本田 勝久 小川 一美 河本 圭司
大阪教育大学紀要 第5部門 教科教育 (ISSN:03893480)
vol.57, no.1, pp.13-30[含 英語文要旨], 2008-09

小学校での外国語活動の必修化を目前に控えている現在,英語活動に関する多くの研究が行われているが,主たる授業者である学級担任の英語学習に対する考え方(ビリーフ)を調査したものは見られない。そこで,本研究は,まず(1)大阪府下における英語活動の実態を明らかにし,(2)小学校教員の英語学習に対するビリーフを明らかにし,(3)その結果から英語活動への提言を試みた。その結果,小学校教員の英語学習に対するビリーフが外国語活動の必修化に影響を与えていることが検証された。同時に,小学校外国語活動に関する「教員への啓蒙活動の必要性」が浮き彫りになった。English Activities has been implemented in many public elementary schools in Japan. According to the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports and Technology (MEXT, 2007), 95.8% of the public elementary schools in Japan have implemented English Activities in some ways. There is much research on English Activities such as curriculum, materials, teachers' training programs. More than 90% of homeroom teachers (HRTs) are in charge of English Activities in higher grades as a main instructor (MEXT, 2007). In addition to this, MEXT (2007) stated that Foreign Language Activities is to be a compulsory instruction in the near future and said that the language in the Activities is English with some exception. Moreover, it is said that the best way to implement English Activities is team-teaching included HRTs. From these situations, it is clear that the role of HRTs in English Activities become more important. There are many piece of research on issues about implementing English Activities but little research on what elementary school teachers think toward English. Considering these situations, it is necessary to investigate what elementary school teachers think toward English. Therefore, this paper will find this out from the perspective of beliefs. This paper conducted the research that tried to investigate university students and elementary school teacher beliefs toward English by using questionnaires called BALLI (the Beliefs about Language Learning Inventory). The findings are various; 1) there are many differences between the beliefs of English majors or sub-majors students and those of elementary school majors students; 2) HRTs' role in English Activities will become more and more important; and 3) there are some differences among teachers' opinions about introducing English Activities as a compulsory instruction, and the results of this thesis imply that teacher beliefs have an influence on their opinions. The students who belong to English major or sub-major regard English as a really difficult language, but they think learning English is averagely easy. On the contrary, the students who belong to elementary school education major regard English as an average difficult language, but they think learning English is difficult. In other words, the students who belong to elementary school education major have higher affective filter toward English or learning English. English Activities will become a compulsory instruction sometimes soon, and elementary school teachers will insist on many issues concerning the current situation of English Activities such as the instructors, curriculum, and materials. Of course, these issues are important in order to implement English Activities effectively; however, as this paper found that teachers' beliefs, especially about speaking English, might influence their opinions toward English Activities. For that matter, increasing teachers' confidence in speaking English might liberate from their anxiety about implementing English Activities, which might reduce their resistances toward English Activities.
上島 昌晃 廣木 義久
大阪教育大学紀要 第5部門 教科教育 (ISSN:03893480)
vol.57, no.2, pp.59-74, 2009-02

仮説実験授業を実践したことのある教師の多くは仮説実験授業に対して肯定的な反応を示している。仮説実験授業はそれが提唱された後,教育現場へ急速に広がっていった。それは何よりも仮説実験授業が現場の教師にとって魅力のある授業であったからにほかならない。しかしながら,その広がりは1975年頃にピークを迎え,その後は,仮説実験授業から遠ざかっていく教師たちと仮説実験授業にひかれ仮説実験授業を実践し続ける教師たちとの二極に分化していった。現在の20代の教師のほとんどは仮説実験授業を知らない。一方,30代以上の教師の多くは仮説実験授業を実践した経験を持っている。しかし,仮説実験授業をかつて実践したことのある教師の多くは,現在仮説実験授業を実践していない。現場の教師にとって魅力的な仮説実験授業を今日の学校現場に活かすために,30代以上の教師に年に1回でもよいから仮説実験授業を実践してもらいたい。そのことにより,仮説実験授業を知らない20代の教師が仮説実験授業を間近で見る機会となり,それが仮説実験授業の学校現場での再普及につながる。Many schoolteachers who have experienced to practice the Kasetsu-Jikken-Jugyo (hypothesisand- experiment teaching method) have affirmative opinions to the method. A reason that the Kasetsu-Jikken-Jugyo has rapidly spread just after its proposal on 1963 is that the method was very attractive for schoolteachers. The trend, however, reached the peak around 1975 and the teachers divided into two groups: the teachers who continued to practice the method and the teachers who left off practicing the method. Almost all of present teachers in twenties know nothing of the method. Although many teachers over thirties have an experience to practice the method, they do not use the method now. The Kasetsu-Jikken-Jugyo has high potential to be acquired communication ability to children, which is one of the most important ability for the present-day children. However, a problem practicing the Kasetsu-Jikken-Jugyo is to need much time compared with another methods. Thus we hope teachers, especially over thirties, to practice the Kasetsu-Jikken-Jugyo once in a year.
井田 暁 越桐 國雄
大阪教育大学紀要 第5部門 教科教育 (ISSN:03893480)
vol.59, no.1, pp.29-39, 2010-09

生徒が持つ素朴概念や誤概念の理解は,物理教育において重要なテーマであり,これまで多くの研究が行われ様々な知見が得られている。一方,学校現場において教師は,授業研究に関する様々な交流の中であるいは長期間にわたる経験に基づいて,これらの誤概念を把握し生徒の指導に役立てている。ところで,実際に調べてみると,ネットには情報があふれているとはいうものの,物理教育における誤概念については必ずしも十分な知識が提供されていないことがわかった。また,団塊の世代の教員大量退職時代を迎え,熟練した教員から若年層の教員への経験の継承についても危惧の念が抱かれている。こうした問題を解決し新任の教員の授業を支援するために,これまでに研究報告されてきた物理教育における誤概念を整理したデータベースを構築してウェブでの公開を行った。Scientific misconception of students or the folk science is an important theme in physics education. Many studies have been conducted so far and our knowledge has been accumulated. Meanwhile, teachers in schools get accustomed with the scientific misconceptions of students through the long-term teaching experience and communication and exchange of teaching skills with other teachers. That helps teachers to grasp the status of students and to construct lesson plans for physics class. By the way, in the Japanese Internet subspace, we have found few resources on scientific misconceptions, and it is difficult for the teachers to access the accumulated knowledge of scientific misconceptions. The era of mass retirement of baby boomer teachers have been issued. So it is worried about the inheritance of these knowledge from skilled teacher to younger faculty members. To resolve these problems, we have built up a database which organize the misconceptions in physics education research for these decades.