太田 憲 梅垣 浩二 室伏 広治 仰木 裕嗣
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
vol.2014, pp._J2310102--_J2310102-, 2014

The motions of a hammer are commonly regarded as a circular movement which a hammer undergoes around a turning human body. During each turn the hammer rises up toward the high point of the trajectory and passes through the low point. Our interest in this study was to understand the energy transfer mechanism through whole body into the hammer. To elucidate the mechanism novel dynamic equations was derived.
多田 修平 佐竹 正俊 茂田 正哉 伊澤 精一郎 福西 祐
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
vol.2011, pp._G050093-1-_G050093-5, 2011

Water splash caused by an elastic tire rolling on a wet road is simulated using SPH method. Fluid-structure inter action model is newly proposed to couple the fluid motion and the elastic tire. The result shows that the water discharge capability strongly depends on the grooved patterns, and the tire receives lift and drag forces from the water.
鈴木 保彦 川端 信義 瀬戸山 聡
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
vol.2019, 2019

<p>There are a few problems, recently, for jet fan ventilation of road tunnels as below. ①Change of the road construction height in the road tunnels ②Jet fan fall risk because they are over the car lanes ③Difficulty of approach check every year to the installed high position. To reduce these risks and difficulty and to improve, we plan jet fans to be smaller and set them to the outside over the car lanes and construction area for easy maintenance and easy handling. For that, CFD analysis was carried out and investigated for some same ventilating fans for 2 car lanes and one way longitudinal road tunnel ventilation.</p>
和田 明浩 早稲田 一嘉
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
vol.2015, pp._J2010102--_J2010102-, 2015

Web-based simulation software for introductory physics course was developed using HTML5 technology. THML5, which is the latest version of HTML standard, include graphical extension called "CANVAS". By using CANVAS elements we can draw graphics via scripting in JavaScript, so dynamic animation of physical phenomena can be illustrated on a local PC as well as a smart-phone without installation of the software. In this study, we developed a series of software for physics education, for example parabolic motion, harmonic motion and oscillation. In order to confirm the effectiveness of the software, access analysis of the website and questionnaires to 1th-year students at our college were conducted.
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
vol.2016, 2016

<p>The conservative integral formulation is developed for calculating the intensities of singularities at a vertex of an interface in three-dimensional piezoelectric bonded joint. The model with three-real singularities is considered. The intensities of singularities of each term of stress singularity are calculated. Various integral areas, which located at various distances from the singular point, are used to investigate an influence of an integral area on an accuracy of results.</p>
福田 泰久 荒谷 貴洋 小柳 潤 山田 和彦
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
vol.2017, 2017

<p>The reentry capsule is one of the key technologies to support the sample return mission from deep space. The optimization of heat shield design is essential to meet to the weight limit of a reentry capsule, and one of approach to reduce its weight includes an exact predction of the aerodynamic heating environment at the rear heat shield. As an observation of the rear heat shield of "Hayabusa" reentry capsule, overlapped part of single side aluminized polyimide tape remained after the capsule returned to the earth. This fact shows that the actual heat flux during reentry on the rear was much lower than the assumption for heat shield design. In this paper, the heat flux on the rear was identified by the heating tests of the polyimide tape on the ablators using ICP heater. The result indicates that the heat flux on the rear heat shield is less than 20% of the assumption in the design of "Hayabusa" capsule. Furthermore, one dimensional thermal conduction analysis on the similar structure of the rear heat shield was carried out on the basis of its experimental estimation. The results of this analysis show the possibility that the thickness of ablator material for the rear heat shield may be reduced to half at the maximum.</p>
本間 義和 浦井 隆宏Urai
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
vol.2012, pp._F112001-1-_F112001-4, 2012

We are facing to the problem how to meet with the increasing energy supply demand, but also the decreasing greenhouse gases. The take off the renewable energy is necessary to satisfy the both requirements. Wind energy and ocean energy is useful energy in development. The drive train of the power take off should be improved. The conventional drive train is usually mechanical transmission. Hydrostatic drive system is a useful power take off system. In this paper some references and the development of hydrostatic drive system are introduced.
吉川 貴士 松田 光平 野島 伸司
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
vol.2016, 2016

<p>Some of handmade Japanese paper in a unique process to a state the wet paper before the drying process , high value-added Danshi is manufactured. Currently, Danshi in Ehime Prefecture, has accounted for more than half of the Danshi production volume of the whole country. However, on the verge of successor shortage also coupled survive. Therefore, we focused on the brush of judgment in Danshi production that is currently handed down in Shuso district of Ehime Prefecture, the operation of skilled person is going to unconsciously ie tacit knowledge, the difference of the physical behavior of the non-expert and, do the interviews about them, this time, focusing on the movement of the wrist of a brush of judgment to make a "clean grain" of the skilled person, an attempt was made to clarify the knack. As a result, the angle of the wrist that eventually converge to 155 [deg], the wrist is the load that the wet paper in which the amplitude at 10 [Hz] and disconnect the power to the vibration of the 20 [deg] since revealed, such as it is doing a brush of judgment is not applied, to report.</p>
清水 豊禾 金子 成彦 草鹿 仁
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
vol.2019, 2019

<p>Recently, traffic accidents due to the sudden change in the physical condition of the driver is attracting attention. In our previous study, we constructed a cardiovascular model capable of reproducing the mechanism of a cardiovascular system, and calculated biological signals by assuming sudden diseases in the model. In the cardiovascular model, stroke volume, the blood volume pumped by a heart per beat, is determined based on the operating conditions of the system considering the positions of baroreceptors and pressure sensors of a cardiac system in blood vessels. However, the simulated result did not well reproduce the measured pulse wave signal. In this study, we reexamined the treatment of bifurcation part of the blood vessel and successfully improved the accuracy of the simulation.</p>
近藤 義典 松本 秀一 岩田 隆敬 佐藤 直樹 今田 高峰 山本 一二三 小林 聡 本山 昇
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
vol.2012, pp._S191022-1-_S191022-5, 2012

We are now studying high accuracy reentry guidance algorithms for reentry capsule. In this paper, we propose a real-time prediction guidance using numerical integration. The real-time prediction guidance is an explicit guidance law using numerical integration for range prediction during reentry flight. One of technical issues of the real-time prediction guidance using numerical integration is that navigation error and wind error lessens the navigation accuracy. Especially, errors in the last phase of reentry flight affects the navigation accuracy. So we researched that mechanism by investigating the navigation ability (ability of range adjustment) of several navigation segments.
高橋 裕介 小池 太輝 大島 伸行
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
vol.2018, 2018

<p>Aerodynamic heating of an inflatable reentry vehicle, TITANS, which is one of the innovative reentry technologies, was investigated using a tightly coupled approach involving computational fluid dynamics and structure analysis. A strong shock wave at the front and a wake structure behind the TITANS vehicle were clarified. It was indicated that thermochemically nonequilibrium flow appears for a case of the peak heating altitude in the trajectory of mission. A heat flux distribution due to high temperature gradient near deformed surface was uncovered. The heat flux at the capsule part of the TITANS vehicle increased, while that on the membrane decreases. This is because the shock wave formation changed by the membrane deformation. In addition, it was indicated that wrinkles on the membrane formed by the deformation causes increase in heat flux.</p>
西村 顕 北川 諭 柿田 将信 廣田 真史
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
vol.2015, pp._J0530302--_J0530302-, 2015

The aim of this study is to design and propose the building model integrated with solar panel and wind turbine for the purpose of realizing the smart city. The number and angle of tilt of solar panel installed on the roof of the building are investigated considering the effect of shadow for some cities in Japan. The power generation characteristics of solar panel installed on not only the roof but also the wall of the building are also investigated assuming the building model to be installed in Tsu city. In addition, the power generation performances of the photovoltaic as well as the combined power generation of photovoltaic and wind turbine which are integrated with the buildings are compared with the power demand of the buildings. To estimate the power generation characteristics of the proposed model, the statistical meteorological data base is used. As a result, the optimum angle of tilt is 0 degree irrespective of investigated cities since the number of solar panel is the largest. Though the power energy generated by solar panel installed on the roof covers the most part of energy demand of the building, the addition of solar panel installed on the wall is effective to cover the energy demand through the year. The combined power generation of photovoltaic and wind turbine is effective when these power generation systems perform complementing the weakness of each system, e.g., the wind turbine covers the energy demand in night.
西村 顕 柿田 将信 北川 諭 村田 淳介 安藤 俊剛 鎌田 泰成 廣田 真史
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
vol.2015, pp._J0530301--_J0530301-, 2015

The aim of this study is to design and propose the size and layout of buildings which provide the better wind speed distribution for the higher power generation of wind turbine. A building model whose layout is like nozzle is proposed to obtain the acceleration of wind blowing through buildings due to contracted flow between buildings. In addition, the effect of the angle between two buildings on the power generation performance of the proposed building model is also investigated. For the feasibility check of installing the building model in some cities actually, the power energy output of wind turbine is investigated by considering the meteorological data such as wind speed and direction distribution for Fukushima city and Tsu city as an example. As a result, the proposed building models which have the angle between two buildings like nozzle of 90, 135 and 180 degree can provide the wind acceleration at the back of buildings for the wind blowing from the main wind direction and the angle of 135 degree is found to be the optimum building layout. In the case of installing the proposed building model in Fukushima city and Tsu city, the wind power energy output in winter is higher while that in summer is lower irrespective of the buildings angle. The interaction between the change in frequency distribution of wind speed direction through the year and the location of open tip of building model decides the power generation characteristics of the proposed building model.
青野 絵里奈 杉田 智洋 松岡 太一
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
vol.2014, pp._J1010501--_J1010501-, 2014

The authors proposed a unique type of semiactive damper that utilizes electromagnetic induction of a fluid in previous paper. But it was not enough to act an effect of electromagnetic induction because of a weak magnetic flux density. In this paper Halbach magnetic arrays is used for the damper in order to improve the effect. The damper consists of a cylinder, a piston, a by-pass pipe, tubes, tube couplings, electrodes, and trapezoid rare-earth magnets. A high conductive polymer fluid is filled in the cylinder, the by-pass pipe and the tube. Two electrodes are fixed inside the by-pass pipe, and faced. Eight magnets are set up as an octagonal Halbach array around the by-pass pipe, and each array units are installed in series. The magnetic field of the by-pass pipe is analyzed by FEM, and measured. The maximum magnetic flux density inside the by-pass pipe is about 0.9 T, and larger than the previous type. Resisting force characteristics of the damper acting the Lorenz force are measured when a voltage of the electrodes is applied in cross at the magnetic flux. Finally the effect of the electromagnetic induction is confirmed experimentally.
小林 哲治
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
vol.2019, 2019

<p>Recently the hardware & software technology is improved, many kinds of technologies are developed and adopted to NDT. Especially, in oversea country, the robotics technology is used positively for NDT work. The reason why these technologies are used in oversea is the convenience at first. The advantage of using robotics technology is that it can get the reliable inspection data, reduce outage time & costs for the project. And using robotics technology, it can access the location where an engineer cannot access with safety, for example, Confined spaces (Tank inside), Elevated pipes (pipes at the production facility). Additionally, other main reason is the manpower. Same as recent Japanese industrial market, the lack of manpower is big problem in oversea country. And more, the labor accident during the work at confined spaces, height location and hazardous environment is critical issue same as Japan. Although robotics technology is not perfect, the usage of robotics technology can solve many problems in the present industry. The following is example which the robotics technology is used for NDT work to do the plant maintenance.</p>
北岡 哲子 内田 博志
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
vol.2012, pp._S231013-1-_S231013-5, 2012

The relation between the subjective evaluation of "iyashi" and the characteristic parameters of the stimulus portraits is analyzed using the approach of quality engineering.20 portraits taken from classical paintings are presented to 113 subjects,and each subject is requested to answer the degree of "iyashi" felt from each portrait by three-grade evaluation.17 facial expression parameters are extracted from each portrait.The model to estimate "iyashi" degree from the expression parameters is created for each subject using the two-sided Taguchi method of quality engineering.The unit space is considered as the weighted average of the 20 portraits,and the weight vector which maximizes the SN ratio of the comprehensive estimation is obtained for each subject.As a result,it is found that among the portraits which have the maximum unit space weight(basis portrait),there exist the pictures on which many subjects concentrate.Similarly,it is found that among the expression parameters which have large SN ratio in the model equation(major expression parameter),there exist the parameters on which many subjects concentrate.As the result of applying the quantification method I to estimate the basis portrait number from the 3 major expression parameters,the multiplecorrelation coefficient is 0.83 and it is shown that a certain relation exists between the basis portrait and the major expression parameters.