; calorie 71~91(81±3)Cal.; saccharin and AF-2 not detected; sorbic acid 0~1.2(0.8±0.1)g/kg. "Chikuwa": moisture 62~73(68±2)%; protein 11.6~15.6(12.8±0.7)%; fat trace~0.3(0.2)%; ash 3.3~3.6(3.4±0.1)%; sugar 6.4~19.3(12.5±2.1)%; starch 1.7~5.6(3.4±0.8)%; calorie 94~139(116±8)Cal.; saccharin and AF-2 not detected; sorbic acid 0.3~1.4(0.8±0.2)g/kg. "Satsuma -age": moisture 64.9~70.0(68.7±1.0)%; protein 9.2~11.5(10.4±0.5)%; fat 2.8~4.1(3.6±0.2)%; ash 2.3~3.0(2.7±0.1)%; sugar 7.0~10.4(8.3±0.6)%; starch 5.2~6.9(6.2±0.3)%; calorie 125~148(132±4)Cal.; saccharin not detected; sorbic acid 0~1.45(0.82±0.21)g/kg; peroxide value 45.7~163.5(109.9±20.9)meq/kg. In several samples of "Kamaboko" and "Chikuwa", saccharin was not detected, while its use had been indicated on their label. Artificial colors, red No. 106 or/and yellow No. 5 were detected in some samples of "Kamaboko," too. Sensory tests suggested that expensive "Kamaboko" contained much protein and was evaluated better, whereas economical one of poor protein content contained much starch and had lower evaluation. Concerning "Chikuwa," too, evaluation seemed to have some relation with price and especially with starch content, while not towards protein content. However, there was no relationship of evaluation with price, constituents or peroxide value.常法に従い,カマボコ,チクワおよびサツマ揚げの調査を行なった.カマボコの平均成分は,水分77.3%,蛋白質10.3%,脂質0.2%,灰分2.7%,糖分6.3%,澱粉3.3%,熱量81カロリーであって,昭和47年度調査したものにくらべ,蛋白質および脂質含量ならびに熱量が若干低く,また対照よりは蛋白質および脂質が少なく炭水化物が多かった.サッカリンおよびAF-2は検出されなかったが,ソルビン酸は1業者を除いて使用され,その量は0.2~1.2g/kg,平均0.8g/kgであって昭和47年度調査したものよりも低かった.赤色に着色したものは,食用赤色106号単独またはそれと食用黄色5号とが併用されていた.一方チクワは,同一業者ではあるが,水分68.0%,蛋白質12.8%,脂質0.2%,灰分3.4%,糖分12.5%,澱粉3.4%,熱量116カロリーであって,カマボコよりも水分が少なく,蛋白質,糖分および熱量が高かった.昭和47年度調査したものにくらべて水分,蛋白質および脂質含量は低いが糖分および澱粉が多く,対照よりは水分含量は低いがとくに炭水化物含量が高く,したがって熱量も若干高かった.サッカリン,AF-2は検出されなかったが,ソルビン酸はいずれも使用され0.3~1.4g/kg,平均0.8g/kgであった.これに対してサツマ揚げは,水分68.7%,蛋白質10.4%,脂質3.6%,灰分2.7%,糖分8.3%,澱粉6.2%,熱量132カロリーであって,対照よりは,水分,蛋白質ならびに脂質含量は低いが炭水化物含量は高く,熱量はほぼ同等であった.サッカリンは検出されなかったが,ソルビン酸は0.6~1.45g/kg,平均0.82g/kg,過酸化物価は最低45.7から最高163.5と試料により広く変動した.官能テストの結果,カマボコでは一応蛋白質が多い高価なものが比較的高い評価を受け,一方廉価な試料は蛋白質は少くて澱粉が多く,その評価は低かった.チクワにおいても高価なものの評価は高いようであるが,蛋白質含量にはほとんど影響なく,むしろ澱粉の多いものの評価が低かった.サツマ揚げの評価と価格ないし成分あるいは過酸化物価との相関は認められなかった.
福田 浩
九州大學農學部學藝雜誌 (ISSN:03686264)
vol.15, no.1, pp.15-23, 1955-02

Our knowledge on the insect-feeding habit of the family Anthribidae is restricted to those of several species of the genera Brachytarsus and Anthribus, both of which have been reared from Lecaniine scales. In the present paper I gave the results of my studies on the biology of Anthribus niveovariegatus Roelofs which was reared from Ericerus pela Chavannes in Fukuoka, Kyushu, together with the life-cycle of the latter species. As is shown in the Figure 1, the present species has but one generation a year and spends the summer, autumn and winter seasons in the adult stage (Fig. 1). The overwintered adult beetle appears and visits the host scales mainly at the beginning of May for oviposition. After copulation the female deposits her eggs within the chamber of the scales. Oviposition takes place during May, and most of the eggs are deposited until the middle of May. As in the cases of many other parasites and predators already pointed out by Clausen (1940), the feeding of the female beetle at the hole made in the scale by either her mandibles or ovipositor is a closely associated habit with her oviposition. Namely, the female beetle breaks the hardened integument of the scale with her mandibles, feed at the droplet of liquid which comes from the hole. After such performance the beetle turns round herself, thrusts her ovipositor into the hole and through the thin ventral body wall and places her egg eithin the egg chamber of the scale (Fig. 2-B). Observation made in the field shows that among the hosts harbouring beetles eggs 72 per cent of the eggs are deposited by the method mentioned above, ehile 28 per cent are laid by such methods as shown in the Figure 2-A and ?C. The egg is usually found attaching to the body walll of the host at the point of penertration of the ovipositor. Laboratory observation on the oviposition (vide Tables 1 and 2) were divided into two classes, viz. each individual beetle of the first class experiments was provided with 4 host scales per day and that of the second ones with 10. The results are as follows. The beetle deposits usually one to three eggs per day. The total number of eggs deposited by a single female ranges from 10 to 36, and there is no significant difference in the total number of deposited eggs between the two experimental classes mentioned above. The female deposits usually one egg in a single host, but sometimes two or more eggs are laid in one host scale. Only a single individual of the beetle may develop even in the large host scale. Therefore, the number of effective eggs which may give rise to the adult beetles is more significant in the increase of the beetle's population than the total number of eggs were laid was 15.2 per cent in the first class and 7.5 per cent in the second. From this experiment it may not be difficult to recognize the tendency that the more the host scales are given daily the fewer is the case in which more than two eggs of the beetle are deposited or the more the effective eggs are laid. As is shown in the Table 4(1-2), the number of eggs deposited by a single beetle in the field varies with the host density, and the fact that the frequency of hosts harbouring two or more eggs was lower in the field but higher in confinement may be regarded as having a close connection with the desiccating condition of the tissue of the host scales in the field. Eggs of the scale are necessary to the beetle larvae for their development to the adult stage. Three larval instars are observed. The larval period varies with the date of oviposition, and especially the duration of the third instar depends considerably upon the hatching state of the male scale eggs. Emergence of the adult beetles ranges from the beginning of June to that of the next month, having the peak from the 10th of June to the 22nd of the same month.一般にヒゲナガゾウムシ類は朽木や菌類等の植物性食餌を取るのが普通であるが,本科Anthribidaeの中Brachytarsus属に属する一部の種は肉食性で介殻虫類の卵を捕食することが従来から知られていた.その後本属の種の一部はAnthtibus属に移される様になつたので,現在では介殻虫の卵捕食性は上記2属の一部の種に見られる事となつた.このような習性を有するヒゲナガゾウムシは本邦から2種,即ち本種 Anthribus niveoveriegatus Roelofs イボタロウヒゲナガゾウムシ及び A.kuwanai Yuasa タマカイガラヒゲナガゾウムシが知られているが,これ等は何れも従来Brachytarsus属に編入されていたものである(中根 1952).イボタロウヒゲナガゾウムシは本邦の他,中華人民共和国にも分布し,その名の示すようにEricerus pela Chavannes イボタロウカタカイガラムシの卵を捕食するのが普通であるが,叉Kermes属のカイガラムシも攻撃の対象となし,湯浅(1931)はLecanium kunoensis Kuwana タマカタカイガラムシからも本種らしいものを得たと報告しているので寄主の範囲は相当広いもののようである.他方タマカイガラヒゲナガゾウムシは普通Kermesの類を寄主となし,その習性は本種に類似している点が多い.このような肉食性ヒゲナガゾウ類の生態に就ては,矢野(1915)が最初に本種イボタロウヒゲナガゾウムシの卵捕食性を認めて以来,Brachytarsus fasciatus Foerster に関するSilvestri(1919),B, nebulosus Foersterに関するPrell(1925),本種に関するClausen(1940)等の研究があり,特にClausenは従来知られていなかつたゾウムシの産卵法を明かにした.又,断片的な生体の観察としては湯浅(1931a, 1931b, 1932)及び石井(1932)のタマカイガラヒゲナガゾウムシに関する報告がある.これ等の研究を綜合すると,カイガラムシの卵を捕食するヒゲナガゾウムシ類の生態は何れもよく類似していて,その寄主と同じく年一世代を繰り返す事,短期間(1,2ヶ月)に発育を完了すること,成虫態で休眠し休眠期間が長い事(約10ヶ月)等の共通点を認めることが出来る.この最後の項に関しては従来の筆者は皆推測に止つていたのであるが,私は本種について之を確める事が出来た.本研究は1952及び1953の両年福岡に於て行つたもので,Ligustrum japonicum Thunberg ネズミモチに寄生するイボタロウカタカイガラムシを材料とし,そのBiological complex解明の一つの基礎として実施したものである.尚,本稿に於てはカイガラムシの生活史及び本種の周年経過,産卵に就て述べ,第二報には発育経過,休眠及びゾウムシの体調に及ぼす奇主の大きさの影響に就いて述べる.文献及び摘要は第二報にまとめて記した.
郝 愛民 丸居 篤 原口 智和 中野 芳輔
九州大学大学院農学研究院学芸雑誌 (ISSN:03686264)
vol.61, no.2, pp.339-346, 2006-10

村田 敏
九州大學農學部學藝雜誌 (ISSN:03686264)
vol.27, no.3, pp.247-257, 1973

1) The transient heat transfer in precooling system with ice bunker and packed bed of fruits and vegetables is expressed Schumann's equations of heat transfer in packed bed with a particular boundary condition. The boundary condition is given as a constant ratio of the inlet gas temperature to the outlet gas temperature. The condition differs from Schumann's and Furnas', and is derived from the cooling characteristics of the column of crushed ice. The solution of this problem is expressed by a series in terms of coefficient of the exponent of the ratio with the integral which has the same form of Schumann's solution of integral. The series is rapidly convergent, so that the solution is easily computed using Schumann-Furnas chart. 2) The equation of steady state heat transfer of packed bed of rough rice is derived from Schumann's equation by adding heat generation term of respiration and removing time dependent term. The analytical solution is given and the numerical chart of the solution is made by measuring the heat transfer coefficient of the rough rice. 3) For calculating the cooling characteristics of rough rice in vertical duct, the equation of transient heat transfer is derived by the Schumann's assumption. The solution is given and transformed to the Furnas' solution by introducing two new variables.粒子堆積層の非定常伝熱に関する基礎方程式であるSchumannの方程式を,まず氷餅(アイスバンカ)と農産物堆積層をつなぐ循環冷却系の境界値問題として解き,氷槽による堆積農産物の冷却計算法を示した.次に基礎方程式を呼吸熱の発生する場合に拡張し,定常問題として穀物堆積層の呼吸熱除去のための送風温度,送風量決定計算法を導いた.最後に基礎方程式を極座標系で表示し,穀物の乾燥・冷却・貯蔵庫として一般に用いられているVertical ductにおける冷却計算法を示した.なおこれらの具体的計算に必要なデータを実験や文献により整理し計算図表を作製した.
平岩 馨邦 徳田 御稔 内田 照章 吉田 博一
九州大学農学部学芸雑誌 (ISSN:03686264)
vol.16, no.1, 1957-03

昭和28年から31年にかけて九州各地で主にハジキワナによる"野鼠"の採集を行つた. これらの結果の大要は次のようである. 1) これまで九州で採集されたアカネズミ, ヒメネズミ, カヤネズミ, ハタネズミおよびスミスネズミの5種を今回の調査で再び確認することができた. 2) これらの野鼠の中, アカネズミが最も優勢であり, ヒメネズミがこれに次ぎ, この両種が野鼠の大半を占めて広く九州一円に分布していることがわかつた. 3) スミスネズミはヒメネズミについで多く, 600m以上の高地でのみ採集された. 4) ハタネズミは鳥栖・福岡の低地で採集されたのみであるが, 集団的にかなり棲息することが考えられる. 5) カヤネズミも局所的にはかなり集つて棲息しているが一般には少い.
篠原 和毅 曽 耀崑 大村 浩久
九州大学農学部学芸雑誌 (ISSN:03686264)
vol.29, no.1, pp.23-30, 1974-09
