神谷 信明
岐阜市立女子短期大学研究紀要 (ISSN:09163174)
vol.53, pp.65-72, 2003

インドにおけるヴァルナ制度はヒンドゥー教にまつわる身分制度である。バラモンより遥か昔の3000年ほど前に来たインドのアーリア人は、ヨーロッパ系の白色人種系であった。彼らは先住民族(ドラヴィダ族)を滅ぼして、verna(ヴァルナ)という身分制度を作り上げた。ヴァルナとは「色」を意味し、それは肌の色による身分の上下差別であった。当然、支配者であり、肌色も白い自分たちを上位におき、被支配民族を下にした。その後アーリア人の中でも社会的機能(仕事)による区分ができた。即ち宗教儀礼を専門とするバラモン(Brahmana司祭)を最上位に、軍事・政治を司るクシャトリア(Ksatriya, Rajanya王族、武士)、商工業活動に従事するヴァイシャ(Vaisya平民)、その下には被支配民族のシュードラ(Sudra 奴隷)という4つの階級を作り上げた。この古代的身分制度が、インドのカースト制度の基本となっており、やがてこの枠中から、ヴァイシャ、シュードラはそれぞれの職業別にさらに細分化されてゆき、2000とも、あるいはそれ以上ともいわれる多数の区分が、中世的身分制度として固定化されていった。この区分は、職業を生まれたときから世襲化するものなので「生まれ」を意味するjati(ジャーティ)1と呼ばれているもので、これがインドのヒンデゥー社会では、非常に強い影響力を持って、人々を束縛し、社会の掟の基礎をなしている。一度決められたカーストはどんなに努力をしてみてもそこから決して抜け出せないのである。 カースト(ポルトガル語で血統を表す)制度で特に問題とされるのはシュードラより低位とされる、いわゆる不可触民2(アチュード、アンタッチャブル、ハリジャンとも呼ばれる)の存在でである。カースト内の位置すら与えていないこの不可触民の人たちは、触れただけ(あるいは目にしただけ)でも穢れるものとして、カースト・ヒンドゥーから差別されてきた。1億人(インドの人口が約9億人)近くいるといわれるこのアチュードは、社会の底辺で大きな労働力を提供しているのに、社会的地位は非常に低いままである。 こうしたヴァルナに基づくカースト制度の由来とジャーティ及び不可触民の実態を明らかにしたい。
川崎 則子
岐阜市立女子短期大学研究紀要 (ISSN:09163174)
vol.55, pp.1-8, 2005

William Blake's Milton depicts the restoration of the lost unity of the ideal selfhood, or Human Form in Blake's terminology. The protagonist Milton tries to regain and redeem the lost wholeness of human integrity by his incarnation after realizing his failure in his former life upon hearing the bard's song which tells of Satan's failure at self-righteousness. Along his journey back to the phenomenal world, he encounters Urizen, who is the eternal phase of Satan. This paper discusses Milton, Plate19[21], lines 1-14, where Milton's strife with Urizen entails forming rather than destroying Urizen, who tries to assume false universality. The characteristics of this strife are endowed with concrete vividness by the images of foot, clay, marble, and biblical Jacob. These are contrasted by an equivalent pictorial design in Plate 16[18] which amplifies the metaphysical connotations of the boundary between the eternal and phenomenal worlds with the designs of sun, Mosaic Decalogue, and the colors: red, blue, and yellow.
中西 満貴典
岐阜市立女子短期大学研究紀要 (ISSN:09163174)
vol.57, pp.29-39, 2007

The aim of this study is to reconsider the concept of `discourse', spotlighting the viewpoints of the paradigm of Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA). `Discourse' has been diversely defined by leading theorists depending on their disciplines, such as linguistics, sociolinguistics, and sociology including ethnomethodology or Foucault's theory of knowledge / power. First, we review lexical meaning of `discourse' as it is defined in various dictionaries. Then, we outline various sociolinguistic definitions of the term in reference to Discourse Analysis. The main discussion consists of two parts which deal with the frame of reference in CDA. The first examines Van Dijk's concept of `discourse' and the second reviews Fairclough's argument that `discourse' is language use conceived as social practice.
川上 新二
岐阜市立女子短期大学研究紀要 (ISSN:09163174)
vol.67, pp.15-20, 2017

Spirit possession often occurs at shamanic rituals of Korea, and it can be classified into four types. First, shamans make themselves possess spirits through dances and songs, in this case shamans control spirits and almost never make mistakes. Secondly, when clients attempt to contact with spirits that have particular relations to them through dances and songs, these spirits sometimes possess the clients, but this kind of circumstance rarely occurs. Thirdly, spirits suddenly possess clients. In this case, spirits have the initiative to possess, but it is rare to happen. Fourthly, shamans make spirits possess clients, but sometimes it ends with failure of possession. This article is about to study spirit possession that occurs at shamanic rituals of Korea.
久保村 里正
岐阜市立女子短期大学研究紀要 (ISSN:09163174)
vol.54, pp.163-168, 2004

The act that a human being sees things can exist by the relations of the applicable thing at the side seen with the human being at the side to see. Then, "The visual image" is the sensory figure which occurs by the specification of the view which these mutual relations are tied to by the point of view. But, view is shifted due to the movement of the point of view of the person who sees it because it can exist by the relations of the object seen with the human being who sees it, and a phenomenon which makes a figure change by the applicable thing itself that it is reflected to the view from the point of view of the person who was fixed with the case that it becomes specification and who sees it working and to specify can be thought about the act that a human being sees things. So, it didn't move it by this thesis through the point of view, but therefore it did research about the art work which made "The visual image" which it was reflected to in the view change to move a work itself.
神谷 信明
岐阜市立女子短期大学研究紀要 (ISSN:09163174)
vol.52, pp.67-71, 2002

Hinduism,as a faith,is vague, amorphous,many sided, all things to all men. It is hardly possible to define it,or indeed to say definitely whether it is a religion or not,in the usual sense of the word. In its present form,and even in the past,it embraces many beliefs and practices, from the highest to the lowest, often opposed to or contradicting each other. Its essential spirit seems to be to live and let live. Here I examine the historical mutual relation between vegetarian and non-vegetarian. Hindus regard the cow as a holy animal in India. So they don't eat beef. This report reveals the historical background about livestock production in India.
草場 英子
岐阜市立女子短期大学研究紀要 (ISSN:09163174)
vol.52, pp.101-105, 2002

Sometimes songs express the feelings of singers. Also among the Amis people, songs are recognized as the method of communication with supernatural beings called Kawas.There are/were some religious specialists called Si-kawas-ay in every Amis village. When they hold their ritual, they sing the songs of gods (Kawas) which are related to that ritual. Every Kawas has its peculiar song and melody. According to their rituals, the religious specialists Si-kawas-ay choose gods (Kawas) and sing each gods song exactly. Nowadays not a few Si-kawas-ay change the style of religion. They become Chinese shaman called Tang-ki rather than Si-kawas-ay. However after they become Tang-ki, they continue to sing the songs of gods (Kawas) when they hold their rituals even though Chinese Tang-ki does not have that type of song. Every Amis village holds a harvest festival in summer. The last day of festival there is a rite which makes offerings to the dead people (called Kawas) who die after the last harvest festival. While all villagers make a circle and dance to the traditional songs of Amis, the chief of the village, old men and the family members of dead persons go into the circle, and call the names of dead persons and give offerings. Also there is a special melody for dead people. The spouse of a dead person cries loudly. Hearing the crying, we notice that her/his crying has its own melody. It is a melody for the dead person. It is believed that in the old days there were some monsters in Amnis villages. Now Amis people say that when the monsters come into the human world, they appear groaning with their own melody.So the people of Amis recognize that songs are a very important tool and method of communication with supernatural beings (Kawas).Sometimes songs express the feelings of singers. Also among the Amis people, songs are recognized as the method of communication with supernatural beings called Kawas.There are/were some religious specialists called Si-kawas-ay in every Amis village. When they hold their ritual, they sing the songs of gods (Kawas) which are related to that ritual. Every Kawas has its peculiar song and melody. According to their rituals, the religious specialists Si-kawas-ay choose gods (Kawas) and sing each gods song exactly. Nowadays not a few Si-kawas-ay change the style of religion. They become Chinese shaman called Tang-ki rather than Si-kawas-ay. However after they become Tang-ki, they continue to sing the songs of gods (Kawas) when they hold their rituals even though Chinese Tang-ki does not have that type of song. Every Amis village holds a harvest festival in summer. The last day of festival there is a rite which makes offerings to the dead people (called Kawas) who die after the last harvest festival. While all villagers make a circle and dance to the traditional songs of Amis, the chief of the village, old men and the family members of dead persons go into the circle, and call the names of dead persons and give offerings. Also there is a special melody for dead people. The spouse of a dead person cries loudly. Hearing the crying, we notice that her/his crying has its own melody. It is a melody for the dead person. It is believed that in the old days there were some monsters in Amnis villages. Now Amis people say that when the monsters come into the human world, they appear groaning with their own melody.So the people of Amis recognize that songs are a very important tool and method of communication with supernatural beings (Kawas).
堀 光代 平島 円 磯部 由香 長野 宏子
岐阜市立女子短期大学研究紀要 (ISSN:09163174)
vol.60, pp.55-59, 2010

A survey was conducted among 534 college freshmen (2008-2009, age:18-20) to investigate effects of cooking practices in home economics classes at junior high school and high school on students' cooking skills. With increasing the number of times they have experienced cooking practices, the number of students, who liked cooking and had a specialty dish, increased. Students with experiences in cooking have acquired cooking skills compared with students without experiences in cooking at junior high and high schools. We found that cooking practices at schools were quite effective on learning cooking skills for students, especially for students, who did not cook home.
山田 利一
岐阜市立女子短期大学研究紀要 (ISSN:09163174)
vol.61, pp.23-37, 2011

The history of tourism is not yet studied well. This paper researches and narrates that history from the point of literature, gathering and analyzing data from various literary works of English, German and Japanese poets and novelists from the fourteenth century to the modern days. One thing obvious about the subject is that tourism was long enjoyed exclusively by the leisure classes. Tourism represented the affluent and leisurely lives of the political and social elite. However, thanks to the drastic progress in mass transportation since the latter half of the nineteenth century the prerogative of seeing beautiful scenes or visiting historic sites was to be shared by the middle class, and in the end, after the World War II, by the masses. The masses were once part of the scene enjoyed by the decent people, but nowadays it is the common people who go out and sustain tourism. The history of tourism is to be called as the process of democratizing both leisure and economic means.
小川 直茂
岐阜市立女子短期大学研究紀要 (ISSN:09163174)
vol.59, pp.99-105, 2009

In the daily life, we acquire quite a lot of information by the sight. The visual information is very important for us. When we take communications with the third party, we might visualize information to pass on information plainly. Visualization is very effective to understand information enough. And visualization is effective in various fields. Especially, I think that the visualization of the historical objects lost now is especially significant. If the historical objects that had been imagined from textual information up to now can be visualized, we can understand information quickly and deeply. And, the fact might lead to the development of research activities. I was involved in the project of investigation about the pavilion built by ODA Nobunaga. And, I designed a topographical map where the pavilion had built. By this design work, I considered about the advantage and the problem in the visualization.
柳田 良造 清水 隆宏
岐阜市立女子短期大学研究紀要 (ISSN:09163174)
vol.63, pp.53-60, 2013

In a urban space of Gifu the existence of the living space in the multitiered structure that has a historical layer can be read.While solving the historical layer of urban space in Gifu. This study clarifies the construction process ,architects,and adesign of the former Gifu prefectural office building ,and considered the meaning of historical building preservation.
野田 隆弘
岐阜市立女子短期大学研究紀要 (ISSN:09163174)
vol.53, pp.153-159, 2003

The Apparel Industry in Gifu has been developing after World War. It became one of the three biggest apparel production districts, which are Tokyo, Osaka and Gifu. But recently the existence of local production districts has been unstable because of changing overseas into production and import of enormous quantity of apparel products. First in this research I stated the developing process of apparel industry in Gifu with industrial statistics from 1955 to 1999. Next the developing process of major apparel enterprises from 1984 to 2001. In addition, the new wave of apparel industry. I made it clear the new indications were born and began.
久保村 里正
岐阜市立女子短期大学研究紀要 (ISSN:09163174)
vol.52, pp.223-238, 2002

On this paper , I tried to Study of the development of personal computer and the change of media design style.This paper is being written by the following sentence composition.PrologueI Diffusion of personal computer in Japan I-1 First term when a personal computer was developedI-2 Invention of GUI and developmentI-3 Popularize of personal computerII Personal computer and design II-1 Production of DESIGN WORK by personal computerII-2 Production of DESIGN WORK is changed from the specialtyII-3 MEDIA DESIGN EDUCATION for the general publicEpilogue
野田 隆弘
岐阜市立女子短期大学研究紀要 (ISSN:09163174)
vol.62, pp.101-106, 2012

Recently, the design of Northern Europe, or the Scandinavian design has come to be accepted by consumers in Japan rapidly. To analyze the reason, I visited three countries - Norway, Sweden, Finland -in Northern Europe on a business trip in August 2012. I visited 4 typical fashion apparel companies in each country. Then I made a market research (Oversea trip organized by Japan Association of Specialists in Textile and Apparel). I examined them. I also examined TV programs of northern Europe which were broadcasted then. From them, I found that the features of Scandinavian design are linear, no decorative and simple. This kind of design is rare in Japan, so that it is very attractive to Japanese consumers and it has been accepted by this.
伊藤 陽子
岐阜市立女子短期大学研究紀要 (ISSN:09163174)
vol.58, pp.115-120, 2008

In this paper, the author reports on how she planned, administrated, and carried out a fashion show which was a part of a department course. In relation to this topic, the following areas are discussed: what shape the course took, how the fashion show was put into practice, the significance of its implementation, and improvements to made in the future. In addition to the author's own reflection on these areas, student opinions are also included.
渡辺 優子 酒井 千恵 清水 英世
岐阜市立女子短期大学研究紀要 (ISSN:09163174)
vol.54, pp.119-121, 2004

The purpose of this study is to examine oxidative degradation of frying oils used in the cooking practice done in July,2004 from May in Gifu City Women's College. The results are as follows. (1) Peroxide Value was 4.49 or less. (2) Acid Value was all 0.5 or less. (3) The frying oils examined this research was confirmed the safe one on food sanitation.
中村 典生
岐阜市立女子短期大学研究紀要 (ISSN:09163174)
vol.55, pp.15-22, 2005

The main purpose of this paper is to point out some problems of introducing the English lexicon to elementary school children in an EFL situation, and to show a plausible approach to settling those problems. Three problems are identified as follows; (1) the "letter abilities" of each child should be rated to a plausible scale; (2) the proper time to begin teaching English letters to children needs to be determined; (3) children cannot be isolated from English letters. This paper will review the important criteria for rating the "letter abilities" of children, and report on the outcomes of studies based on these criteria.
古賀 和博
岐阜市立女子短期大学研究紀要 (ISSN:09163174)
vol.51, pp.167-174, 2002-03-22

Doctor B. Edwards, the author of "Drawing on the right side of the brain", practices the method of the visual information processing under the activated condition of the right brain, called R- Mode, and she introduced it in the writings, and she writes "The comprehensive skill which draws the thing which can be seen in the sight is composed only five fundamental skill, and it is not skill to draw, but it is skill to perceive. " A Picasso's Drawing is copied upside down with the subject of "Upside down drawing", and the drawing of the student with this subject shows a clear change. Even a class in our junior college was practiced, and this subject increased remarkable effect A subject work was compared with the original, and it was analyzed about the character of the line seen by a work, the space and the proportion. Obviously a student changed it into the "point of view which was necessary to draw a picture" consequently with this subject, and I think that it made student's perception change into the "sensory skill which was necessary for the Drawing" the "R Mode that Dr. B. Edwards was expounded".