石山 達也 戸谷 剛 永田 晴紀 稲場 康彦 井上 遼太 佐々木 俊也 寺川 健 桧物 恒太郎 李 尚駿 金井 竜一朗 脇田 督司
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
vol.2012, pp._S192023-1-_S192023-5, 2012

Although many groups are developing Cansat, a can-sized mock satellite, they have few opportunities to test due to difficulties for students to launch Cansats domestically. To provide the chance to launch Cansats, the authors downsized CAMUI type hybrid rocket and created easy-to-use launch system. The new launcher, miniCAMUI, uses gas oxygen (GOX) as oxidizer and high density polyethylene as fuel. Using GOX instead of liquid oxygen contributes to downsizing and weight saving, reduction of turnaround time for launch due to the simplified procedure to fill the oxidizer. A GOX tank connects to a motor through a valve. An air-driven actuator operates the valve miniCAMUI was launched 6 times in June and July 2012. Three of them were serial successful launches with two rockets in a day, with a turnaround time about 45 minutes. Two of the three launches were with the same rocket in the day. With the wind velocity of 1 to 2 m/s, the apogee altitude was about 74 m, being very close to the predetermined altitude of 80 m. This result shows that miniCAMUI was successfully developed as a small launch system with high operability. miniCAMUI is available for launches to various altitudes below 250 m.
矢田 元治 川田 裕
vol.2011, pp._G050053-1-_G050053-5, 2011

Fans and blowers are used in many kinds of industrial fields. The targets for the development are high efficiency, low costs, high reliability and low noise. The reduction of the noise is one of the most important issues for the axial fan. In this research the effect of the blade sweep on the performance and the flow field is investigated by using CFD. By using the results of the numerical study, y500mm prototype axial fan is manufactured and carried out experiments for performance and noise. The effect of the sweep on the performance and the noise are clarified. The influence of rotating stall and back flow on the noise is experimentally clarified.
柳澤 秀吉
vol.2014, pp._F111003-1-_F111003-5, 2014

A user's experience of a product involves a set of transitions from one sensory state to another. For example, in the user's perception of a product's qualities, the state of their sensory modality may shift from vision to touch. Between such state transitions, users have expectations regarding their subsequent states based on their experience of a current state event. A disconfirmation between prior expectation and posterior experience evokes emotions such as surprise, satisfaction, and disappointment. Such emotions affect the user's perception of the value of a product. A noteworthy phenomenon in the perception of expectation disconfirmation is that the expectation affects the perceived experience itself. This psychological phenomenon called the expectation effect affects the user's perception of expectation disconfirmation. This effect is a key element for designing the affective experience of a product. In this article, we present our current studies regarding expectation effect. With a mechanism of the expectation effect, we discuss the essence of perceptual experience that consists of prediction as well as sense.
國領 繁光 須藤 隆之
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
vol.2016, 2016

<p>Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems, Ltd. (MHPS) was established by merging the thermal power generation business sectors of the two companies: Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. (MHI) and Hitachi, Ltd. (HITACHI). Both companies had separately pursued technologies for the effective and clean utilization of coal by employing their own firing systems. In addition to their business histories regarding the development of such technologies and the latest technological trends, such as USC and IGCC, this report also addresses our future direction as MHPS in the development of boiler</p>
米須 清一郎 松田 昇一 加藤 純郎
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
vol.2017, 2017

<p>Impingement jets are often used for the cooling and heating of a surface or a body because a high heat transfer coefficient is obtained near the stagnation point of an impingement surface. Recently, as equipment becomes smaller, impingement jets have been utilized in narrow spaces. In such a case, the nozzle diameters and Reynolds number which based on the nozzle exit velocity also become tinier as a matter of course. Generally, in the case of measuring the heat transfer coefficient by using a thin heat transfer surface, heat loss, <i>q</i><sub>e</sub> due to heat conduction in the in-plane direction in the heating surface occurs. However, <i>q</i><sub>e</sub> has been considered inconsequential in the case of the common impinging jets having large diameters and with large Reynolds number. However, <i>q</i><sub>e</sub> may not be negligible in the case of impinging jets having a small diameter and with low Reynolds number. In this research, heat transfer characteristics using rows of impinging jets with small diameters and with low Reynolds number were investigated experimentally. The jet holes with the diameters <i>D</i> of 1, 2 and 3 mm were used. The experiments were performed with the relatively low Reynolds number range of 170~1460. The surface temperature of the impingement plate was measured using an infrared camera, from which heat transfer coefficients on the surface were obtained. It was found that the <i>q</i><sub>e</sub> needs to be considered in the case of impinging jets having small diameters and with low Reynolds number.</p>
小久保 慎弥 北岡 雅哉 坂本 二郎 不島 健持 小林 優
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
vol.2012, pp._J025022-1-_J025022-4, 2012

In orthodontics medical treatment the diagnostic system which simulates movement of the tooth by orthodontic force is required in order to perform orthodontics medical treatment more easily for a short period of time. In this research, teeth finite element model in consideration of the mechanical property of the periodontal membrane was developed and the simulation procedure of the bone resorption which occurve in an alveolar bone was proposed. As a result, it was ensured that teeth finite element model considering the characteristic of the periodontal membrane was effective. By using a bone resorption simulation procedure, the possibility of representation of the bone resorption in an alveolar bone was sugested.